Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Installing Front License Plate Holder 2010 Civic


few days ago a six became the center of U.S. attention and even some news from Mexico, because they thought he was alone in a balloon. The scenes of helium balloon drifting were broadcast live until it slowly descended to earth. Once on the ground and then verified that the child was not on the globe "coincidentally" moments after the boy was found safe at home, hidden in a cardboard box in the attic of the garage. Http://eleconomista.com.mx/notas-online/internacional/2009/10/16/nino-globo-entre-farsa-casualidad

In one interview after the family made the boy said he felt sick and vomited http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI6UONWCq7A&feature=player_embedded . This, after being asked what was meant when he said that previously "we did this for a show." Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXmWirIkvak

The body of the child vomits, and thus avoid having to answer the question of the interviewer. Who we are dedicated to psychological counseling know that the body usually express what is not expressed in words. The body speaks when words do not. The existence of enuresis, encopresis, symptoms, anorexia and bulimia are among a wide variety of cases, example.

psychological counseling in nausea, laughter, crying, vomiting usually occur as reactions in the body that show a difficulty to cope with a situation that is unveiled. A situation like symptoms should bespeak for the person to take a place in this regard.

This overlap between the body and the language was addressed, among others, by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan who formulated the theory of the two bodies, indicating the existence of a body and a body symbolic body. The effect of language the subject incorporates significant, implying a loss of nature, a humanization of the subject. The body therefore body undergoes a transformation product of significant action, and becomes instinctual body. Moreover, there is always a real rest of the body, which bypasses the action of the signifier, by the action of the word.

Ignorance of this overlap, between word and body, causes it to consider matching a child to throw up a question that can guide the fate of his family, and also generates a zero understanding for school children attending preschool primary or the teachers. Even lot the children called "learning disabilities" that is often referred to with astonishing ease to children who do not fit the requirements of the teacher and / or school often end up accepting, along with the family, this diagnosis is usually after unfortunately accompany having a learning disability. Valga

the previous paragraph to remind many children with whom was a student of psychology degree integrate the first course for capacity development in gifted children UdeG and institutions who realized that learning to teach.


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