Saturday, August 8, 2009

Could You Put A Bi-pod On A Gamo Big Cat?


One of the social problems in recent years has been increased violence. Street violence, violence within families.
The media give us quite frequently hear cases that cause horror to society. Cases that call into question the social contract: situations of incest, patricide to swell the statistics of victims of domestic violence call.
governments and educational institutions tend to devote large resources to address the effects of this violence and, sometimes, in prevention efforts. Psychiatry and psychology have so far had a rather modest contribution to the understanding of psychological phenomena that occur in these situations. The subjectivity of criminal, family involved, the victim, the psychological processes that are involved in the punishment have been elements are generally covered with explanations as basic as the existence of a low tolerance for frustration. Phrase we have heard time and again to explain the psychology of the criminal.

prison systems, the creation of laws, the activity of the criminal state to have rejected virtually the psychological perspective of their procedures. This effort aims, from psychoanalysis, from the law, provide information to enable an understanding of the phenomenon of transgressive act, criminal act, intended to bring out the importance of taking into account the psychoanalytic considerations for the social rehabilitation system called, aims to delve into the psychological implications of establishment of the Act, its violation, and punishment. Does the law can be helped by psychoanalytic findings that have emerged in the space of the clinic? Does the law has a clinical role? The papers presented will try to make a contribution to that response.

The reason for this space is the overflow that I think has the problem of violence today, self-interest in making a psychoanalytic reading about this serious social problem, particularly given the small contribution of psychology and psychiatry in the understanding of these issues, as well as the lack of research that I found respect.


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