Friday, October 13, 2006

What Restaurant Has Hats With Sayings


Each type of habit, each pattern of negligent behavior has its own characteristics and should not treat all with the same parameters (drugs, food, body worship, play ...). Extrapolate reviews of a subject to another, from one substance to another, from drugs to sex or Internet to food in biological terms is a deterministic and dogmas of our time. Here we present schematically different definitions and different approaches being proposed or imposed for the prevention from different institutions and authors.

key policies on the prevention depend on the type of problem to which it relates (drugs, food, game, Internet, mobile, sex ...). The general trend in the case of drugs is prevention through enforcement (legal, police, health, moral or educational). [1] The dominant positions are not considered competent adult citizens to decide for themselves what suits them or not, even to self-medicate. Policies, laws and professional service to guardianship and repression of citizens (medicines, drugs, snuff, food ...).

In the case of eating disorders, gambling, the Internet or mobile phone models are dominant socio-health, psychosocial and socio-pathological. In general, the dominant discourses are best fit to the dominant ideologies. The dominant models excluded socio-medical, in fact, assessments of environmental, social and economic. It copies in many ways the strategies with drugs like exaltation and magnification of the negative and harmful effects, stigmatizing and criminalizing behavior patterns. It covers the bad habits or careless habits individualized, psiquiatrizando psychologized and conflicts that being personal, they are also social and cultural rights, namely, in what proportion each.

understand that prevention practices negligent (drugs, food, games ...) depends on aspects such as personal dignity, self-esteem or life as universal and inalienable values. Since education is required specialized social reflection that transcends the boundaries and legal health. Social education must rethink his whole speech and shedding the dogmas and prejudices health. The fact that social workers generally work on these issues but not educational institutions but also socio-medical or criminal determines the models that are assumed in everyday practice. In fact no social education has its own discourse, elaborated, coherent and informed about addictions and dependencies but that from the legal, economic, medical, psychological or sociological develop strategies and educational activities.

Today there is a greater awareness on prevention to avoid repeating what has failed or has proved counterproductive irresponsabilización, penalties, psychiatric solution of the problem, household false or alarmist. [2] must avoid falling into voluntarism and isolation or impose specific models, values \u200b\u200band habits of the subjects of education. Although the official campaigns dominant and politically correct still insist on ethical qualities attributed to drugs and trying to as disabled people who need professional guidance.

on prevention strategies.

Following the strategies in place regarding negligent drug consumption are extrapolated to other problems (food, image, game, NTIC) certain prevention practices:
  • Strategy training: professional training, stakeholder involvement, impact on the "causes" versus the consequences and implement programs and projects that are maintained over time and trying to adapt the actions to the population that goes into the social context [3].
  • Information strategy: the more thorough and accurate information, clarity and simplicity ("inaccuracies, half truths, exaggerations, generalizations and sensationalism excessive kill credibility.") [4]
  • strategy alternatives: they are offering alternatives that impinge on the causes of the problem in question. Alternative education, sports, entertainment, intellectual, vocational, participation ... [5]

levels of prevention.

prevention levels down from the already traditional, social and health division between:

  • Primary prevention. The actions are performed before the onset of conflict.
  • Secondary prevention. Actions are performed with subjects with negligent habits.
  • Tertiary Prevention. Actions are usually aimed at reducing damage from people who have serious problems with their lax habits.

Contexts prevention.
  • Social Education: special education, adult education and socio-cultural.
  • Non-formal education.
  • school context.
  • Work context.
  • Media.
  • Prisons.
  • Hospitals.
  • day or outpatient centers.
  • neighborhood associations, civic ...
  • Youth Centers.
  • Seniors.
  • Adults.
  • Young

regard to the prevention of drugs, the National Drug Plan states:

"Prevention basically aims:

  • sensitize and mobilize society to create a culture of rejection of drugs by promoting their own values \u200b\u200band resources.
  • inform and educate our citizens, especially children and young people to develop positive lifestyles, healthy and independent. "[6]

"This paragraph refers to a set of policies and programs that seek a reduction in the desire to obtain and use illegal drugs and designated generally by the term" demand reduction. " Included in this type of preventive strategies and educational programs to discourage users or potential users to experiment with illegal drugs or continue to use, treatment programs directed primarily at facilitating the withdrawal, the reduction in the frequency or dose used, or substitution programs (eg. methadone), programs that provide education or treatment as alternatives to prison. Also be included under this heading the action on risk factors to reduce the influence of the factors that contribute to drug use, both legal and illegal, and the performance on the protection factors based on policies health promotion. " [7]

The European Strategy on Drugs (2005-2012) for demand reduction prevention arises as follows:

"significant reduction of drug abuse, dependence and the risks to health and society from drugs, through the development and improvement of a system of demand reduction global and knowledge-based to include measures for the prevention, early intervention, treatment, reducing injury, rehabilitation and social reintegration in the EU Member States. The measures to reduce demand should take into account the problems related to health and social tests caused by the consumption of illegal drugs and multiple drugs in combination with illegal drugs, the snuff, alcohol and drugs " [8].

Medical Center University of Maryland presents us with the following definition:

"Drug dependence (addiction) is the compulsive use of a substance despite negative consequences, which may be severe, drug abuse is simply excessive use of a drug or used for purposes other than medical purposes.

Physical dependence on a substance (needing a drug to function) is not necessary or sufficient to define addiction. There are some substances that cause addiction but do cause physical dependence (for example, some blood pressure medications) and substances that cause addiction but not classic physical dependence (for example, cocaine withdrawal not have symptoms like vomiting and chills, but instead is mainly characterized by depression). [9]

With the development of Internet and its exponential growth have also appeared the first cases of addiction, dependence or psychopathology (according to the paradigm of departure) related to the network. "The disorder dependence of the network is known by many names: Internet addiction disorder-Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) - (Goldberg, 1995), compulsive Internet use (Morahan-Martin and Schumacker, 1997), or use pathological Internet - Pathological Internet Use (PIU) - (Young & Rodgers, 1998b). "[10] Dr. Kimberly Young, of the University of Pittsburgh and created the Center for On-Line Addiction has established a set of criteria for diagnosing the addiction syndrome Internet (InfoAdicction Disorder, IAD). Internet addiction "is a deterioration in control of their use appears as a set of cognitive symptoms, behavioral and physiological. That is, the person 'netdependiente' make extensive use of Internet this has sparked a distortion of his personal goals, family or professional. [11]

"Addiction Internet can be considered a psychological addiction specifically (such as addiction to sex, shopping, work, video games, television, etc.), with common characteristics with other types of addiction: loss of control, withdrawal symptoms appear, excessive use of addiction, strong psychological dependence, interference in daily life and loss of interest in other activities.

Regarding general addictions psychiatrist Francisco Alonso-Fernandez said that the problems appear (and also on Internet) where "there is a absolute need to develop the business and experience anxiety if not carried out. "

Marquis, have said in relation to risks in the careless use of video games:

"In general, users of video games tend not to isolate themselves from their peers and friends on the contrary seek company many times to play and colleagues with whom to exchange programs, magazines and tricks. However, the addiction that we have discussed may lead that at some point the video game users get too excited with a program (alone or in company) and we devote a disproportionate amount of time, leaving other tasks including (a phenomenon which incidentally also happens to us sometimes when reading a novel or exciting carry out a particular "hobby"). In most cases, within days of addiction and everything will be back to normal.

only people with prior psychological problems can become insanely enclosed in the gaming world gradually disconnecting the other realities of their environment (peers, social obligations, personal care, etc.) and suffer other serious personality and behavior.

In some cases this addiction can cause excessive stress and eye strain and, coupled with bad positions on the machine and prolonged stress states, may lead to muscle pain and even cause spinal problems . For these symptoms is to be hoped that common sense of the players (that works well when the laces appear to play too much football, for example) impose an appropriate break in this activity. In the case of young children and parents are the ones who should guide their children with these symptoms, especially if they have suffered nervous problems, seizures, dizziness ...". [12]

The task of defining when conduct is negligent or not, define "addiction" to Internet, food, gambling or drugs is starting something a problem for its complexity. The social debate on drugs (prohibition / legalization) is a clear example of the different social positions, ethical and scientific on the subject. No less controversial problems seem extreme as those that can lead to anorexia. We understand that any definition is dynamic and varies by person, the context, substance, action, habit, laws, moral or historical moment. The factors involved in the relationships established between individuals and communities covering a wide range of items to consider: symbolic and linguistic, biological and cultural, personal and social.

The biggest criticism we can make to the dominant models has to do with their skewed view of their analysis to eliminate language issues, ethnic, anthropological, economic, responsibility and personal freedom reducing all speech organizational issues, "disorders or diseases. The habits and behavioral patterns that can be classified as negligent can not erase the subject, his biography, his desires, your goals, your own language or their own personal ethics. On behalf of prevention can not limit the choice and responsibility of individuals.

[1] XTEC. "Prevention of drug addiction." [Online]. <.>. [Query: February 23, 2006].

[2] Canal addiction. "Strategies in prevention. " [Online]. <. 3_estrategias/estrategias1.jsp>. [Accessed: March 2006].

[3] Canal addiction. "Strategy training." [Online]. <. 3_estrategias/estrategias3.jsp>. [Accessed: March 2006].

[4] Channel addiction. "Information strategy." [Online]. <. 3_estrategias/estrategias2.jsp>. [Accessed: March 2006].

[5] Canal addiction. "To offer alternatives." [Online]. <. 3_estrategias/estrategias4.jsp>. [Accessed: March 2006].

[6] National Drug Plan. [Online]. <.>. [Accessed November 2005].

[7] National Plan on Drugs. [Online]. <.>. [Accessed November 2005].

[8] Op Cit.

[9] University of Maryland, [Online]. <.>. [Accessed: March 2006].

[10] Madrid López, Nacho. Internet addiction. [Online]. <.>.

[11] Internet Addiction. [Online]. <>. [Query: February 2005].

[12] Marques, P. Video games. [Online]: < . [Publicado: 22 de diciembre de 2004.][Consulta: 1 de julio de 2006.]




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