Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cruising Places In Indianapolis


In explaining the causes or reasons why people are negligent behavior patterns (or not) tend to use some explanatory models that we summarize below and have been developed in the field of drugs and readjusted to other problems:

* Model ethical and civil.

people are considered adults free and responsible choices. Citizens are viewed as competent and able to decide what is best for them or not without external tutelage (or state, or professional). This model recognizes the individual as responsible and competent to decide for himself. Since this model is questioned determinism (social, genetic, natural ...) that reduces the subject of study subject.

* Models ethical and legal.

Models based on the Rule of Law In the case of drugs, the Act governs the use or not, forms and protocols. Building on assessments of moral and / or pseudoscientific prohibiting and penalizing the use of illegal drugs and consumers are defined as criminals responsible for their "addiction." The repression of supply and demand (sellers and consumers), the criminalization, punishment and social stigma of consumers are some of its main features. Police repression and imprisonment are the most common responses. This model is usually grounded in morality and in psychiatric and criminological theories dominant. Magnify and exalt the harm and the legal consequences provided for the cultivation, trade, use or possession. As for the problems with food, with the game, with the image or the Internet have not transcended the law of medical discourse, although there have been statements to compulsorily treat people defined as "anorexic."

* health or social models of health.

- Medical-psychiatric and / or pharmacological.

Defining consumption, "anorexia," the "bulimia" or "gambling" as a "physical illness and / or mental justify both the ban as" treatment "and even the obligation thereof. The subject is defined as a victim of a disease: drugs, gambling, new technologies ... as damaging agents. Are based on drugs or, in the view that the substance does to the drug user, or arguing that consumption is the effect of previous symptoms. These models have little scientific basis and epistemological, but its moral is socially and politically are widely considered an effective model of social control. The medicalization of problems social and personal services has become a common social practice. The model of health care have also generally supported, often with arguments of a biological or genetic. Its purpose is to heal and to isolate the subjects of social movement and prevent contagion (physical and moral) that another infection. The strategy used to magnify and exalt the harmful consequences of negligent use as intrinsic properties of drugs, sex, gambling or Internet. Their enforcement model is highly developed. This model considers the substance, thing or action the centerpiece of his speech to be residual devaluing the socio-cultural and at the same subject: the subject is considered as sick and irresponsible.

- Psychosocial.

H ay theories, minority, who consider the subject as active agent and liable to the consumer, contextualizing the problem between the subject and its social environment. Accept personal responsibility and civil ethics and ability to become as an agent, able to choose from. And there are theories (deterministic, behavioral), the majority, who opt for psychologizing and pathologizing the problem limited to a single disorder (or family) ignoring factors the social, historical, economic and cultural are crucial. There are psychological theories that reduce personal behavior patterns and social events, behaviors objectively verifiable and neutral, are theories that blur the subject. It is usually considered the subject as a person with problems of maturation, adaptation or development. Psychosocial stress models for health education. The information, training, therapy and self help groups focus the strategies of these models. In general, these theories avoid the analysis of socio-economic and political focus "in analyzed according to the principles that govern all conduct" .

- Bio-psycho-social.

These models define the problem as the result of biological, psychological and social. There is some institutional bias to defend these positions deterministic theories. One of the drawbacks of these theories is to determine the importance of each factor: biological, psychological, and social and personal relations responsibilities.

- Biological-genetic.

These models are based on biological or genetic determinism by defining the subject as object, meaning that the personal will and the choice of the subject have no relation to their patterns of behavior. "With food, sex and other natural stimulants, the brain rewards us with a modest release of dopamine, to learn that it is worth persisting in such behavior, says Dr Marcus Munafo, an experimental psychologist at Bristol. With nicotine or obtain alcohol far more powerful shock. " These models seek the causes reactions chemical, in the role of neurotransmitters, molecules, proteins or genes in pathogens.

* socio-cultural models.

There are theories that emphasize drug use in the type of social structure, its institutions, its laws and customs, are in favor of adult consumers consider as the principal agent in the act of consumption a society in conflict or where the structure is not equal to the sum of its parts, but much more. Also, there are theories that consider the subject (consumer, player, etc.). as a automarginals. And there are theories that consider the subject as a social victim as a patient, as an outcast, as a misfit, as a deviant or as an anomic, denying the possibility of personal responsibility in a society where everyone is in the proper place in a structure that is the result of the sum of its parts. Consumer responsibility is attributed to the social structure to the detriment of the people.

officially dominant models are a combination of the ethical-legal and socio shown to be effective in their repressive policing and social control. In practice these models and theories can be given to the preponderance of any of them over others, or we can find the combination of several of them.

Canal addiction. Model ethical and legal. [Online]. Http:// < >. [Accessed: March 2006].

Escohotado, A. (1989). History of drug (Vol. 3) . Madrid. Ed Alliance

Canal addiction. "ethical-legal model." [Online]. Http:// >. [Accessed: March 2006].

ACIPAIS. (1994). Course Master / Expert in drug addiction and AIDS. Malaga. Edit. ACIPAIS.

Canal addiction. "psychosocial approach." [Online]. Http:// < >. [Accessed: March 2006].


the day. [Online]. Http:// < >. [Published: September 15, 2005]. [Query: February 19, 2006].

the day. [Online]. Http:// < >. [Published: September 15, 2005]. [Query: February 19, 2006].

Canal addiction. "Socio-cultural model." [Online]. Http:// < >. [Accessed: March 2006].


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Inurl:i -catcher Console - Web Monitor

Many men, like children, want one thing but not its consequences "
Ortega y Gasset.

Just as there are people who use drugs and have no trouble for it, some people do not make good use and get into problems related to such misuse . The use made of one thing indicates the type of responsibility that the subject is at stake or not. In general, the person who claims to have a drug problem, it says it has a value problem (the life, dignity, self-esteem), habits, or personal responsibility for their own elections. There are millions of people who use drugs and have no problem with that. Others Instead, when you misuse can have serious health problems, relationship or otherwise. Many drug users have problems when they recognize it, define it often mirror social discourse, ie, are considered "addicts" "addicts", "dependent", "sick," "victims" and "irresponsible" which is what institutions and professionals are typically demand. As noted, Savater: "In a society in which any waiver of the freedom of individual choice is his cousin and where no attention is paid only to those who become your problem a problem of public order, getting a drug addict is a temptation and a reasonable risk strategy but not without rewards. " [1]

People who have a problem with consumption but not shirk their responsibilities do not usually have great difficulties to resolve it. In essence, the drug issue is a matter of choice and personal freedom, if prohibiting the use also prohibition to be free. The problem occurs when the choice is made without basic knowledge in the most adverse conditions (underground, inadequate doses, impurities, harmful forms of administration, stress, ...), police chase that is, with the ban. [2]

In our experience we have seen people Consumer biographies of ten, fifteen or twenty years that continued to consume drogas mientras intentaban dejar de consumir en algún centro. Hemos visto personas que dejaban de consumir de un día para otro en el primer, segundo o tercer intento. Otras tardan meses en dejar su hábito de consumo, otras tardan años, cada caso es único. Hemos comprobado que hay personas que no quieren dejar las drogas ni hacer un uso razonable y, también, hemos visto personas que consumen drogas y que no tienen ningún problema porque el uso que hacen no es negligente. Y, cómo no, personas que desean morirse consumiendo drogas. Pero conviene no olvidar que sólo un porcentaje muy bajo de las personas que usan una droga acaban teniendo serios problemas con ella a lo largo del tiempo. [3] Most adults, as they are responsible for their own lives, they know to the extent necessary for their welfare is not damaged. The saying that "there are none so blind as those who will not see" the same happens when a person takes a drug that does not leave, shall be compelled by force or coercion, but that is not to educate or cure .

A socio-educational assessment drug on the conflict presented as fundamental ways in which person and environment interact, the symbolic place that deals drugs on the one hand, and places both (person and environment) took the other. In our practice and our analysis we have not seen problems with "addiction" or "dependency", but laws and unjust, cruel and criminal, on the one hand, and relations and elections, on the other. Mental illness (substance abuse, addiction or dependence) is produced by legal institutions and medical-psychiatric and are marked by a punitive and social control. When the subject is free can be responsible, when you have self-respect, self esteem, when it is able to analyze and understand their way of relating to things or take responsibility for his acts, drugs (gambling, food, sex, image) is no longer the embodiment of "necessary" and loses its magical attraction. Even the careless consumption generally refers to a position of the subject, the subject is a response to their environment, a conflict (language, identity, relationships, ...). Drug gives pleasure, escape, disinhibition, provides some "solution" to the subject. "And any resolution of that disagreement by illusory consciousness of reality with the ideal should resonate even in the depths of the imaginary knot narcissistic suicidal aggression. Furthermore, the illusion of appearances in which the organic conditions of intoxication, for example, can play its part, requires the consent of the elusive freedom ... ". [4]

When the negligent use of a drug leads to problems with family, health, labor or justice is often invoked the spirit of the disease, as the evil to be exorcised. Unreasonable or negligent consumption of drugs can not be cured because it is not a disease itself. Institutional cures in our area generally consist of either abstinence in force or in force a change in drugs, illegal legal. Heroin, cocaine and cannabis are switched to methadone, benzodiazepines or other. These widespread practices affecting the health, dignity and rights of citizens are cheated by the political institutions and professionals.

Drug use is a personal conflict, a contradiction, when a person decides to take responsibility negligent, if the person violates his own dignity and welfare, when it reflects an obvious lack of self esteem : when a person loses self-respect. In any case, the drug is not the problem, it's just a sign. The meaning is given by the professional and institutional discourse. But overcoming the problematic use of drugs, too, is a question of will: love is power, to a large extent, but if you want is impossible.

From an educational perspective the drug problem is a conflict of relations between institutions and individuals. Ethical conflict, civil and legal, personal dignity, self esteem, habits, the value that is given or not to life, rights, freedoms, choices and responsibilities. The consumption rate indicates how the individual relates to himself, with the rules and with their environment, profit and loss. Conflict that has to do with how the institutions involved, create, reduce or expand the conflict, the rights and freedoms.

social education from the "drug problem" in an individual perspective refers to one of values, habits, relationships and choices, not "units" refers to the ability of citizens for autonomy and personal independence. The person who has his life as a self-value and has hardly jeopardize your personal or social welfare with a negligent use of the drug. People who take their responsibilities hardly threaten their dignity, their health or their own life with a drug misuse.

[1] Savater, Fernando, "The clinical condition" ; magazine "Keys of practical reason", No. 1, 1989.

[2] op.

[3] notched, Antonio; History of drugs (3). Ed Alliance 1989.

[4] Jacques Lacan, quoted by Vera Ocampo, E. "Drugs, psychoanalysis and addiction" Edit. Paidos, Buenos Aires; Argentina.1988.
