Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ti 84 Games Ion Pokemon

Argentina: Another scene is possible

live in an age of screens, we are accustomed, and almost mechanical way, to perceive the world and reality, filtered by our screens.
The images have been gaining more ground, and certain media such as television, are became conquerors of households. Bloodless conquest not ceased to be effective in the transfer of certain speeches, modeling functional currents of public opinion on certain political and economic interests.

Thus, for many people, and variations of each singularity, these displays represent the scenario where the show unfolds in the world.

Like any show, has to be writers, performers making up the characters and, of course, spectators.

, who writes the scripts does not appear in the sight of the spectators. That is, they usually have a vague knowledge, minimal or even non-existent in the first. Writer who will generate the scripts, the text has to be interpreted.

could risk the assumption that everyone who believes the show is, in the act, creating the viewer.

Take the example of the news channels, a paradigm of the spectacle of the XXI Century: a note either on a common theme, such as insecurity. The image shows the movilero, microphone in hand, serious expression, assemble a speech to the camera, surrounded by "neighbors worried but glad to be on TV" so that what had been called to testify about a particular case, becomes a universal "are killing us all."
Image with pregnance, such identification when it gets that I could have touched. This deal sockets and comments, both verbal and gestural, the presenters.
But these things happen not only with what might be called "personal dramas" linked to insecurity. Sometimes collective impact is made, as the use of part of pension funds dedicated to sustain the level of employment (which are paid pensions) dubbed the "Silver slapping retirees," as if they had been guaranteed AFJP RIP of a dignified retirement. Or use the excess reserves of the Central Bank to lower interest on a debt that, like it or not, nobody will stop paying.
In these cases, usually appears an "expert", usually with some responsibility in creating or increasing the debt, which pontificates on issues such as "confidence-building investments to come," criticizing the "uncertainty legal "when timidly tries to prevent any further spoliation as existed with the pension funds, which ended up paying the state to grant a minimum pension, and a long list of etceteras.

important thing is that the show work, and continued. Because modeling is an uninterrupted view, continuity in time and the issues it becomes a patchwork uniform, "the possibilities of development of the country are linked to free markets and generate confidence in foreign investors' . In terms of children, the good is private and deregulated, it is bad public investment and a sovereign state, aimed at a more equitable distribution of wealth, albeit gradual, gradual.

Finally, after all, that the show was one of the most significant to hear is "scandal" is a strict measure of consistency. If anyone sees hunger as a scandal rather than as tragedy, it is because it is much more interested in the spectacle of hunger in its final eradication.

corporate media concentration, corporate defense interests common commitment zapping shows a wide range of homogeneous, media law and "other subjugation, this time to freedom of the press (read: business media companies.) Hence the figure of authoritarianism that stifles critical voices, independent journalism (I got tired of encomillar).

The challenge was to create a viewer outraged at the lack of security, who stole up to their pension funds and also subdues the last bastion to defend their rights: the independent press by corrupt and arrogant to deny the consensus (more or less, according to stylistic differences who repeat).
This means, neither more nor less, to make public opinion, a puppet of private interests. The supposed freedom of the people is to be spoken by others.
It is also the freedom of being held hostage by another business.

through, was the Bicentennial. And here is really where it begins another story.

In an earlier letter and Singularity Bicentennial prior to the festivities, we wondered what we celebrate the Bicentennial, and the conclusion reached was that we celebrate the creation of us as a collective subject, giving emotional space that undoubtedly deserves. Even within the diversity, have in common that being Argentina, which was what the people rescued on the street, and just this combination of differences in what was popular celebration.

What is surprising, how terribly exciting it was invaded us drop-circumstantial, but real at last, the primacy of the screen there, putting the body in these crowded streets, the people ceased to be a spectator to become the protagonist. It is no coincidence that this date was the convener for such a phenomenon is neither more nor less than the commemoration of our myth of origins.

One of the most impressed was that, against a backdrop of violence always breaks out about the media bombard us, we simply join millions of people to celebrate in peace, together with our families. It was a very hard blow to terrorism of opinion.

We illusions that the massive participation necessarily implies a political awareness multiplied but may constitute an early symptom, a movement to de-alienate, to stop the speech must be a spectator only. Breaking
with that instead of passivity, rather than sitting just looks like others to build their own universe, that's the ghost who hesitates. The only insurance against the mirages of the screens is to know the conditions which encourage them, the ideologies that shape the discourses that sustain them. Given that reality is a construction, will the contribution of diversity that enriches us, allowing us to rediscover that one scene is possible, because history is not written in advance.

Occupy the scene is to occupy the symbolic place of the protagonist, the subject builder Us. We do that with a very young 200 years is taking its first steps. Could it be, perhaps, the Bicentennial the cornerstone for the return to the ideals of May, the origins, to rewrite the text of our common destiny: solidarity, liberating, egalitarian, dignified.


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