Monday, October 16, 2006

Is Nose Bleeds Std Symptoms


From the educational point of view on how to use a substance, how a subject relates to food, your body or to the Internet has to do with ethics (life as a value or as tragedy , dignity, esteem), with the habits and customs, social and personal responsibilities. The involvement and participation responsibility and personal choice (ethics and civil) is not always unique but essential condition for the prevention and resolution of specific conflicts.

historically has distinguished the term drug dependence of habituation or habituation. Habituation is characterized by a desire not "binge" of the drug and if it causes any damage is individual and not for the community. [1] Most of what is now classified as disease, behavior problems or maladjustment are essentially questions of values, habits and personal and social responsibility. [2] society, professionals and institutions are reluctant to admit that what they disapprove of and define as a problem (sin, crime, disease, immorality), for the person at issue is a solution (to be considered morally good or bad). The theoretical increase in "behavioral disturbances" or "social maladjustment" is a reflection of a political conflict of social control that is approached from the discourses and social practices and socio-educational treatment. [3]

habituation When we tend to forget that man is a creature of habit and tend to make many different kinds of habits and accustomed When we speak of habituation habituation can refer to physical, emotional, intellectual, psychological, sensory, mythic or ritual, personal or social. Thus, we can observe relationships between habituation or habituation:

Person and sex.

Person and sport.

Person and television

Person and sleep.

individuals and couples.

Person and work.

Person risk.

person and music.

person and talk.

Person and play.

person and meal.

Person and power.

Person and shopping.

Person and ...

Who or what determines the relationship established between person and gender, person and work, person or person food and drugs? Does the person or work? Does the person or the food? Does the person or sex? Does the person or drugs? Deterministic theories tend to attribute to substances, activities or things that are disabling properties to the subjects. To us it seems clear that he has the capacity to determine the relationships established are people. It is people who use good or bad things or doing things right or wrong, not vice versa. It is people who have abilities and rights to decide, to choose, to make mistakes or learn.


There is some consensus to raise three factors involved in habituation: [4]

1. subject characteristics.

§ Age.

§ Knowledge of the substance, action or idea.

§ cultural level.

§ socio-economic level.

§ maturity, values, self esteem, personal balance ...

§ Grounds of application: medical, self-knowledge, playful, elusive, peer pressure, insecurity, low self-esteem, fashion ...

§ Frequency practice in question (daily, weekly, sporadic, etc.).

§ down Rituals (procurement, preparation or consumption, fasting, vomiting, practiced physical ...).

§ subjective effects ("placebo"), powers and personal mythology.

2. socio-cultural environment.

§ Legality or illegality, rejection or acceptance of substance, action or idea: the greater the repression, stigmatization and discrimination more problems for the general welfare of the people.

§ Lifestyle and environmental quality.

§ social values \u200b\u200bon drugs, diets, "bodies 10 ", beauty, games, avoidance, lack of inhibition. Place every practice in every age, culture and social group.

§ Securities and habits of social group membership on the substance, action or idea in question. Standard types of social practices (advertising, advocacy, acceptance, rejection). Social and stigma mark on each of the habits (drugs, actions or ideas).

§ social mythology about drugs, body image, play, amusement or pleasure. Beliefs and attributes that characterize each event, as time and place.

3. Ideas, actions, substances.

§ actions, rituals and objective and subjective effects.

§ ideas about body image, beauty, fun, life ... ("Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse "sex, drugs and ...," Do not worry, be happy "," drink till you drop ").

§ much more relevant is the ethical capacity and personal responsibility (good or misuse) the drug or psychoactive properties.

§ Pharmacological Properties: Effects objectives and subjective on the body and mind.

§ drugs. Capable of producing well, remove the "pain", evade, disinhibiting, altered consciousness (drug, exercise, food).

§ dose. Amount of substance used (unit).

§ Toxicity and "margin of safety." Consumption path (oral, injected ...).

The drug, food or the Internet does not have properties able to "enslave" anyone. What matters are the relationships that individuals and institutions establish themselves, with things, with their own ideas and their environment. The effects depend on the use (good or bad) that make each type of thing or have ideas about themselves, their own identity, their self-esteem or dignity. Put another way, people are almost always responsible for what they do get it right or wrong. Dominant models often elude the sociocultural emphasis on the properties of substances and reducing the conflict to the scope of the subject. symbolic and cultural issues or ideas we have of things (drugs, image, Red) have effects much more determinative than things themselves.

[1] Escohotado, A. (1989). Drug History (Vol. 3) . Madrid. Ed Alliance

[2] "Habit. (From Lat. "Habitus", der.'s "Habere" Haber.) "
(" Acquire, Take, Take, Take, Take, Start, Remove "). "Peculiarity of the behavior of a person or animal that is to repeat the same action or do a certain thing in exactly the same way, or willingness to do so. Generally called "habit" to the customs more unconscious, as opposed to "custom" is not common to this designation qualifications and moral evaluations: (...). "Habituation" (fem.) Action and effect of habituate or accustom. Particularly to a drug, therefore, ceases to be effective. "

Source: Maria Moliner, Dictionary of use of English. Edit. Gredos, Madrid, 1991.

[3] Szasz, T. (1992). The second sin. Barcelona. . Edic Martínez Roca.

[4] Escohotado, A. (1989). History of drug (Vol. 3). Ed Alliance



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