Thursday, October 5, 2006

"addiction" and "UNITS"

"Many men, like children, want one thing but not its consequences"
Ortega y Gasset.

Category addiction or dependency is socially and professionally used to refer to conflicts of various kinds, so we can find multiple references to drug addiction, work, food, the exercise, the phone, chat, internet video games or sex. The identification of certain patterns of behavior classified as addictive or dependence applied to drugs, food, gambling, sex ... has a metaphorical component scientific or epistemological. The careless use of drugs, negligent guidelines with food or negligent use of Internet can not be identified and reduced to a simple chemical reaction, and a compulsion or a disease. While we defend certain similarities in these patterns, have nothing to do with the order of the biological, genetic or pathological, in any case, the common factors we have to put them in the register of the ethical and social. The concept of addiction is often used synonymously with dependence (in the case of drugs, drug dependence or addiction). Addiction, dependence, and sometimes drug often used as synonyms, but each of the concepts has a different etymological origins and denotative and connotative meanings that distinguish them from each other. Unit, as defined by Maria Moliner, means "being one thing with another in such a relationship the other determines that such other is engaged or not engaged or is made one way or another" . [1] The concept of dependency is often used synonymously with subject, slavery, submission, obedience, subordination or lack of freedom. This definition states that the relationship between subject and drugs (subject and food, and play subject, subject and subject sex or Internet) one of the two elements determines the other. What is the element that has the ability to determine the other? We as educators can only put us from the premises of the personal and institutional responsibility (ethically and legally). For us who have the ability to determine the relationship established is the subject, thus there is no such state of dependency, but ethical capacity and personal choice. In our modern societies real units we can observe are: children, teenagers, "sick", "disabled" or old depending on their families, professionals and institutions.

Addicted means to be a supporter, as an admirer or respectful of certain ideas or political doctrines, religious or otherwise. [2] official medicine Since this meaning is distorted by the inability to resist a drug, food, sex, new technologies ... These concepts have a pathological character speech introducing us to the organic, medical and / or psychiatric. The drug, made up of toxic and mania (poison and madness) is a definition that brings us fully into the world of psychiatry and mental illness. [3]

Under these premises, the subjects (consumers drugs, eating disorders, problems with the game ...) are often seen as sick and disabled. The "addiction" and "dependencies" are reduced the order of the biological and pathological excluding the subjects, their speeches, their desires, their wishes and intentions and cultural implications . [ 4] Ocampo, us that medical discourse has not been alone in reducing the drug problem [ problems with food, with the game, with the image ... ] [5] the signs, police also, social workers, lawyers, officials, sociologists and educators have been imbued, from the medical discourse on the world of organic signs, ignoring the signs for alone are not significant. [6]

Being classified as incompetent, mentally ill or dependent, creates stigmas, some spaces will be occupied by institutions, professionals, NGOs and philanthropists more. The category of irresponsible, historically associated with the "social risk" applied to the subject aims to dispose of the will of the people and sets out guidelines to follow and places to occupy in the institutionalized discourse. [7] speech constitutes a specific time when the power converge, the legality, morality and the scientific dogma (illegal or legal, good or bad, sick or well, error or truth). [8] are talks that address the conflict, habits and customs from ontological dichotomy and exclusion from the relationships and processes.

should be stressed that these types of "disease" have been discovered (viruses, bacteria, fractures, etc.) But have been built and established, as appropriate, political, legal, moral, social and / or sanitary. [9] As also have been or are based on location and historical moment, heresy, laughter, masturbation, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, single mother, be a Marxist or bourgeois. [10]

With the metaphorical, if not corrupt, language, religious myths of the Old Regime was we face today as a disease, illness or abnormality in all its forms (genetic, biological, physical, mental, emotional, moral or social). Medical science from its beginnings morphed meanings and stigmas of sin to significant error, failure or no reason.
[11] Today, health systems and mental health, institutionalized since the Rule of Law, have taken punitive saving mission: health is Good and illness (madness, addiction, drug addiction, promiscuity, "social risk", immorality, sexual deviation, maladjustment, dissent, anorexia, bulimia, obesity, pathological gambling) Evil [12] There is a wide social tradition, "scientific" and which identifies the legal social subject with the moral subject.

[1] Maria Moliner, use English Dictionary . Edit. Gredos, Madrid, 1991.

[2] The Royal English Academy defines addiction as "Habit who lets himself be dominated by the use of one or more toxic drugs, or excessive fondness for certain games. "

[3] Escohotado, A. (1989). History Drugs (Vol. 3). Ed Alliance

[4] Vera Ocampo, Eduardo; "Drugs, and substance abuse psychoanalysis." Edit. Paidos, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1988.

[5] Emphasis added.

[6] OP. Cit.

[7] Savater, Fernando . Clinical status. Review: Keys of practical reason, ISSN 1130-3689, N ยบ 1, 1990, pags. 18-25.

[8] Foucault, M. (1990). 's life infamous men. Ediciones de La Piquette, Madrid.

[9] Thomas SAS. (1993). Our right to drugs. Barcelona. Edit. Anagram.

[10] Alvarez-Uria, F. (1983). Miserbles and crazy: mental medicine and social order in nineteenth-century Spain. Barcelona. Edit. Tusquets.

[11] Foucault, Mn (1990). The Lives of infamous men. Madrid. Editions de La Piquette.

[12] op.



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