Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can You Apply Tyle Over A Textured Wall?

Lithográfica Assembly 2009 at the Maritime Museum of Ushuaia in cell auto_install

Rosana Martin and working in the hanging of the curtain of my cell

Anna Erman and Natalia Giacchetta

part of the installation of Andrea Fontenla

Does Ripstik Have Glow In The Dark Wheels


View of the entrance to the cell ....


Right Side

León, son of Natalia Giacchetta, plays with the photocopies that are part of the installation .

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Siam Shade Shoxx Scans

At the entrance to the Maritime Museum ..... snow!

The hostel Analy Sendon, Elena Dotta, Betiana Yungano and Andrea Fontenla.

Navigating the Beagle penguin .... ....

Giacchetta Natalia, Andrea Fontenla and Betiana Yungano at the opening .....

With Elena Dotta