Friday, May 21, 2010

Wedding Burgundy Waistcoat

Bicentennial and futility

(Reflections on the Post "Argentina's poorest, will know what this is the Bicentennial " and" Oblivious to the Bicentennial ") of " The Thing and Cause "

A wonderful phrase Freud says " clarify the original state is always a matter of construction. "

construction to which he refers is precisely the mythic construction. A coating of the symbolic order on the hole of a lost origin, a significant enrollment organizing the world operates.

write two texts: one, wondering, on the merits of inequity in our society, which involve the Bicentenary of the system excluded, expelled from the economy, education, formal labor, attention decent health, will be questioned about his record. The second, however, refers to those who, from a far different location on the social ladder, holding a position between an abandonment and denial to the event.

The two texts, their mutual implication, are among several, to a question guideline: What is to celebrate the Bicentennial? I can say what resonates with me: what is celebrated is the opening ceremony, myth, the foundation of "we." Parirnos to celebrate the history, the Constitution Act of We, differential disruptive previous status, a revamp of existing meanings.
Because what it is symbolic efficacy, the effects it generates.

Let us look what is said in the text focuses from this hypothesis. When Eve asks for "the poorest Argentine" and establishes a mirror duality between the rich bourgeois dispossession and more or less fleet (generality of the writer and read this), he appeals to-summarize-categories of "having", related to the relative position occupied, whether within or in the margins of society, your question, then, is whether quasi-pariah status will remain symbolically "inside" or "off."
/ begs the question, I guess that where recognition would have expected to date and accession progressive young writers with blogs, grassroots, libertarian found disdain and even contempt.
That is, we do not know if you found an answer to your first question, but found what he wanted not find anywhere else, which led her to write his "others."

I find extremely interesting "foreign." Because not resort to the dictionary, but the language shared by all, the alien is other. And note that we were speaking, if our hypothesis is correct, the us. So we no longer speak of having, talked of being, ie talk about the subject. So the question applies to both the excluded and for which it departs.

National popular Discépolo say that, in point of subject, are as Cambalache: in the same mud, all manoseaos. Rich and poor, educated and deprived of schooling, after all, give a response from our subjectivity, by virtue of our family novels, desires, frustrations, successes, failures, significant experiences left their mark on us.

may be that, as in the case of young who remain outside or opposite, as his view of history tells them that it was not a revolution (as if they had been many cases), the celebration does not make sense.
Perhaps some of those mentioned Eva extreme poor who do not understand very clearly what we celebrate, but know that it is concerned, while some of our young people probably do not feel identified.

should not be surprising gaps among generations who are now aged 45 and older, and who are under 35 years. Both the world general, and Argentina in particular have undergone enormous cultural changes in a short number of years.

opinion I have formed on the May Revolution. Not relevant to anyone, except maybe me. You probably have some points of agreement and disagreement with what others think these young people. Is the least important.

Because in any case, is also part of subjectivity not only celebrate what rational, but the emotional . At stake the order of ownership in its full meaning: the movement to make something so. A shared own: our own.

Because the country is not only the history and politics, are our poets, writers, musicians, mothers, grandmothers, laburantes, students, kids.
I give the word no country to which he always took it as private property, nor I to argue with those who do not feel called or participant.

It's just celebrate 200 years of us, some will lose. I prefer to enjoy ar of this emotion.


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