Saturday, October 21, 2006

Does Penis Tucking Damage The Penis


drugs and their uses.

The drugs have been used and are used with different personal and social purposes. On the sources of knowledge that we provide historians, anthropologists, mythological, ethnologists, sociologists, archaeologists and linguists, to name a few, we can argue that the use of each drug is inseparable from culture. Although certain groups and states insist on how bad and dangerous drugs are, the reality is quite another. Drugs have been, are and probably will be a valuable asset in the private and public, in time and space. The links between drugs as belonging to multiple cultures, myths and religions are a constant and historical evidence. The arts, music, painting, literature, sculpture, science and psychoanalysis are not oblivious to the social and personal uses of varied drugs and their effects. The overlap of drugs in the most subtle and varied crevices of Culture is a reality, they are made, are customs that can not be ignored or denied.

drugs have been used and are used, depending on the time and place:

• To alter consciousness.

• As a means to achieve wellness. As a way to get pleasure, avoidance or disinhibition, relaxation, arousal, sleep.

• As a way to facilitate artistic and intellectual expression.

• To facilitate the activities magical, mystical or religious (alteration of consciousness, to communicate with gods or spirits, as a divine symbol ...)

• As food.

• As a way to combat famine.

• As drug: healing remedy or deadly poison as the dose used.

• As a commodity and a currency: business.

• To facilitate contact and social relations.

• To alleviate hunger and fatigue.

• To facilitate sex.

• As the form of social control.

• As a political weapon and war.

All these applications show the complexity of the phenomenon and the inability to explain such complexity from simplistic discourses and exclusionary, biased and stakeholders such as the ethical-legal, the medical-psychiatric science or facts. From social education or drug addiction are not objects of work, education belong to other disciplines. As we said from the relevant social work education on personal and social responsibility in the negligent use or drug diligent. Work on the ethics of a decent life, life as a value, esteem, empowerment and personal autonomy.

Speaking of the use of a drug we have to underline a basic difference in this issue: the good use (or use reasonable diligence) and misuse (or negligent use.)

use or unreasonable.

What is meant by a reasonable use? A good use, use it diligently. The use that can make an adult with truthful information when its responsibilities. We understand that any adult is capable of ethical and civilly to decide what is best for her, what he should or not without professional tutelage and interference state.

A reasonable use is to use an informed, knowledgeable. Is a use that is not apparent harm to those who consume but a benefit. Fair use is not seeking the adverse effects of misuse or neglect. A person consume wine does not mean or want to get drunk or that it is "alcoholic."

Misuse or careless use.

What do we mean by neglect?: Misuse. That use of that emerges a real threat to consumer welfare. We understand that negligent use has harmful effects for the consumer but are not desired or wanted it. It is worth noting the difference between a negligent use and suicidal use (in this case if the aim is to end life.)

In everyday language are often used the terms "responsible use" and "irresponsible use" but are not appropriate to treat it with some rigor. When an adult decides to use a drug can do good or bad, reasonably or negligently, but in both cases, there is personal responsibility. You can only raise the case of irresponsibility in the field of minors and legally incapacitated persons. It is also common to use the term "abuse" by which is meant a non-professional use, ie for professionals (doctors, pharmacists ...) the "fair use" is what they do.

"Drug abuse" is another expression currently widely used by professionals and the media. The idea of \u200b\u200babuse is, obviously, metaphoric and lax abuse because in principle refers to relationships between people or animals, but not about things.



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