Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ifile Gpsphone Cheats


How relevant is the educational activity in the "conflict addiction "or" dependency conflict "? Social education is a broad social role in relation to the "transmission" of a common cultural heritage, knowledge, values, habits, social practices, social patterns of movement of boundaries, accountability, autonomy or independence . Social education does not address the addiction, dependence, drug abuse, or disease or pathology, nor makes therapy or re-enable or re-enter or re-education. These categories are commonly used political concepts, psychiatric and medical-legal: no education, although there are educators who have assumed own. Education has goals, methods, concepts and discourses other than medicine or law but interact continuously positive and should remember that education is different than a cure, educate to judge or punish.

social education in the field of addictions , aims relations subjects (including social) establish among themselves, with drugs, food, Internet, about their own responsibilities, their choices, their customs, ideas or values. What is legal and what is illegal, good and bad, health or sickness are issues that interact with education but are subject to other disciplines. Education as an object theory and practice is focused on how to socialize, how responsible, how to foster autonomy and independence of the subjects, how to transmit the common cultural heritage, how to provide individuals resources to adapt to an active social life and participatory, how to communicate the values \u200b\u200band principles of the UDHR of 1948 or the English Constitution of 1978.

What can justify a professional action? If people make good use (of drugs, food, ...) only from the abuse of power can "justify" an intervention. If the person misused, that does not relieve him from personal responsibility. So, when the action is relevant for education? The practice of social education are structured in the following circumstances:

  • when the subjects of education are children (at the request of their legal guardians).
  • when the subjects of education are disabled or legally protected (at the request of their legal guardians).
  • when there is a voluntary request and free of the subjects (adults).
  • when the educational (not compulsory) is addressed to the institutions or community indiscriminately with educational, informative or informative.

Social Education is a social practice guide transmission and to enable new generations (or adults) to adapt to their social environment. His role is not to intimidate with a "health education" based on the damage produced by drugs, or failure or if one or other practice, or moral punishment, criminal or medical. The educational function is to provide the subject of resources for social movement independent, critical and normalized. Provide them with:

  • The basic resources of language and communication (Verbal and nonverbal) interpersonal its own time: Reading, writing, comprehension, analysis, synthesis, expression, digital literacy and use of new technologies, etc..
  • Securities. An ethical framework that integrates life of dignity, recognition, self-esteem, resilience, respect and coexistence. Ethics and consumption. And media ethics. Ethics and advertising. Democracy, rights, freedoms and responsibilities.
  • resources and basic concepts to understand the relationship between citizens and society. Basic skills for a social movement adapted to their time. Society and culture. Laws and regulations. Conflict and Consensus. Contextualization of the conflict (drugs, food, body image, Internet) in our time. Grounded knowledge of our time on "addictions." The knowledge of the conflicts in which drugs, food or sex are essential. Elements for a self-critical and to the prejudices, the prevailing fashion or Manichaeism about addictions. Significant knowledge of the different social values \u200b\u200band interpretations about addictions.

Our specific proposal regarding the conflict drug, can be summarized as: A professional educational practice, socialized and mediated that is oriented towards the values, accountability and personal independence. Education for awareness of the value of one's life, choice, dignity, self-esteem and responsibility for their own actions. Education for, and not against, autonomy and personal independence. Things


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