Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Chambalanes With Color


signs, words, sounds, silences, images, gestures, smells or looks things we can communicate. We provide factual information, ideas, feelings, intentions, feelings or desires. The instinctive communication we express things such as hunger, fear, pain or joy. Symbolic communication connects us plenty of ideas, emotions and knowledge. The abstract communication involves mental, social and cultural. The human being is an animal capable of creating and using signs and codes. The human being is a speaking animal, symbolic. Our society calls itself the "Society of Information and Communication (SIC). Thus, telecommunications, Internet, WWW, on-line, mobile or SMS has become the standard concepts of this new form, feedback, technological and communication revolution in which we live.

Humans can choose to say something or not say it, put it one way or another. Human beings have some control and an awareness of their own communication. In the human communication natural primary or has slipped into the culture. Slip referred to the social pact, self-control of impulses, consciousness, the choice or cooperation. The communication relates to the subject with his family and their environment by ensuring the transfer and acquisition of common cultural heritage. Securing the income subject to social and symbolic world. Communication is the foundation of social life. The survival in the production of goods, the adaptation to the environment or ensuring social and economic order by values \u200b\u200band norms can be developed through the language and human communication.

With language creates a symbolic structure that organizes, classifies difference and relations of people to each other and the world around them. With the language and speech create concepts and ideas that are in the world of things, of self or others. Culture, society and human beings are largely the effect of language, "symbolic representation" and significant than has a counterpart in the actions, values, habits, behavior and emotions. The skills, knowledge, ideas, social practices, habits, behavior or values \u200b\u200bhave been transmitted from one generation to another through socialization processes by the experience of everyday life and practices of general and specific educational transmission. These processes have been used as some kind of language structure (gestural, oral, written, cryptographic ...). Any transmission of education is mediated through language. Language is the primary means by which individuals interact enabling educator and relationship education, the educational process of learning transmission is the "third element" par excellence. The whole structure of a chain transmission symbolic exchanges and communication between teacher and subject, introducing, in the latter, in a speech collective common socialized. The language is the structure and key means that values, attitudes or contents can be passed enabling the educational relationship.

sign: signifier and signified.

From Saussure, the sign is a symbolic and psychological entity two planes inseparable, like two sides of a coin. The meaning is the concept, the idea that is associated with an image or audio signal in an arbitrary manner, ie, the signifier. This structure comprises a third element, the reference, ie, the thing or reality that we refer. The sign can be just as far as it refers to something else.

The significance is a way to objectify the relationship between the two levels of the linguistic sign: signifier and signified.

From this perspective, the sign has no intrinsic value, has no properties. The value of each sign varies depending on the set of relationships established with other signs. The benchmark would be the set of things and facts about the signs which provide information. The reference is extralinguistic, while context refers to the signs in question.

The meaning of a sign can be denotative or connotative. Standard, common, general, for example a dictionary definition, the first. O particular which each speaker gives each concept, the second. The denotation trying to objectify and make conscious, the connotation is subjective, unconscious. The denotation is usually consensus (or social tax), the connotation is more fragmented, it could signal a unique meaning for a single speaker or meaning of certain groups of speakers.

Language, stigma and the verb to be.

The social discourse of the times tends to assign more symbolic and social spaces of conflict management. Classification categories are created discrediting and de-socialized (addict, addicted, dependent, marginal, troubled, misfit) and institutions and professionals of all types of production control and stigmatized individuals. If a subject is assumed, for example, that he is an "addict" (social class) that means a self-recognition and identification with denotative and connotative meanings as "sick", "irresponsible" or "social danger." Means that we assume the delegation of the delegated: personal responsibility. The subject, however, received recognition and social care: family, teachers, social workers, doctors, judges or police, grants or pensions.

assume that culture and language form, process and characterize the subjects, their bodies, their thoughts, their conscious and unconscious emotions and actions. The language creates reality, while the signifier is identified with meaning. With language we build a world of relationships with the environment. Denotative and connotative meanings create a symbolic structure that allows think, conceptualize, communicate or analyze reality in which we live. When establishing a common language educational relationship is the main link. All transmissions will be done through language. The quality of the language used influences the whole educational relationship ends and means, form and content.

With the use of the verb to be the significant award being, essence. Attributed innate qualities, intrinsic properties, "is good, bad, a lawyer, is a drug addict, is a former drug addict." It may be high or low, can be blond or brown, but can not be a teacher, doctor or drug addicts: they work or exercise of such a thing, but it is not innate, fixed and immutable. It would be correct to say that "Peter is a drug addict" if something innate, but we know the drug is something you learn in the course of life and is a situation that can change at any time. When we say that a subject is a drug addict, drug addict is addicted or is it being attributed (without foundation) a quality debunking and unchangeable. This classification represents a stigma, just use more "ex-addict" or "ex-alcoholic" where the prefix, in these cases has a load debunking moralizing, defining (and catching) the bearer to the adjective which forwards it indefinitely. The false attribution of these qualities and skills presupposes a situation of stigmatization in fact, symbolic marker, which acts as one of these forms of social penalty outside the judiciary bodies. Improper use of attributive verb be for some professionals assume an attack on the subject. Drugs, such as working as a doctor or teacher, there are issues innate, fixed and immutable, not properties, are relationships, cultural goods.

With proper use of language can make it temporary, we can raise the possibility of change, we can construct new realities and relationships. Very often a subject classified and treated as a drug addict (addicted or drug dependent) assume, integrate and identify with their denotative, connotative (ill, drug addicts, social risk, irresponsible) and the stigma and delegate some of its responsibilities in others (see Table 1).

concepts and categories used.


personal and social connotations. (Denotative / connotative)

Drug Addicts.

drug addicts.


Sick (chronic mental)




social danger






Table 1. The concepts addict, drug addicts or drug addicts have a common personal and social connotations of character stigmatizing and demeaning .

Being classified as incompetent, mentally ill or drug addicts, creates spaces that are occupied by institutions, professionals and philanthropists more. The category of "irresponsibility" historically associated with the "social risk" applied to the subjects intended to dispose of the will of the people and sets out guidelines to follow and places to occupy in the institutionalized discourse. Speech time when the power converge, the legality, morality and the scientific dogma (illegal or legal, good or bad, sick or healthy, error or truth).

slang speech.

The drugs field has characteristics that differentiate it from other educational areas, such as your slang. A slang own consumption combined with a slang own illegality. The language has its own words, their connotations and their values \u200b\u200bconstitute a whole speech: create your own reality should be reversed and interrelated to the social reality in which it arises. Some consumers use a specific jargon with which to explain a set of facts, feelings and experiences.

As noted, Vera Ocampo, the fact is not getting high enough to be accepted in certain groups and environments of drug addicts, or consumers. You need a certain code verbal, physical and consumption patterns and common behavior that express a common discourse and distinct from the dominant social discourse or discourses.

The addict slang has extensive connection with the illegal, but goes further by providing a speech in relation to pleasure, displeasure, temptation, choice, rules or limits. The jargon of "addict" has connotations of the mysterious, and phrases like "flash," travel "or" point "have a magical meaning, mythical and ideals, but we have ocultársenos dramatically. (1) The slang speech has built a different reality for another which refers incessantly.

Some features of this slang speech on consumption consists of:

- Your expertise in relation to substance and its uses, vast knowledge. (2)

- His relations with the taboo, the mythical and magical. (3)

- Address deterministic implicit acceptance of victimhood and irresponsibility.

- Slang consumption not try to hide but to exalt the sense and meaning of concepts ("flash" or "trip") but do not do it rationally.

syringe The word has a specific denotative meaning for most people and is often associated with ideas of illness, hospital or similar. There are consumers who do not use a standardized language, they use jargon ("gosh", "machine") connotations (personal and collective) and meanings associated with ideas such as pleasure, comfort, avoidance or disinhibition own consumption (See Table 2). This slang words like "flash" or "travel" have specific connotations with regard to the "enjoyment" or states of "ecstasy" have positive connotations for those who use them. Concepts are magical, mythical.



Denotative meaning

connotative meaning



" small syringe for injection."

(Del lat. "Syrinx" syringe, gr. "Syrinx, Syringa" reed, tube;

before syrinx.) Utensil way * pump, used for different applications, like putting * enemas or fill sausages.

particular, the glass, small size, which is used to make * injections.

Source: Maria Moliner, Dictionary of use of English. Ed Gredos





pain ...


" Chuta"

" Machine"


Flash, Travel,

Pico; picking

Chute, Chute, buzz

(Ecstasy, Enjoy . Placer, evasion ...


Table 2.

here exemplified subjects marked with a particular category (stigma) and partly or totally accept it, profess or fetishize (especially in language). There are also many consumers who do not accept certain classifications, and its implicit connotations, or use slang language. Consumers often do not deny their responsibilities, these consumers can not consume or negligently but not delegate responsibilities or accept paternalistic guardianship. Do not take the stigma of sick, addicted or dependent. They are people who usually solved problems independently without interference from public or state. They tend to reject interference "salvation."

In general, many slang words drug use have positive connotations for those who use them. If an individual wants to change or acquire new habits and values \u200b\u200bhave to do a language standardization effort. This idea is fundamental to have some conscious control, rational and emotional about those signs that for certain individuals act as "stimuli" direct is not always known or want to control. This language is polysemic slang, words have multiple meanings vague and very personal.

In the language of slang drug use, the context and the referent are particularly important. The context refers to the set of signs which, in a message, surrounding a particular signs.

If we accept that language creates really understand its importance as an element through which the subject is eligible for a "change of place" in the symbolic puzzle in which it coexists. If an individual wants to change their consumption habits on any drugs will be much harder if you speak and think in slang, limited, polysemic and full of positive connotations for him. It is from the communication, use and transmission of language is made, between subject and educator who was possible a set of networks, interactions and symbolic transmissions that will shape a new reality and create a new symbolic place for the circulation relations social.

The correct use of language is in itself a tacit agreement and a clear indicator of the level of understanding and adaptation of individuals to their environment. We consider it important to emphasize that the educational activity (any field) should provide the subject of knowledge, practices, values \u200b\u200band habits of communication and language of their own time. Subjects have to acquire and use a standardized language to help them communicate and interact more and better with their social environment.

(1) Vera Ocampo, E.; "Drugs, psychoanalysis and addiction" Edit. Paidos, Buenos Aires; Argentina.1988.

(2) op.

(3) op.
