Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Broken Capillaries In Infants

We know that this entry will like (or not)

a while ago, talking to a person who started work on our discipline, left the issue of depot neuroleptics (it's true that they have increasingly cool names, but is a neuroleptic neuroleptic and depot is a depot, what you call it). Our correspondent said that the use of deposit these drugs had the obvious advantage of ensuring compliance . Nice. But, as we break some illusions and because we know that kings are the parents, I said yes, which effectively ensures compliance, but only for two weeks. Then the performance will be as the patient wants.

The fact is that many times we use medications to deposit precisely because we believe in ensuring compliance. And, in our opinion, is something wholly correct in many cases where the patient prefers well, take less medication by oral or convenience of administration. But we think it should be taken into account the patient's opinion on an issue that concerns him so directly. And it appears that we understand that sometimes it is necessary to administer medication even against the patient's opinion, at the time of a flare that requires involuntary admission to control anxiety and psychotic phenomena that cause. But forcing a stable patient psychopathologically preferred oral medication to prick a depot (or vice versa), it seems, apart from subtle, somewhat fascist.

But despite saying that you can go the opposite, as Scientists have interests and we like things as proven possible, we feel uneasy at the fact of not knowing the different studies comparing depot medications. As always, if any of our dear readers know of such a study and would enable us, we would be very grateful. Because we would hope to have proven through good randomized double-blind study the benefits of risperidone injection ( risperdal consists ) versus zuclopenthixol depot ( Cisordinol / CLOPIXOL ) or fluphenazine decanoate ( Modecate ), for example. For (almost) everyone says it is better but, hobbies of the scientific method, we would like something a little more, how to say ... based on more than opinions and discussions with visitors. Because we would like to know exactly the advantages of risperdal consists and, incidentally, if these benefits are clinically relevant for the patient to justify the price difference.

Recalling a previous post , the price per patient per month of risperdal consists of 100 mg every two weeks is 800 euros, that of zuclopenthixol two vials every two days is 33 euros and Modecate that of two ampoules every fifteen days, 6 Euros. Not to be demagogic (well, just a little), but considering everything out of the box of common public money, we ask whether the patient would not prefer to be one of the two flights and pass some of the money saved your pension or payment of rehabilitation devices, supervised apartments and perhaps more useful things. Because if we can not pay for everything (and taking into account that money is not only infinite but is tending to acabársenos) would like to know how to prioritize a bit.

The case is not aware of studies that compare typical depot neuroleptic with atypical, so far is only the RISPERDAL CONSTA. But we have found an interesting study on the drug, published recently in the New England Journal of Medicine ( going, silly magazine, we can dispense with a dismissive gesture if we do not like what the article said. .. ). This was a randomized, double-blind study comparing a group of schizophrenic and schizoaffective patients treated with RISPERDAL CONSTA, another oral antipsychotic medication group of different types. Give us verbatim (and kindly translated) findings:

The long-acting injectable risperidone duration was not superior to oral therapy chosen by the psychiatrists in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, who had been hospitalized or near the hospital, and also associated with more adverse effects in terms of damage to the injection site and extrapyramidal effects.

Wonderful. So, it's more expensive (remember that oral risperidone to 12 mg / d worth 150 euros) is not superior in symptoms, quality of life or function, and last but not least, causes more extrapyramidal side effects (not to mention the lesions on the buttocks or, if we care about the patient's dignity in deltoides). Really great.

But at this point, let us pause. When we compare the prices of these antipsychotics, we chose these doses (12 mg / d of oral risperidone, 100 mg/14 days intramuscularly) because they are the maximum doses used in our environment. Or so we thought when we wrote that entry, because then we have learned that some fellow, no doubt with more ability to manage psychotropic drugs, come with some frequency at doses of 150 mg/14 days of RISPERDAL CONSTA ( Update price per patient per month: EUR 1200 which is not bad for people who earn less than 400 pension ). It is striking It seems that one is more scientific biologist and the greater the dose used, the greater the amount of antipsychotic drugs together increased the amount of other medications that also requires, in the same patient.

But we assaulted a small but terrible question: do we really know what the recommended maximum sheet?. Because it is true that a doctor can prescribe higher doses of these if you think, preferably based on studies that will be better for clinical outcome. But it is also true that, beyond these maximum doses, the drug's safety is lower and the possibility of side effects More frequent and severe there. Let's look at the technical, easily accessible on the Internet:

oral Risperdal : doses above 10 mg / day have not proved more effective than lower doses, and may increase the incidence extrapyramidal symptoms. Since it has not been evaluated for safety to higher doses of 16 mg / day, doses should not be used above this level. Sheet as of February 2009.

Risperdal has : For most patients the recommended dose is 25 mg every two weeks intramuscularly. Some patients may benefit from higher doses of 37.5 mg or 50 mg. [...] In clinical trials, there was no additional benefit at doses of 75 mg. Not recommended higher doses of 50 mg every two weeks. Factsheet updated in November 2009.

We were, excuse the technicality flipped.


Risperdal has : For most patients the recommended dose is 25 mg every two weeks intramuscularly. Some patients may benefit from higher doses of 37.5 mg or 50 mg. [...] In trials clinical, no additional benefit was observed at doses of 75 mg. not recommend higher doses of 50 mg every two weeks. Factsheet updated in November 2009.

And we wonder: Are all those patients who are at doses of 100 or 150 mg could not perhaps have been with 50 mg?.

And also: when a patient takes 100 mg of intramuscular and also 12 mg of oral risperidone how much you have in your body?

hope, as we said before, do not accuse us of scaremongering. All this information is readily accessible on the internet and we believe legitimate and almost necessary, ask the questions that we are doing to improve our clinical practice. As we believe a patient's right to know the information available about the drugs they prescribe.

Returning to the question of dose is also the easy way out and witty type studies is that they are Americans and they use very low doses because they have fewer receptors, ha, ha, ha ... Grace messing with the Americans is very handy, and we have practiced for years like this and other issues, but something we stop to ponder why in the Schizophrenic patients is stable together with 12.5 mg every two weeks of intramuscular risperidone and in this country south of the Pyrenees (natural border of Europe, as everyone knows) we use in most patients 100 mg. And we wonder how we can distinguish patients who would respond to 12.5 mg if you have already put 100 ...

Finally, questions the wind ... The truth is that there are more important, because soon, soon, soon ... ( drumroll) ... We will have between us xeplion ! (To be clear, INVEGA depot), the expiration of the patent consists of on the horizon already. And we say (well, we do not) it's great, superb, the final antipsychotic ... (Well, until its patent expires in turn) and, furthermore, that can be given once a month and that is the height of comfort for the patient (and it will preserve its dignity, because you prick shoulder, not ass, teach that a nurse's ass really is undignified and stigmatizing). And, as today we are inquisitive, we also want to know how much public money will cost the great advantage of monthly injection ...

And you'll see as the risperdal has, so now seems wonderful to all, begins to stop as prescribed xeplion out the brand new, without any studies that compare.

But it will, as always, for the sake of patient.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why Is My Vision Cloudy After Cataract Surgery?

Entering politics ...

One of our favorite blogs is called Psychopharmacology Institute. We find impressive outreach and scientific criticism that the authors carried out Pol Yanguas Emilio and Francisco Martinez Granados . The truth is that there are so many entries that we consider absolutely essential that we do not recommend any in particular. You have to read and frequent this blog, which gathers original research papers, articles and book chapters translated, all under the concern for the rational prescription of psychotropic drugs, from the point of view of the critical dose abuse and polimedicaciones without any empirical basis. I said: a blog essential.

Recently, one of the authors of this blog made an interesting comment on an entry ours, we gather here, "We usually all responsibility the industry of many evils, and we're right, but lately I prefer to think that "the greater evil is the weakness of health systems. If our health system had strength, had the elements you need to have to act with sensitivity analysis, we simply do not worry about the pharmaceutical industry, because it could not do many of the things that allow you to do. The focus of the debate must be to be moved to the weakness of our system. Drug consumption in an irrational and lacking in security can not depend on a clinician is more or less sensitive to sustainability the system can not depend on this . "We felt successful and relevant commentary (as we have ever said, not everything is going to be to rock the pharmaceutical industry ), and in that sense we answered. But we that the issue deserves a full entry to make clear our position.
So for that matter.

believe that the government in this country, starting with the Ministry of Health and following the most autonomous health service, with honorable exceptions, carry out an unfortunate neglect of duties in different areas:

The pharmacological research has been completely in the hands of private pharmaceutical companies, whose objectives are first and as is evident in a market capitalist logic of profit. This leads to no research on diseases of poor countries, that prevail over medication long-term maintenance and not curative, to persist in drug known lines too I dare not open new lines, more risky in terms of business, but potentially source de descubrimientos nuevos, etc.

La formación continuada del personal sanitario ha quedado también de forma casi absoluta en manos de las mismas empresas farmacéuticas, que deciden así cuáles son las líneas de investigación y avance teórico que florecen y cuáles quedan relegadas casi a la clandestinidad. Y no son inocentes en ello las asociaciones profesionales y otros colectivos con intereses formativos que establecen precios de inscripción para sus actividades absolutamente prohibitivos sino va uno pagado por las mismas empresas que comercializan los fármacos que se anuncian en tales eventos y que luego el médico prueba a ver how about , giving the impression that goes well (and passing at the same time backing any assessment of the placebo effect or observer bias, if one puts the edge, to see how you're going to Honolulu. ..).

The administration also systematically practiced an obvious hypocrisy approves public funding (which in the case of psychiatric drugs, most of the time is almost the full value of the product in question) for certain products with studies showing efficacy against placebo ... but not to existing drugs, cheaper and more popular (or, which is the same: more insurance). And I approve: more expensive, less safe because of ignorance, wildly sponsored guests, lectures, gifts, conferences ... And then, and here comes the hypocrisy, public administrations in documents that discuss various pharmaceutical products, we recommend that prescribers do not prescribe. Cojo. Well then, why do you fiancian (with our money, do not forget)?. Because we agree that the State, especially in these times, you can not pay for everything. In fact, our glasses and our fillings we pay to us. And, if we had no money to pay, we would be farsighted and caries, but the state would not comprárnoslos.

And in this vein, recently the Ministry of Health of the Galician regional government approved a list of available drugs to be prescribed in the Community. The list included all active, but left only prescribe cheaper presentations, we assume that essentially generic. And in an economy measure as sensible as that, the Health Ministry itself is up in arms, arguing that freedom is under attack limitation (will prescribe the coolest visitor mark, because active ingredients could prescribe all) and the fairness of the system (ie, that equity is that if you send the expensive brand in Asturias, Galicia can not save the generic cheap though, as we should already know , no differences in either efficacy or safety, equity must be squandering money equally in all communities).

We say in this connection that the Medical College (which is not very saint of our devotion to his usual corporatist policy and its not very striking concern by public health) has written an admirable document we can read the entire here. We quote a few paragraphs:

" Freedom of limitations is based on the physician's ability to prescribe a particular substance or its therapeutic equivalent, not whether to have a trade name or other. [.. .] Freedom of limitations also entails taking into account the economic aspects of medical decisions. The doctor can not forget that the resources are paid the requirements belong to the whole society. It is therefore particularly liable to prescribe with economic rationality and good sense. It is unacceptable deontologically prescription drugs higher price when their effectiveness is identical to that of other lower cost .

Clarito, clearly.

Well, now going our immediate environment, we say that we find it regrettable management Canary Islands Health Service on this issue. It is true that there is a service Control and Rational Drug Use , which provides freely accessible publications of interest. But the moment of truth, it downloads all the prescribers responsibility to control the excessive expenditure on health (and, obviously, as prescribers that's one of our responsibilities), but the Canary Islands Health Service itself do something about it. The last straw was the publication in the Official Journal of Canary a series of conservation measures, given the terrible situation of economic crisis and rampant unemployment that exists in the islands. The decree in question, apart from measures that we liked a little like going to charge less for our hours of duty, leaving to have free parking, lost days of the agreement, etc. (Not go into the relevance or justification of such measures or not, but obviously we did not like), including (by finally) clear measures of health cost containment:

" In order to rationalize public spending on the prescription and use of drugs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Canary Islands, that the requirement is prioritized of drugs by doctors of the Canary Islands Health Service or centers with the Canary Islands Health Service, is carried out by identifying the active ingredient in the prescription official. "

" In order to rationalize the prescription and use of drugs, medical devices, effects and accessories and reducing expenditure on medicines, the doctors of the Canary Islands Health Service, as well as the centers with the Canary Islands Health Service, shall ensure that the requirement to carry out whatever it costs less to generate the Autonomous Community Canarias. To do this, those involving the treatment groups increased spending in the pharmaceutical bill is set by the body that determine the active ingredients, having the same or equally effective alternative therapy involving the most economical. If the patient's clinical circumstances is not possible the prescription of these active principles, will require that the physician prepare a supplementary medical report setting out the reasons justifying the prescription clinical .

this decree was supposed to came into force on January 1, 2011. We're running in March and we already have convention at days and we have no free parking, but no reports that have forced people to prescribe by substance (I do, but on a strictly voluntary basis and agree to be listed in that regard as the ultimate fan service ). We have no evidence that any competent body has made that list of active ingredients, but since then, competent body or not, nobody has sent doctors to the Canary Islands Health Service list of similar characteristics.

What we understood: we are totally in favor of forcing to prescribe by active. Only from interest away from the public for which (supposedly) work that can be understood as an attack on freedom of prescription (do not tell ourselves, says the Medical College). But not enough to make a good law. It is necessary to enforce compliance. And that, once again, our governments neglect to make functions. It's been three months and continue to squander the money of all.

Lords of the Canary Islands (including government), please make a damn time to apply the decree made yourself. You are responsible for managing it effectively and decent, but it is our money that is lost.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Private Sale Tax Trailers Ontario

construction and deconstruction: the hysterical psychosis

, wanted to title the entry On the nonexistence of hysterical psychosis but even to us, it seemed too pretentious paraphrase Jean Pierre Falret and In the absence of monomania. Falret was the undertaker of the paradigm of mental alinación and, in turn, lighter mental illness which, structural vagaries aside, we still dominates (and the choice of this verb, like any Lacanian would tell you it is no accident) . Finally, in any case and as I said Ende, that's another story, and must be told another time. We chose also not without some pretension, put in the title the issue of a construction diagnosis and our, humble attempt deconstruction of it.

Focusing on the topic at hand, hysterical psychosis has led and is still a challenge to nosological level intractable. Has been defined as an apparent psychosis is not so, in relation to neurotic personality structures, in particular, hysterical. It is common, and we use it extensively in the past, the analogy between epilepsy and converting pseudoconvulsivas crisis on the one hand, and acute psychosis and psychotic hysterical, on the other. We said a few years ago, with the audacity that gives not know much but believe that they know (not like now, every time we have more than this how little we really know, and not just referring to us) that, in the same way pseudoconvulsiva converting a crisis is a simulation unconscious of epilepsy, hysterical psychosis would be a simulation unconscious of psychosis. Even leaving aside the issue of conscious non finalists simulations, such as Munchausen, which would be subject to separate consideration, this analogy is epistemologically tricky.

And it is because we have means to know when we are so accurate with epilepsy (EEG, for example), but we have no way of knowing in an equally accurate when we have a psychosis. That is, we have the clinic, of course, but this is subjective and ever comment, and therefore can not distinguish a clinic really other psychotic apparently psychotic. Or, at least can not distinguish between reality and appearance of an objective and doubt among observers. And hence the peculiar diagnostic concordance between different professionals often have diagnoses such as psychotic hysteria or, more modern (or, in other words, a much less interesting) dissociative disorder.

time ago, wrote an article in the Journal of the NEA, which dealt with the issue of diagnosis difference between acute psychosis and hysterical psychosis, which can read entire here. We will collect some fragments of the literature review we did on that occasion, to conclude then with our current view of the subject (in case you had not you noticed, this entry itself is long).

The Treaty of Psychiatry of Eugen Bleuler (German edition 1960 of Manfred Bleuler ) takes a particular stance to the issue: part cross a diagnosis of schizophrenia based on the primary symptoms of lassitude associative, affective disorder, ambivalence and autism. This approach allows the inclusion cross within the group of schizophrenias of acute psychotic episodes with complete healing, ie what would now consider acute psychotic disorders, according to the ICD-10. This extension of the concept of schizophrenia in comparison with the narrowest of Kraepelin , which required the presence of a longitudinal decline implies an improvement in the forecast, but partially lost the ability to differentiate between acute psychosis and schizophrenia.

Moreover, in the chapter on hysteria, Bleuler speaks of so-called hysterical twilight states in which appears disoriented, delusional ideas seemingly mystical theme, paranoid, sexual or otherwise, acute confusional or hallucinatory states, with a predominance of visual hallucinations. This may occur with intense anxiety or not. Other related syndromes which includes this author would be the childishness hysterical states of stupor or state of vagrancy. In describing these tables is illustrated with identity today called dissociative disorders according to the use classifications, fleeing the term "hysteria" as if ignoring it disappeared. There also seems difficult to see these hysterical twilight states patients who are diagnosed with psychosis often hysterical.

We especially interesting comment which Bleuler on the difficulty of differential diagnosis between schizophrenia (where as we saw, this author also brings to the tables with acute psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia) and certain type hysterical phenomena: " acute psychogenic states, for example, hysterical twilight states can be defined almost always to the schizophrenia due to be easier to explain psychologically, its an emotional attachment to a particular elemental or tendency demonstration of their dependence on the spectators or participants. See also arise acute psychosis, consecutive to trauma [...], who adopt a schizophrenic symptoms at all, and yet heal quickly with psychotherapy ("schizophrenic reactions"). We do not know clearly whether in such cases it is a purely psychogenic disorder, which only maintains an outward resemblance to schizophrenia, or whether it is a psychological reaction to a latent schizophrenia or schizophrenia triggered psychologically. Only there will be agreement on all these problems when they have clarified the essence of schizophrenia and the extent to which psychological understanding is likely . "

Vallejo-Nagera , in his famous manual Introduction to Psychiatry (Edition 1971) does not directly address the issue. Describe the hysteria and, within it mentions the psychogenic twilight states, which differs from all the dissociative disorders, which includes amnesia, leakage and multiple personality, not making a specific reference to the pictures that we consider in clinical practice as hysterical psychosis. Concerning psychotic disorders, mentioned various types of organic cause acute psychosis, including calls exogenous psychosis (delirium, twilight state exogenous), but within of the syndromes called endogenous only takes into account the schizophrenic psychosis and paranoia with related paintings, not to mention what we consider acute psychotic disorders.

Henri Ey, where Treaty of Psychiatry (eighth edition, 1978) ; divides characteristically mental pathology in acute and chronic. Book a full chapter to address the issue of what he calls "psychosis acute delirium, "considering that are characterized by the sudden emergence of a transient delirium usually polymorphic in their tracks and demonstrations. Hey points out the difficulty in framing nosologically these pictures, even having been denied by some authors as we saw previously with Bleuler, who assimilated into the concept of schizophrenia. Bumke, for their part, framed in atypical manic crisis in psychoses confusooníricas Régis. Henri Ey gives a detailed historical review of the concept: Magnan described these psychosis with delusions bouffe name of the degenerate, indicating that the "explosion" occurs on a delusional certain bias (the notion of degeneration). These forms were described as acute delirium acute paranoia (Westphal), episodic twilight states (Kleist) or oniroides (Mayer-Gross), paranoid reaction, delusion of persecution cured, etc.. Largely correspond to the descriptions of primary delusional experience Jaspers, the severe conditions of mental automatism Clérambault and the concept of acute schizophrenia in different authors.

Ey says differently depending on the "mechanism" prevalent delirium: imaginative, interpretive and hallucinatory. As the forecast says that while it may be isolated incidents, always weigh the threat of a recurrence and a risk of progression to schizophrenia or chronic delusion. It is striking that among the factors of good prognosis include the suddenness of delirium, its wealth of imagination, consciousness disorders, neurotic background (mostly hysterical), dramatizing theatrical experience delusional or shortness of crisis. Most of these factors remind us of the typical characteristics of psychoses hysterical, suggesting the difficulty in clearly separating the nosologically of acute psychotic symptoms of those, confusion seems to persist to this day.

As hysterical psychosis itself, Hey do not talk about them directly. Referred to within the so-called acute neurotic reactions or emotional psychoneurosis "to crises and histeroansiosas confusoansiosas, which he describes as acute crisis triggered panic before a shock emotional, accompanied by varying degrees of stupor, agitation, or mental confusion, which may be what many authors call, as we have seen previously, psychogenic twilight states and could be roughly equivalent to the aforementioned hysterical psychosis. The difficulty increases when Ey designated as one of the possible complications of these states of distress the evolution of a psychosis, including schizophrenia-like sometimes. Also in his chapter on hysteria mentions the hysterical twilight states and second states, as states of trance, with impairment of consciousness vigil starting and ending abrupt and sometimes with the presence of dream-like visual hallucinations. Is clear overlap between these states and described hysteria in acute neurotic reactions.

Kaplan and Sadock in the 1989 edition of his Textbook of psychiatry take a different position to that of Ey. Little attention is given to acute delusional psychoses, except in a chapter devoted to "rare psychiatric disorders, atypical psychoses and brief reactive psychosis" which presents a series of pictures with few points in common, Ganser syndrome, folie à deux, the disease of Gilles de la Tourette, Cotard syndrome, Munchausen syndrome, the Amok, the Koro, etc. Most striking is the description of the brief reactive psychosis and psychotic symptoms preceded by stressful life events, acute and florid symptoms and good prognosis. The patient has lost touch with reality and has hallucinations, delusions, formal thought disorders and aberrant behaviors can be dangerous to himself or others. Kaplan says that this disorder has been called before acute schizophrenic disorder, schizoaffective disorder, catatonic and paranoid schizophrenia, psychotic affective disorder or atypical psychosis. And, absolutely clear, equals the disorder with hysterical psychosis, that is, for Kaplan the brief reactive psychotic symptoms are the same entity as hysterical psychosis, rejecting the concept of acute delirious psychosis in the sense and not to mention Ey own psychogenic twilight states of hysteria (yes says other dissociative disorders such as amnesia, fugues, multiple personality, etc..). Recommended for these disorders, symptomatic treatment with antipsychotics and follow up with psychotherapy, noting that its duration is usually less than a week.

The WHO published in 1992 tenth revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10 ) , referring to the mental and behavioral disorders. Is this the nosological system used at present in our environment and presents a position on the problem that we studied clearly different from that seen in Kaplan. The ICD-10 recognizes the existence of acute and transient psychotic disorders such as pictures of its own. These tables can appear or not as stress-related and are classified as acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with or without symptoms of schizophrenia (which include delusions and the controversial bouffe cycloid psychoses), acute psychotic disorder or schizophrenia-like (including acute schizophrenias schizophreniform disorder), and residual categories. One of these is the "other acute psychotic disorder with delusions dominance," where they can accommodate paranoid reactions and psychogenic paranoid psychosis, the latter table whose name appears near the contentious and difficult to locate hysterical psychosis. Other categories waste is "acute and transient psychotic disorder not specified" in which, without explanation added, it includes brief reactive psychosis, table, as we saw, the 1989 edition of Kaplan assimilated hysterical psychosis.

Moreover, the issue is again complicated (even more) if you look at the classification does the ICD-10 dissociative disorders. In the introduction to this group and states that are included hysterical psychoses in it, but then they are not mentioned by that name in any of the paragraphs, but in the "other dissociative disorders (conversion) specified" includes Psychogenic confusion Psychogenic twilight state and, pictures that seem to have over a great similarity literature, if not identity, with hysterical psychosis. Therefore, although the ICD is clearly in place these in dissociative disorders rather than psychotic, lets mention in the last of conditions, at least, an important reminder of hysterical psychosis.

For its part, the DSM-IV-TR (2000) of the APA describes brief psychotic disorder, requiring less than one month (between one and six months would be diagnosed schizophreniform disorder), which can occur with or without triggering serious. If any such trigger, the table is considered identical with brief reactive psychosis in DSM-III-R, which was defined by Kaplan box (1989) as synonymous with hysterical psychosis. The differential diagnosis of the DSM-IV-TR provides for brief psychotic disorder not mention dissociative disorders. The DSM category for these dissociative disorders is similar to that described in ICD-10, except that leaves excluding conversion disorder, but there is no explicit reference to the hysterical psychosis. In the category of the DSM for conversion disorder (within the somatoform disorders) comments on the possibility that hallucinations occur in these disorders, but without the presence of other psychotic symptoms and keeping intact the sense of reality. Again appears, at least in part, hysterical psychosis, not being clearly not classified DSM-IV-TR, or at least not as a unitary framework defined.

Ruiloba Vallejo, in the fifth edition of its manual Introduction to Psychopathology and Psychiatry (2002) does not devote a chapter to the acute psychotic disorders, although mentioned in the existence of schizophrenia schizophreniform disorder and brief reactive psychosis, but without stopping to describe them. Moreover, in the chapter describes the state of hysteria seconds, Ey considered similar (but not identical) to psychogenic twilight states as equivalent to dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality. Then also said the existence of what he calls acute dissociative states, which includes the Ganser syndrome, twilight state and amnesia and hallucinatory states, but describing only the first. One could assume that would be hysterical psychosis framed here, but then again you lose your drive, put forward by other authors, with brief reactive psychosis.

The Synopsis of Psychiatry of Kaplan-Sadock, 2003 strictly follows the criteria of DSM-IV-TR, but acknowledges that brief psychotic disorder contained in this classification includes patients who were previously diagnosed with reactive psychosis, hysterical, and psychogenic stress. It also considers the condition as similar to what the French call psychiatry bouffée delusional. Moreover, in the section of dissociative disorders is not any mention of hysterical psychosis or psychogenic twilight states, although the Ganser syndrome. Nor is there any reference in the chapter on conversion disorder.

After this review of some of the authors and major classification systems in psychiatry in recent decades, The conclusion we draw is that there are major disputes are far from being clarified. The concept of hysterical psychosis is very problematic and not clearly defined, placing both in acute psychotic disorders such as dissociative disorders, and sometimes simultaneously in one section to another. We have seen that determine nature and classification of acute psychotic disorders is not easy, and there is very different and sometimes conflicting according to the author to address the issue. Nor is there a unified idea about the explanation and scope of the dissociative disorders. Probably influences the difficulty of nosological framework that the concept we call hysterical psychosis varies greatly from one author to another and rely heavily on the subjectivity of each clinician. It is possible to hypothesize the existence of a continuum between psychotic pole (which would be almost indistinguishable from acute psychosis) and dissociation, as is often difficult to locate other disorders at qualifier, although this hypothesis remains a mental construct, like many others, without clear empirical support.

Not to comment here, since it would deviate from the topic, how today are forgotten these acute psychosis designed to cure even before the neuroleptic era, for the benefit of conceptualizing psychopathology all this first episode of schizophrenia, with the stigmatic that entails, as well as chronicity and prognosis negative. And with such a diagnosis of first episode (and we know that language is not innocent, we and all professionals, family and patient, waiting for the arrival of a second), the possible cure which often ended classical acute psychoses easily attributed to concomitant medication, with which it will continue to manage for a considerable time, who knows if undefined, you may not need (but at great cost and with side effects that we know).

And as hysterical psychosis, what end? We have no idea whether such a construct actually exists. Or, to avoid falling into essentialism of any fur, we have no idea if there really are patients with hysterical psychosis are different from those suffering from acute psychosis. Perhaps in some cases wrong simulators (conscious) with patients. Or certain (mis) handling of negative countertransference ultimately lead to diagnoses that continue to be derogatory, as anyone who runs with the adjective hysterical.

Moreover, beyond notions of truth and falsehood , and focusing on issues of utility and futility , can we really say that this differential diagnosis is of any use? The prognosis (if we call first to what should be called acute ) is similar, since both tend to resolution pictures and, sometimes, to relapse. Treatment is also similar, as antipsychotics tend to be used in both cases, reducing anxiety, insomnia, calm, perhaps the most striking symptoms reduce delusional or hallucinatory ... Y el abordaje psicoterapéutico debe ser de contención y apoyo en ambos. Por otra parte, el diagnóstico de psicosis histérica conlleva, para qué engañarnos, una carga peyorativa importante, siendo muchas veces más un juicio moral que clínico. Algo del orden de “ se lo está haciendo… no es un verdadero paciente… hay que cortar cualquier beneficio externo para que reaccione… ” y otras lindezas que, en ocasiones, nos llevan a que el paciente no sea tan bien tratado como debería (hoy sí que estamos sutiles, quién lo iba a decir). Todo ello, tal vez, fruto de lecciones de psicoanálisis mal explicadas y peor entendidas.

Our proposal is, therefore, that since we do not know for sure whether it makes sense epistemologically a diagnosis of hysterical psychosis since in any case, we believe that is not practical, it is best not to make such a diagnosis. We preferred syndromic diagnosis of acute psychosis and approached as such. And once diagnosed with acute psychosis, let the order numbers for mathematicians and ill omens for the liars, and we hope to confirm that the prognosis is poor and chronic psychosis, before announcing to the four winds. Lest the patient after full recovery, as saying the classics, wants to continue his life wherever psychosis is interrupted and, instead of helping, we're going to hurt to misdiagnosis or unnecessary treatment.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Best Sterio Receiver Ever Made

A Nobel Prize and a wise man ...

newspaper La Vanguardia published on its back on July 27, 2007 a very interesting interview with Richard J. Roberts. This man proved to be worthy of a Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1993, shared with Philip A. Sharp, for his work on introns, fragments of DNA that contain genetic information, describing such information was prepared in the genes of installments. Come on, all a scientist in a position, not like those kind people objectionable Foucault, Szasz and Laing, to name a few ...
We have found very interesting opinions in that interview (obviously, we found interesting because they coincide with ours, for what we deceive), and we want to collect them here. We are aware that the fact did not receive the Nobel Prize makes you the Mahatma Gandhi or the Oracle of Delphi (without going any further, our beloved Dr. House and left word that Alfred Nobel was the inventor of dynamite, and he did not want blood on his award), but certain circles that are not exactly ours, is highly valued prestige authoring, respected scientist, published in journals of high impact, etc.. And in these circles, a Nobel Prize is the most you can aspire to.
Let's hear, then, the opinon of Dr. Roberts, Nobel Prize in Medicine:

- Does the research can be planned?
- If I were Minister of Science, would seek enthusiastic people with interesting projects, just give them money so they could not do more than investigate and let them work ten years to surprise us.
- seems a good policy.
- It is generally believed that to go very far, you have to support basic research, but if you want more immediate results and profitable, you must bet on the applied ...
- Is not it?
- often more profitable discoveries have been made from very basic questions. Thus was born the giant biotech billionaire U.S. industry I work.
- How were you born?
- Biotechnology arose when passionate people started to wonder if I could clone genes and began to study them and try to purify them.
- Quite an adventure.
- Yes, but nobody expected to get rich with these questions. It was difficult to get funding to research the answers until Nixon launched the war against cancer in 1971.
- Was scientifically productive?
- allowed, with an enormous amount of public funds, much research, like mine, that did not work directly against the cancer, but was useful for understanding the mechanisms that allow life.
- What did you discover?
- Phillip Allen Sharp and I were rewarded by the discovery of introns in eukaryotic DNA and the mechanism of gene splicing (gene splicing).
- What helped?
- That discovery led to understand how DNA works, however, has only an indirect link with cancer.
- Which model seems more effective research, American or European?
- It is obvious that the U.S., which is active private capital is much more efficient. Take for example the spectacular progress of the computer industry, where private money that finances basic and applied research, but for the health industry ... I have my reservations.
- I'm listening.
- Research on human health can not depend only on its profitability. What's good for the corporate dividends is not always good for people.
- Explain.
- The pharmaceutical industry wants to serve the capital markets ...
- Like any other industry.
- It's just not any other industry, we are talking about our health and our lives and our children and millions of human beings.
- But if they are profitable, investigate better.
- If you only think of the benefits, you stop worrying about serving people.
- For example ...
- I checked and in some cases dependent on private funds researchers have discovered a very effective medicine that would completely eliminate a disease ...
- Why stop researching?
- Why the drug companies often are not as interested in you and heal you in getting money, so that research, suddenly, is diverted to the discovery of drugs that do not heal completely, but chronified the disease and make you experience an improvement that disappears when you stop taking the drug.
- is a serious accusation.
- As it is common for pharmaceutical companies interested in research lines not to cure but only to more chronic illnesses with chronic, more profitable drugs that they cure at all and once and forever. And not just follow the financial analysis of the pharmaceutical industry and verify I say.
- There dividends that kill.
- So you say that health can not be a market can not be understood merely as a means of earning money. And I think that the European model of mixed private and public capital is less likely that encourages such abuses.
- An example of such abuse?
- have failed to investigate antibiotics because they are too effective and completely cured. As no new antibiotics have been developed, infectious microorganisms and today have become resistant tuberculosis, which in my childhood had been defeated, is resurgent and has killed this past year a million people.
- Are not you talking about the Third World?
- This is another sad chapter investigates only Third World diseases, because the drugs that would fight unprofitable. But I'm talking about our First World: the medicine that heals the whole is not profitable and therefore do not investigate it.
- politicians do not intervene?
- Do not get your hopes up: in our system, politicians are mere employees of big money, invest what is necessary to elect their kids go, and if you go out, buy from those who are elected.
- In all there.
- The capital is only interested multiply. Almost all politicians - and I know what I mean, depend shamelessly these multinational pharmaceutical companies that fund their campaigns. The rest are words ...

The interview was conducted by Lluís Amiguet , and left us impressed. Not the message itself, which surprised us a little, but clearly it is exposed and by whom it exposes. Richard J. Roberts, given his biography and work, you may be accused of many things, but hard to go against the advancement of research or science.
We, on the contrary, recently, we were again accused of going against drugs and pharmacology research, when we thought we made clear our position on this issue in a previous input. Say no There are none so deaf that he does not want to hear ...
To finish the interview and after all a Nobel Prize, we are left with few words spoken by one participant at a recent conference in Nicosia Radio that presented himself as " patient with bipolar disorder." At a time when the subject had left the pharmaceutical industry and its economic power, said (quoted from memory) the ability to "take advantage" of money from these companies to organize various training and / or other associations. The comment, said with total seriousness, was devastating:

That money is tainted. We do not want.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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About how to fight (reflections postNikosia) Psychosis as a structure

been a week, using the adjective Esther Sanz in Jumping Walls, intense. We were in Tenerife to two writers Radio Nicosia, Raúl and Joan, with whom we shared hours and those who were fortunate enough to hear his lecture at the University of La Laguna. César Estévez collects their impressions of the act in a large entry, with which we fully agree.

We have long spoken of Nicosia Radio and what has influenced us from the professional point of view, why not say, personal. Stop watching the mad as another alien, strange, helpless, defectual, broken. Another labeling a determined and decisive gesture, to be infantilized in the best, objectified at worst. But it turns out, who could have imagined that people are . With desires, fears, angers, abilities and motivations, successes and failures, pains and pleasures. And we have watched as people. But the very fact of being a person, not the crazy must be an idealized other, superior, without macula, by whose mouth comes only revealed truth (we agree that we, we, as the expiration of the time of revealed truths.) We really enjoyed the conference and Joan Raúl. We very much agree with many of his words, more or less agree with some and disagree with few. But are people, and how such we see them. Not as hell to control or as gods to worship.

Why these words? We noticed after the chat, after talking to some of the professionals attending a certain uneasiness. Let us not misunderstand. Very satisfying, very learned, much to change ... but also some uneasiness. Uneasiness composed of both guilt and a need for justification. It insisted the criticism of Psychiatry and professionals. Fled, and Jesus Castro notes in his blog on the divine and human , the conciliation , claiming fight something. And it is an option. And we may be accused of half measures where we believe it necessary to criticize something (and we recent entries refer), but we believe that this time, reconciliation was necessary and appropriate.

Maybe it was the intention at all of Raul and Joan give the impression of fighting and, indeed, we do not perceive in the conference. But it is true that we know a little Radio Nicosia, we have heard, read and seen, but many of these had their first contact with something that, for any professional psi, is essentially an epistemological revolution. And that feeling of not reconciling, shown for example at the entrance of Jesus, but he is not nikosiano, we believe it represents the best strategy. We believe that instead of fighting we should all strive to .

The Public Radio talks Nikosia is, by definition, people interested in his message, many of them professionals open to question dogma and revealed truth and give another listen to that before convicted and now claims the value of his word. And it might have been better (as said our friend, best strategically ), trying to transmit a message over what can be done together, what would be changed so that professional care was more useful, what requests to the professionals. Not only what has gone wrong (so much and so long) but also and perhaps more, how they could do better. Some of this came out in Question Time, but perhaps should have been on the table more clearly.

Labels depersonalize man, put a name on top of him, place him as something predictable, something that we expect nothing more than what is expected. But " psychiatrist," nurse "," psychologist "they are still labels as well. Below there are different people, possibilities, dreams, desires, wishes and different responsibilities. It is true that Nikosia speaks from the moral authority derived from having been may remain a victim. And it makes you a victim worthy of careful listening and respect, but do not necessarily give the full reason. Foucault criticized psychiatry was the monologue of reason about madness, but we think useful to replace a monologue on the other. We believe dialogue imperative. Nicosia the last divided city, and this wall must fall. But the best thing is not over those who are trying to help weaken.

do not know if we have expressed it clearly. Maintain without changing a comma our words previous entries on Nicosia Radio and what has meaning for us. But silence did not want our opinions, because if some way is this blog, is that sense. And if this post is meant as a criticism, is meant as constructive criticism, in the true sense of the word, to build something with it. Not facing each other, but side by side.