Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Colour Walls To Sell House

Hope, affections, recovery ...

In Esther's blog and Caesar, Jumping Walls, we find a great input on the recent XV Annual Course on Schizophrenia held in Madrid by Dr. González de Chávez. We want to emphasize a word of that entry, we take advantage to our title: elements that were repeated endlessly in almost all the papers: hope, expectation-integration-affects-link-recovery-self-attachment, security, etc ...

We think it's worth reading and is very in line with our thinking as we try to reflect in a previous post on Radio Nicosia. Returning to talk about this project, we continue to highlight our admiration for it and the protagonists I started and then have kept over the years. No doubt it is worth listening, reading and respect his words, perhaps more authoritative than others to speak of madness, because they have been there ...

Although we are probably not appropriate to say. We are mental health professionals and the fact that we recommend and admire the draft Radio Nicosia fear that sound like some sort of approval from a position of authority, which makes a number of people diagnosed . Nothing is further from our intention. We therefore believe that the best thing is that you will hear and you read them ... to reach to respect and perhaps admire them for what they have achieved despite all difficulties.

His official website:

His forum:

And after collecting voices that speak from the madness , we also review work that has impressed us deeply and has given us a great understanding of different facts and different people. This is the Doctoral Thesis of Martin Correa Urquiza, an anthropologist and participant in the experience of Radio Nicosia since its inception, entitled Radio Nicosia: Rise of lay wisdom (other practices, other territories for the madness) . believe that reading is today and as they walk psychiatry and mental health, is simply essential. To understand and do.

recognize that it is long (in fact, very long) but it probably takes less time to read it than take a plane, take off to some remote place to eat more or less exotic dishes and try to not rest on any educational presentation of a novel drug absolutely revolutionary and (at least for the duration of the patent).

Well yourselves ...


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