Friday, February 18, 2011

Dark Implantation Bleeding

Fear and crazy

Les put in history: the very popular blog Dr. Khomeini was published a few days ago The entry titled crazy. We did not like. Tells a story between the protagonist of the blog and a patient diagnosed with psychosis than 80 years, giving rise to fear tell you awaken to Dr. Khomeini psychotic patients. We quote the beginning of the entry, we believe, is priceless:

"I do not like psychotic patients. Yes, I know. It is not right that a doctor says so. It is not politically correct. But it is terribly human. And I'm human. And I have, besides other many, this defect. Maybe it's because the first psychotic patient I saw in my life I nail the nails in the wrist to dissect the carpal tunnel (I had to puncture the tetanus). Or, perhaps, because in my years of emergency physicians suffering, one of the "traditional" bundled to bolsazos me. I do not know. "

Entry displeased us. We do not question its correctness policy (our blog is not exactly an example of politically correct texts ). Neither question, of course, the right of everyone to freely write whatever you want (that is precisely what we do). One can not enter the blog and you do not like fixed issue, that is true. But it is also true that from the time that Dr. Khomeini, like us, please post an open blog has no choice but to resign themselves to people who disagree with that message, critical opinion against him. And that is precisely what we are doing.

Dr. Khomeini dislikes psychotic patients. Moreover, this relationship seems to be upset, as we read in the entry, with some physical attacks. And it seems that the question is justified by human tremendously. We regret the generalization from some unpleasant experience indeed, a whole group, otherwise maximally heterogeneous. We wonder, in the event that such attacks had been staged by blacks, as if that justifies human tremendously be afraid of people of color and title the entry The black ... What if the assailant had been a gypsy, an Arab, an AIDS ...? Titles could go out ... (And we're not against the use of the term crazy or mad quite the contrary, if not done, as is our impression, eager discriminatory, that is what it smells all entry and many of the comments to it).

We also consider the justification of the item being human tremendously. The human ranging from the Pyramids and Venice to Hiroshima and the Gulag, from Don Quixote to Mein Kampf, from Gandhi to Pol Pot. The human as such is not a virtue or a vice, but depends on the content of each given. Funny, same thing can be said of psychosis. Psychotic patients, fools are not good people. Not bad. And regular. There are a group susceptible to generalization (perhaps less than any other.) There are violent psychotic (curiously and according to several studies, a smaller percentage than in the supposedly healthy population) and psychotic pacifists, and psychotic funny, sad and psychotic, and psychotic intelligent and stupid psychotic and psychotic psychotic Madrid and Barca. .. It is sad and shows a great lack of trying homogenize all under one label as do not like psychotic patients.

We do not doubt that at all was the author's intention to offend this group or anyone else. Of course the intention was good. But we know that's the good intentions that are the paved road that leads to hell ... And sorry that on a blog so read and comment like that, have to regret an entry like that. Reaching so many people is a great power. And, as an old acquaintance of ours, a great power comes great responsibility ... And, of course, and repeat, each published in his blog what he wants ... But then the comments fall like the others ...

The entrance was answered in the blog Critical Medical by Adrastea_Quiesce , with his usual style, which certainly is not subtle, but we love (as she said, subtlety is overrated). And in turn, was in the blog of Dr. Khomeini various comments, both pro and con, some of them ours. We now quote verbatim some of them:

Jan Berg said: "One thing is yaya demented as you describe, and quite another, a 18-year-old amazed that burly six types need to reduce, not without any of them get hurt in the attempt ... "

Lola Montalvo:" My worst rotation practice: psychiatry. I say no more ... on this floor with young ezquizofrenia patients. I did not understand and that was the error: try to understand. "

Florencio Nightingale said:" Who has not had psychotic of the two types ... The bad thing is that you touch a tender not see how you have to swallow slap you, you shit stain or you spit. Puaajjj! "

Dr. Khomeini said, responding to Florence Nightingale: " Why do you think you do not like? Hehe."

We seem just great. Quite a marvel of empathy and understanding for people who suffer also part of health professionals. Because, in case anyone has not noticed, the people suffer. Suffer as we have not gone through a psychosis can not even imagine. Suffer the heartbreaking experiences feel in your body and mind, experiences that can not be named and, therefore, shared. Suddenly, they hear voices that insult them, know they want to kill, feel that the world ends ... and, if such pain were not enough, have both the curse of the certainty of such phenomena and the curse of not being believed, ever, for anybody ... And all that pain and fracture, are added side effects of medications that often need to relieve himself. And that mix of symptoms, mental and physical, is associated, so difficult to avoid in our culture, social marginalization. In many cases they do not form families, have children, play work ... And not only because of their discomfort and symptoms and consequences ... but also because of the stigma that society places them. Stigmatized, largely because they do not like, because they fear because they are not known, because few endeavor, strive, to know ...

One comment talked about the error with schizophrenia is to try to understand them ... A person is trapped in a terrifying nightmare that creates real and does not know how to leave, and health professionals to their side feels that the error is in trying to understand ...

Another comment cited the example of a deluded 18 years who must be reduced. Imagine this guy, little more than a child, hearing voices that say they want to kill, feeling possessed, raving about his family and not his family ... and suddenly it was launched on to hold him ... And do not question the need, unfortunately, sometimes measures as well. But we find it unacceptable to put as a negative example against the demented Granny , without taking over the least of their suffering (or hers, probably).

Regarding the comment of Florencio Nightingale and Dr. response Khomeini, better not say anything because we were going to the entrance as the Adrastea and in principle there was no We intend (but with the bad milk and reply comments have left us, we strongly recommend reading the input of Adrastea ...).

And finally, a confession:

If we were the mad, be you who fear you would give us ...


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