Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Brent Everett Christening


Pretender find a determining cause why people use or not or misused drugs or too much to ask. Hardly find a single reason that condition individual choices or why some people choose to take their responsibilities and others decide to abandon it. Often combine different factors that make an impact or other response in relation to consumption and set of relationships that the person provides to itself and its environment. Are many and various factors that may influence significantly negligent use of drugs.

Here we highlight some of these factors presented from two perspectives (personal and social), analytical purposes only, they are two categories of reality:

a) From a personal perspective.

• Values. The life and personal dignity. The value that each person gives to his own life and dignity are important factors in relation to negligent use or no drug. When a person thinks and acts in the belief that "life is shit" the same can eat, drive, work or play casually. If a person appreciates his life, hardly the jeopardized. When a person values \u200b\u200bhis life and recognizes his own dignity is unlikely that your use of drugs, a weapon, food or a vehicle is negligent. The principles and values \u200b\u200bthat are determining a person acquires on negligent or consumption of drugs and other types of social conflict. Self-esteem, self-esteem and acceptance of what is or is not everyone, are often important factors in the presence or absence of various conflicts of behavior and personal responsibility. A person with dignity, recognition and self-esteem and hardly endangers their health or their lives. People who use drugs in a negligent manner, attacking their own welfare, show your personal understatement, his own discomfort. It is pertinent to note that the dignity and self worth are personal and social constructions, at once and inseparably.

• Pleasure. Search wellness, pleasure or happiness. It is considered one of the legitimate objectives of human beings. There are people who focus their search for happiness or pleasure exclusively on the use of drugs socialized exclusion of other forms of pleasure. The pleasure of drug us into the world of hedonism, a world of temptations and choices, profit and loss. The world of pleasures and displeasures confronts us with our capacities for self-control and self-learning.

• evasion. The use of drugs for personal escape and socially is a fact, a social reality. All people have their ways evasion or less standard, every culture accepted regulated and prohibited forms of evasion. There are people that instead of taking responsibility for their lives, their conflicts or their actions opt for trying to escape through drugs:

- Del discomfort.

- In their own responsibilities.
- In a reality of conflict (family, social ...).
- In the sense of failure.
- From the feeling of helplessness.
- from feelings of guilt.
- From boredom, apathy and indolence.
- From insecurity and shyness.
- De ...

• Disinhibition: "Being another" do or say the wrong thing to do or not would not use drugs. Do not feel suppressed, "no cut", "having more small talk." Using drugs to get inhibitions is also a feature of our present culture. There are drugs which are credited with the capacity to facilitate social communication and personal relationships.

• Identification, imitation. Consumption can be a form of identification with the group: it encourages a sense of belonging and may constitute a particular kind of identity. Children and young people have a tendency to imitate and try to identify with their immediate environment (family, friends)

• Curiosity, morbid, transgression. The lure of the forbidden. The desire to experience new sensations. Freud gave us the idea that what makes you want banned. The pleasure of the forbidden, the risk.

b) From a social perspective.

• Prohibition. The ban is probably the most important factor in neglect. Criminalization and pathologizing of consumers leads them into hiding and using drugs without any warranty or quality control. The effects of a ban are catastrophic (spread of infection, production of crime, prison, death, shame, stigma, exclusion).

• The ontological view of biological and social responses to the relationships people establish with ideas, things or actions.

• Disinformation. The lack of authoritative information, plural, objective and truthful becomes a substance safe in a dangerous substance. The less information available to consumers most at risk when using them. The right to pluralistic information, based, truthful and responsible is a prerequisite for doing a bad use of drugs. Misinformation, biased or distorted information are key factors in the negligent use of drugs.

• Poor social education. Systems and non-formal education have "failed" in the education of values. Ethics, citizenship or are living in off-peak times, although they can be fashionable. We often forget that any claim of freedom and responsibility go through a commitment and recognition of personal ethics and community: rights, freedoms and responsibilities.

• The environment and lifestyle. Both the environment and lifestyle factors are considered much more decisive (in the quality of life or death rates) that the biology and the role which may have public and private systems of healing.

• Economic factors. The drug trade (legal and illegal) handsome profit moves creating a range of cultural interests that facilitate its perpetuation.

• Synthesis. The synthesis of pharmaceutical active ingredients in a large number of psychoactive substances that enhances the effects and facilitates their transport and distribution.

• social neglect. A social attitude negligent dissemination of uses, giving rise to a justification, advertising, fashion and consumption interested apologies negligent ("sex, drugs y. ..," "Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse", "Barra Free, "" You take one and we'll give you another, "" Do not worry, be happy. ") Campaigns for" prevention "with no results or even become counterproductive.

• The media and institutional identification among young people and drugs, young and irresponsible, young and fun and young and "high-risk social behavior" creates a social impression that tends to become reality: Pygmalion effect.

• Social conflicts. Power struggles. Value conflicts, ideological, economic, habits ...



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