Saturday, March 5, 2011

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About how to fight (reflections postNikosia) Psychosis as a structure

been a week, using the adjective Esther Sanz in Jumping Walls, intense. We were in Tenerife to two writers Radio Nicosia, Raúl and Joan, with whom we shared hours and those who were fortunate enough to hear his lecture at the University of La Laguna. César Estévez collects their impressions of the act in a large entry, with which we fully agree.

We have long spoken of Nicosia Radio and what has influenced us from the professional point of view, why not say, personal. Stop watching the mad as another alien, strange, helpless, defectual, broken. Another labeling a determined and decisive gesture, to be infantilized in the best, objectified at worst. But it turns out, who could have imagined that people are . With desires, fears, angers, abilities and motivations, successes and failures, pains and pleasures. And we have watched as people. But the very fact of being a person, not the crazy must be an idealized other, superior, without macula, by whose mouth comes only revealed truth (we agree that we, we, as the expiration of the time of revealed truths.) We really enjoyed the conference and Joan Raúl. We very much agree with many of his words, more or less agree with some and disagree with few. But are people, and how such we see them. Not as hell to control or as gods to worship.

Why these words? We noticed after the chat, after talking to some of the professionals attending a certain uneasiness. Let us not misunderstand. Very satisfying, very learned, much to change ... but also some uneasiness. Uneasiness composed of both guilt and a need for justification. It insisted the criticism of Psychiatry and professionals. Fled, and Jesus Castro notes in his blog on the divine and human , the conciliation , claiming fight something. And it is an option. And we may be accused of half measures where we believe it necessary to criticize something (and we recent entries refer), but we believe that this time, reconciliation was necessary and appropriate.

Maybe it was the intention at all of Raul and Joan give the impression of fighting and, indeed, we do not perceive in the conference. But it is true that we know a little Radio Nicosia, we have heard, read and seen, but many of these had their first contact with something that, for any professional psi, is essentially an epistemological revolution. And that feeling of not reconciling, shown for example at the entrance of Jesus, but he is not nikosiano, we believe it represents the best strategy. We believe that instead of fighting we should all strive to .

The Public Radio talks Nikosia is, by definition, people interested in his message, many of them professionals open to question dogma and revealed truth and give another listen to that before convicted and now claims the value of his word. And it might have been better (as said our friend, best strategically ), trying to transmit a message over what can be done together, what would be changed so that professional care was more useful, what requests to the professionals. Not only what has gone wrong (so much and so long) but also and perhaps more, how they could do better. Some of this came out in Question Time, but perhaps should have been on the table more clearly.

Labels depersonalize man, put a name on top of him, place him as something predictable, something that we expect nothing more than what is expected. But " psychiatrist," nurse "," psychologist "they are still labels as well. Below there are different people, possibilities, dreams, desires, wishes and different responsibilities. It is true that Nikosia speaks from the moral authority derived from having been may remain a victim. And it makes you a victim worthy of careful listening and respect, but do not necessarily give the full reason. Foucault criticized psychiatry was the monologue of reason about madness, but we think useful to replace a monologue on the other. We believe dialogue imperative. Nicosia the last divided city, and this wall must fall. But the best thing is not over those who are trying to help weaken.

do not know if we have expressed it clearly. Maintain without changing a comma our words previous entries on Nicosia Radio and what has meaning for us. But silence did not want our opinions, because if some way is this blog, is that sense. And if this post is meant as a criticism, is meant as constructive criticism, in the true sense of the word, to build something with it. Not facing each other, but side by side.


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