Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ti 84 Games Ion Pokemon

Argentina: Another scene is possible

live in an age of screens, we are accustomed, and almost mechanical way, to perceive the world and reality, filtered by our screens.
The images have been gaining more ground, and certain media such as television, are became conquerors of households. Bloodless conquest not ceased to be effective in the transfer of certain speeches, modeling functional currents of public opinion on certain political and economic interests.

Thus, for many people, and variations of each singularity, these displays represent the scenario where the show unfolds in the world.

Like any show, has to be writers, performers making up the characters and, of course, spectators.

, who writes the scripts does not appear in the sight of the spectators. That is, they usually have a vague knowledge, minimal or even non-existent in the first. Writer who will generate the scripts, the text has to be interpreted.

could risk the assumption that everyone who believes the show is, in the act, creating the viewer.

Take the example of the news channels, a paradigm of the spectacle of the XXI Century: a note either on a common theme, such as insecurity. The image shows the movilero, microphone in hand, serious expression, assemble a speech to the camera, surrounded by "neighbors worried but glad to be on TV" so that what had been called to testify about a particular case, becomes a universal "are killing us all."
Image with pregnance, such identification when it gets that I could have touched. This deal sockets and comments, both verbal and gestural, the presenters.
But these things happen not only with what might be called "personal dramas" linked to insecurity. Sometimes collective impact is made, as the use of part of pension funds dedicated to sustain the level of employment (which are paid pensions) dubbed the "Silver slapping retirees," as if they had been guaranteed AFJP RIP of a dignified retirement. Or use the excess reserves of the Central Bank to lower interest on a debt that, like it or not, nobody will stop paying.
In these cases, usually appears an "expert", usually with some responsibility in creating or increasing the debt, which pontificates on issues such as "confidence-building investments to come," criticizing the "uncertainty legal "when timidly tries to prevent any further spoliation as existed with the pension funds, which ended up paying the state to grant a minimum pension, and a long list of etceteras.

important thing is that the show work, and continued. Because modeling is an uninterrupted view, continuity in time and the issues it becomes a patchwork uniform, "the possibilities of development of the country are linked to free markets and generate confidence in foreign investors' . In terms of children, the good is private and deregulated, it is bad public investment and a sovereign state, aimed at a more equitable distribution of wealth, albeit gradual, gradual.

Finally, after all, that the show was one of the most significant to hear is "scandal" is a strict measure of consistency. If anyone sees hunger as a scandal rather than as tragedy, it is because it is much more interested in the spectacle of hunger in its final eradication.

corporate media concentration, corporate defense interests common commitment zapping shows a wide range of homogeneous, media law and "other subjugation, this time to freedom of the press (read: business media companies.) Hence the figure of authoritarianism that stifles critical voices, independent journalism (I got tired of encomillar).

The challenge was to create a viewer outraged at the lack of security, who stole up to their pension funds and also subdues the last bastion to defend their rights: the independent press by corrupt and arrogant to deny the consensus (more or less, according to stylistic differences who repeat).
This means, neither more nor less, to make public opinion, a puppet of private interests. The supposed freedom of the people is to be spoken by others.
It is also the freedom of being held hostage by another business.

through, was the Bicentennial. And here is really where it begins another story.

In an earlier letter and Singularity Bicentennial prior to the festivities, we wondered what we celebrate the Bicentennial, and the conclusion reached was that we celebrate the creation of us as a collective subject, giving emotional space that undoubtedly deserves. Even within the diversity, have in common that being Argentina, which was what the people rescued on the street, and just this combination of differences in what was popular celebration.

What is surprising, how terribly exciting it was invaded us drop-circumstantial, but real at last, the primacy of the screen there, putting the body in these crowded streets, the people ceased to be a spectator to become the protagonist. It is no coincidence that this date was the convener for such a phenomenon is neither more nor less than the commemoration of our myth of origins.

One of the most impressed was that, against a backdrop of violence always breaks out about the media bombard us, we simply join millions of people to celebrate in peace, together with our families. It was a very hard blow to terrorism of opinion.

We illusions that the massive participation necessarily implies a political awareness multiplied but may constitute an early symptom, a movement to de-alienate, to stop the speech must be a spectator only. Breaking
with that instead of passivity, rather than sitting just looks like others to build their own universe, that's the ghost who hesitates. The only insurance against the mirages of the screens is to know the conditions which encourage them, the ideologies that shape the discourses that sustain them. Given that reality is a construction, will the contribution of diversity that enriches us, allowing us to rediscover that one scene is possible, because history is not written in advance.

Occupy the scene is to occupy the symbolic place of the protagonist, the subject builder Us. We do that with a very young 200 years is taking its first steps. Could it be, perhaps, the Bicentennial the cornerstone for the return to the ideals of May, the origins, to rewrite the text of our common destiny: solidarity, liberating, egalitarian, dignified.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Wedding Burgundy Waistcoat

Bicentennial and futility

(Reflections on the Post "Argentina's poorest, will know what this is the Bicentennial " and" Oblivious to the Bicentennial ") of " The Thing and Cause "

A wonderful phrase Freud says " clarify the original state is always a matter of construction. "

construction to which he refers is precisely the mythic construction. A coating of the symbolic order on the hole of a lost origin, a significant enrollment organizing the world operates.

write two texts: one, wondering, on the merits of inequity in our society, which involve the Bicentenary of the system excluded, expelled from the economy, education, formal labor, attention decent health, will be questioned about his record. The second, however, refers to those who, from a far different location on the social ladder, holding a position between an abandonment and denial to the event.

The two texts, their mutual implication, are among several, to a question guideline: What is to celebrate the Bicentennial? I can say what resonates with me: what is celebrated is the opening ceremony, myth, the foundation of "we." Parirnos to celebrate the history, the Constitution Act of We, differential disruptive previous status, a revamp of existing meanings.
Because what it is symbolic efficacy, the effects it generates.

Let us look what is said in the text focuses from this hypothesis. When Eve asks for "the poorest Argentine" and establishes a mirror duality between the rich bourgeois dispossession and more or less fleet (generality of the writer and read this), he appeals to-summarize-categories of "having", related to the relative position occupied, whether within or in the margins of society, your question, then, is whether quasi-pariah status will remain symbolically "inside" or "off."
/ begs the question, I guess that where recognition would have expected to date and accession progressive young writers with blogs, grassroots, libertarian found disdain and even contempt.
That is, we do not know if you found an answer to your first question, but found what he wanted not find anywhere else, which led her to write his "others."

I find extremely interesting "foreign." Because not resort to the dictionary, but the language shared by all, the alien is other. And note that we were speaking, if our hypothesis is correct, the us. So we no longer speak of having, talked of being, ie talk about the subject. So the question applies to both the excluded and for which it departs.

National popular Discépolo say that, in point of subject, are as Cambalache: in the same mud, all manoseaos. Rich and poor, educated and deprived of schooling, after all, give a response from our subjectivity, by virtue of our family novels, desires, frustrations, successes, failures, significant experiences left their mark on us.

may be that, as in the case of young who remain outside or opposite, as his view of history tells them that it was not a revolution (as if they had been many cases), the celebration does not make sense.
Perhaps some of those mentioned Eva extreme poor who do not understand very clearly what we celebrate, but know that it is concerned, while some of our young people probably do not feel identified.

should not be surprising gaps among generations who are now aged 45 and older, and who are under 35 years. Both the world general, and Argentina in particular have undergone enormous cultural changes in a short number of years.

opinion I have formed on the May Revolution. Not relevant to anyone, except maybe me. You probably have some points of agreement and disagreement with what others think these young people. Is the least important.

Because in any case, is also part of subjectivity not only celebrate what rational, but the emotional . At stake the order of ownership in its full meaning: the movement to make something so. A shared own: our own.

Because the country is not only the history and politics, are our poets, writers, musicians, mothers, grandmothers, laburantes, students, kids.
I give the word no country to which he always took it as private property, nor I to argue with those who do not feel called or participant.

It's just celebrate 200 years of us, some will lose. I prefer to enjoy ar of this emotion.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Milena Velba Powerpoint

Singularity of Memory

Follow me, I will not disappoint
One Peso, Dollar / IMF model pupil
carnal relations
Sending troops to the Persian Gulf
attacks to the Embassy of Israel and the AMIA
The Feyari, ostentation and the lewd exhibition of Spadone
Bernardo & Mariano, Hadad & Longobardi: Menem is blond and blue eyes.
Father Alvaro, Maria Julia and Adelina,
Broda, Melconian, etc / confidence, investors
foreign Kohan, Corach, Assisi, Manzano
flights in the stratosphere
Cavallo crying Norma Pla
The "Privatization" / Pizza and Champagne
My friend Iorg
Anillaco Bush, house and dance
The strange death of Junior
Smuggling arms to Ecuador / Río Tercero explosion
The School Shopping
Ruckauf: insert bullet
offenders say I'm bored again
Cavallo Minister / Country Risk in the Senate
Disclaimer Chacho Alvarez and Antonito
Sushi Group, Shakira Mega ®

Corralito exchange and shielding, Corralón.
Popular Protest, repression and death.
The Helicopter.
Popular Assemblies: throw them all
Multiplication of soup kitchens
I do not know how many "presidents" in two weeks
Declaration Default / cheer for Rodriguez Saa
Proclamation Duhalde / Megadevaluación and asymmetric pesification
The U.S. dollar that made U.S. dollars will
Patacones and Lecops
Kosteki and Santillán, murder Puente Avellaneda

And many, many more things at this point I do not remember.
All this has happened only between 1990 and 2003, suffered in a country that is about to turn 200 years. All these types remain, some in Congress, others are owners of means or "successful entrepreneurs."

Believe me, in 2011 will not be an undecided voter ...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Add Aux In To A Boombox

Fourth Generation Warfare, Part I: Its origins

There are many online articles that touch on fourth generation warfare. Many are directly based on the guidelines described by William Lind, who first published the concept of this doctrine on behalf of the U.S. Army. Lind's articles generally contain inaccuracies with respect to the history of war and thus the very definition what is a fourth-generation conflict. Lind, though perfectly describes the first three generations of war, does not mention the reasons which made the jump from one type to another and also miss a step, hybrid between the third and fourth generation. But let's start at the beginning.

Historicism of barbarism

The war in the modern sense can be divided into stages. A "prehistory" of the war includes any period before the invention of gunpowder, not because it is a homogeneous phase, but because each army had property strategy and everything in its formation was willing to carry it out. Think of the births and attack and retreat, the Aztecs did not kill, but take prisoners, or the Romans with their contraptions of war. From 1648 with the signing of the Peace of Westphalia was an important step in the strategy of war for two reasons:

  1. states monopolized the control of the war that was before practiced by clan leaders, families, etc. ...
  2. Religion is no longer a reason for going to war, at least in Europe

Here things start to take another look stages and we can talk more clearly with respect to military strategy:
The first stage begins with the signing of the treaty itself creates a military culture (as contradictory as it sounds the term), which occurs the distinction between military and civilians, establishing clear and formal ranks, uniforms and greetings are set according to these ranges. Even though in the formal, imposing a strict order, in practice the battlefield was much more messy than it is pretendíay was still the custom to keep lines organized so far to charge the enemy, something it was more a stampede training. With the introduction of powerful firearms and the first pieces of shrapnel artilleríay was suicidatransparente onslaught. This was applied by their own developers in Haiti, Saint Domingue at the time. François Dominique Toussaint However realiazó an excellent job of training the slaves freed by their government. While the French took Haiti, one of his plans was to reestablish slavery, which could not be achieved, even when Loverture, nickname of Toussaint, was imprisoned in France. Makes its first appearance liberation ideal as a disruptor of the imperial war strategies. What if Europe is not only defeated in Haiti, but throughout the continent?

Before the First World War was theorized a new type of strategy and during the First World War is implemented as a response to the lack of discipline and the use of artillery, which would mark the transition to the second generation of strategy. Established a centralized command synchronizing the massive use of artillery pieces to wear and once was little or no resistance the soldiers came to the occupation. Each plan was carefully synchronized and imposing discipline at any cost because of this lack of sync was putting soldiers at risk an entire operation. Does this sound familiar? According to William Lind, one of the ideologists of the fourth generation warfare, the U.S. military continues to use that mode of war.

But this kind of war would finally defeated during the Second World War. Third generation warfare was originally called blitzkrieg (lightning war) and was applied by the Nazis to occupy territories such as Poland and France. Third generation warfare is based less on firepower, but to neutralize the enemy's firepower with quick and accurate maneuvers. A good example was the German invasion of France, protected by the Maginot Line, the second war paradigm generacióny transparenteinvasoras forces defeated by Nazi war paradigm of third generation. The Germans surrounded the Maginot line and sprayed with relatively little resistance given the greater mobility of armored and air parts of troops. While the war seemed the only third generation form of struggle at the time, guerrilla warfare proved defeat. The German bases targeted by the Maquis, were fatally wounded before the Allies retook France. Even after World War II guerrilla groups proliferated in our continent were a few fatal blows to the host "state." Take for example the cases of Cuba and Nicaragua. If we analyze the guerrilla actions, possesses superior mobility to any troops on foot because his knowledge of the terrain, but has no means of transportation and air tanks in its first phase, the accumulation of forces. So, the guerrillas are better at third-generation war that national armies?

should not forget that a guerrilla army is a small group at first, rampant guerrilla warfare if and only if they can win the support of unarmed people, is this who provided intelligence on the enemy, and the vaqueanos of each area are giving the guerrillas the crucial advantage on the ground, allowing full advantage of the oppressive forces. Two cases underlying this, two sad cases I might add:

The old confrontation between the FARC and various paramilitary armies in Colombia:
Although there is a relative balance of power between the two sides, the paramilitaries subsist on the financing of drug traffickers and foreign investment
The defeat of Che Guevara in Bolivia:
His defeat was only possible when the population surrounding the camp refused because of ignorance or fear to lend their support

synthesis, the question of the guerrilla war against the armies of third generation is reduced to a point Song: "They're tiny but with hearts as big." In response, the armies have adopted new strategies prior to the fourth generation warfare.



three and a half generation was developed in a context in which the war was not waged against an adversary state, that is, was designed for a dominate state annihilate an adversary procedure.

In 1951, during the Indochina War the French took the "Red Book" of Mao as a starting point for developing a doctrine to destroy the link between armed insurgents and their popular rear. In Algeria, where he came developing a liberation war against French rule these tactics were applied and polished. The set of tactics of torture, murder and disappearance was later called "dirty war" given its villainous nature. According to this doctrine of war were imprisoned and tortured any civilian suspected of collaborating with armed groups. He was tortured with two functions. The first was to get information if this was the goal once achieved it was killed and his body disappear. If the individual could be useful to life tortured him to break it and use later as an informant or witness. When stopped being useful as they proceeded with the first.

use brute force produced two adverse effects for the French. First, the promise of the use of torture, killings and informal distribution of drugs that are hacíaa responsible for these matters atraíaa the worst and this made them extremely unpopular. To this point were well regarded by the population instead of fulfilling its role of disruption, this doctrine only increased popular participation in the liberation movements Vietnamese and Algerian.

The second disadvantage was seen when the dirty war was exported to Europe. Although the implemented schemes such as that established in Argentina with the 1976 coup, came under its own weight. The military made the country a supply obscene investors hit, call the U.S. and international private groups. In military affairs of state were inept. Although changing the names of the leaders the military regime was still no institutional legitimacy and gave a terrible picture of American interventionism. This way of making war was, then a hybrid of the two previous generations and the next, the use of firearms was essential. Large armies were mobilized fiercely disciplined and small numbers of specialized squads dedicated to annihilate the enemy's operational capacity through force. These two "types" of the army under the second and third phase of the war respectively, but were also used psychological operations if somewhat rudimentary fit the profile of the fourth stage. Importantly, given the asymmetry of forces in conflict, the state became masked its role a terrorist state forced away his opponents and subvert reality to hide their true position in the war.