Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sample Franchising Letter

Education, language, language and communication

Although many social education professionals importanciala despise or ignore the educational action in the conical areas such as language, insisting: language, language and communication will always an area of \u200b\u200bfundamental educational activity for its structural importance:

  • The use of language implies a tacit agreement. It uses a common language, explicitly or implicitly accept the use of a particular code. During childhood we learn to consciously and unconsciously all code language and communication that can adapt and interact with the environment.

  • With language you can order the world. Naming is ordered, to name things in place an order. The language serves to distinguish and classify the world and our reality.

  • language structures thought, shaping the mind, ideas, attitudes, feelings, values \u200b\u200bor behavior patterns.

  • verbal and written language are the most effective means of rational communication and awareness.

  • Language is the basic structure for the transmission of knowledge. Thanks to language can be transmitted across the cultural heritage and continue to produce new ones.

  • Language is abstract, are symbols that represent things why can generalize when we speak and can name what is absent. Humans can talk about what is before them, absent or far away in time or space. With language you can invent things or even lie.

  • Language is the fundamental code of membership and entry to the social world. The language gives an identity to individuals and the community. With language subjects identify with the values, ideas and customs of the environment. The Language precedes the subject. With language they mark a relationship with the environment.

  • The language creates reality. Everything belongs to record names of reality. What is known and understood is significant for the subjects. The reality is an abstract construction, symbolic and social.

Communication and quality of the educational relationship.

A key aspect of the educational quality of a relationship is set by the type of communication established between teacher / ra (institution) and subject, both verbal and nonverbal.

A. Verbal language.

a) Recognition of the subject. Respect and consideration at the subject.

b) symbolic place in the institution and professionals are the subjects: categories and classifications used (drug addict, addicted ...).

c) Pitch used. The tone used determines both the meaning of words and phrases and the attitudes of individuals and professionals.

d) verbal rhythm.

e) Fluency.

f) Clarity.

g) Volume.

h) Ability to dialogue.

i) synthesis capacity.

j) Capacity analysis.

B. Body language

a) Perspectives.

b) Facial Expression.

c) Position of the body.

d) movement of the head.

f) Gestures of the face, hands or body, smiles, grimaces.

g) Distance. Proximity.

h) physical contact.

communication Some factors affecting the improvement of educational quality.

  1. Education Project explicit and formalized educational contract.

  2. Content, educational activities and specific purposes.

  3. specifically educational spaces. Place.

  4. sufficient resources.

  5. Using non-stigmatizing categories.

  6. Listen actively.

  7. Let talk.

  8. Respect, consideration and recognition of the subject, attention, warmth.

  9. Empathy.

  10. Scrupulous commitment under the Social State democratic law.

  11. of professional self-imposed change.

  12. autoexigencia subject to change.

  13. Awareness freedom and responsibility for their own actions.

  14. Recognition and respect for the views and values \u200b\u200bof the subject.

  15. not judge, not making judgments on the subject. Do not criticize or devalue the subjects.

  16. not give orders.

Communication and Conflict in the educational relationship.

language and communication factors likely to influence the conflict and discomfort of the educational relationship:

  1. No educational project or contract education.

  2. No specific educational spaces.

  3. Spaces crappy, "marginal", hidden or no resources. The physical space and material in which the institution offers the subjects and / or professional indicates the value or recognition given to them.

  4. not care for the verbal and nonverbal language (concepts, pitch, rhythm, gestures, looks, etc..), Space, form and content.

  5. not listen respectfully.

  6. not recognize the subject. Denying his speech. Denying the other is murder symbolically and as a social being, is "infamy."

  7. Hide information to subjects.

  8. accuse or threaten.

  9. blackmail. Coerce.

  10. Violating rights or fundamental freedoms, dignity, privacy, information ...

  11. Sort, label, stigmatize or discredit the subject.

  12. Generalize: "Every day I say the same thing," "always do the same," "all you do it wrong "," will never change, "you never ..."," again the same ... "

  13. Magnify. Exalt ideas, values, issues or problems, "the drug is bad," "drugs kill", "war on drugs", "the scourge of drugs" "drug epidemic", "war AIDS. " The drug issue has been demonized, is a medical issue taboo of our time that embodies the evil ghosts.

  14. The low level of demand: social, institutional, professional or personal.

  15. paternalistic attitudes and childishness. Treat the subject as inferior.

  16. Judge: "shame on you", "thou hast sought."

  17. misfit Using language: neither understandable nor meaningful to subjects.

  18. the mistake of speaking in slang as the subject to approach them.

  19. Things