Friday, June 18, 2010

Homecoming Invitations Wording

If not now, when?

. Required for political truce mediated, because the attention goes in other directions. Creole: no the usual range of cameras.
But surface water (the visible) are still, does not mean immobility. Perhaps the novelty is not going well in the field of partisan politics and his show: the multiplication of "PJ Dissidents" hit by candidates, no one knows whether inside or outside the PJ, the struggle between klepto Cobos, thief of legitimacy, and Little Richard, that if you intend one day lead this country should stop being "son of", the complainant of the hallucinatory madness Bible, and the soap opera spiteful millionaires, the political tree name, but with the soul of climbing plants, and other even less. The pretender to the papacy and its claque Dialogue.

No. It is not about them. The novelty, the current that is shaking this society is the emergence of other issues: the abortion debate, the discussion of marriage between same sex.

And arguably, the situation of children, we say it now, illegally adopted, the widow of Noble. As a test case, not as a fortuitous and isolated than an unfortunate situation.

Will some common both issues?

Why give it all now, and not another?

A possible first response goes through a few lines written word above: emergency. Metaphorically one could say that something that was submerged, invisible, emerges, suddenly becomes visible on the surface.

previously existed, but hidden underneath.

What do we mean?

Love, and partners of the same biological sex, are not new. Since there is no culture, that is, since there is division among the sexes. The assign this legal recognition is neither more nor less, respect their rights. They are pleasing or not everyone, the rights are inalienable.

similar situation occurs with abortion, which absolutely no one wants to encourage, but only to regulate, to reach that situation, not falling into the illegal and deadly business of illegal interventions, or even home, when no even able to pay illegal.

Many of these cases end in death. Absolutely preventable deaths.

That is, the need to adapt our legal framework to regulate everyday situations indeed. That is, providing a system of Justice.

These two initiatives have found an almost inquisitorial opposition in certain minorities, mostly, if While not unique, ultra-Catholic. Often argue, in relation to these points, a true militant, a sort of crusade against immorality that terrifies the scares.

abiding people tend to declare God and his laws, supportive, professing love for his family and his country, and, of course, its institutions (starting with the Holy Church).

characterizes this social group and a high average economic position, a speech tinged with Republicans but strongly tinged with xenophobia and racism (although "making friends" ...) and, above all things, a disregard for social class, economic and culturally neglected.

Exponents of individual effort, any state assistance can have no other purpose than buying loyalties.

In any case, charity is the Church, to attend "the poor."

traditions have the force of law: first, is that we are the breadbasket of the world.

interesting thing is finding that these same people are often, expressed in classical terms, tearing his hair out by the "outrage" and "humiliation" suffered by the Noble family to determine the identity of Marcela and Felipe. Suddenly, the pinnacle of Christian morality comes into contradiction, how can I, on behalf of morality and respect, hampered by all possible means, and even condemn the search for truth?

be seen what enables some people to condemn strongly as a homosexual or a therapeutic abortion at the same time, justify a possible appropriation of missing children. Is this the so called defense of the family? Is she due obedience to the myth of the impunity of the powerful? Obedience to put missing children who regulates the market where the death is also regulated market appropriations.

seem to be, in any case, the defense of a world that is collapsing.

are gradually dropping the fiction of social regulation of the market, spilling the leftovers of the rich fall on the poor, the welfare role of the Church, the need for extraordinary capital gains concentrated to to promote the famous "foreign investment", which obviously require "legal certainty" ...

Along with this, also it is becoming very clear which sectors of our society trying to maintain the status quo, and leaves forming the watershed with the other sector, which seeks to change cultural, social, political and economic.

is not, therefore, only a dispute between leaders.

It will be neither more nor less of a battle that we must also fight the common citizens, against our prejudices against deculturalization many years of national, popular and supportive. And against both

motherfucker still on the loose.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Old Marvel Comics To Read Online

"::::::::::::::: ::::: A shows the new project::::

"The cavity of trouble." Digital photo copied on leather.