Friday, February 4, 2011

Men Sitting On Female Belly

major pharmaceutical company (no doubt deeply concerned for the welfare of humanity) in full promotion and development of research activity ... Questions

We read some time ago in the blog Farmacriticxs an entry titled Teaching decency. Doubly spectacular. Spectacular, in the first place, so rather than denouncing the deplorable (common, but regrettable) intrusion of the pharmaceutical industry and their (well paid) speakers in our public health system. Spectacular, secondly, by the blanket sticks that fell to the author comments. The author calls Roberto Sánchez. Critics do not know, because they signed as anonymous. Very brave.

And the fact is that in our blog, we have spoken repeatedly of the pharmaceutical industry and its relationship to psychiatry, and we have been told that demonize the industry ... Similar reviews Roberto those who had (to put) in your post: that what we do not investigate whether laboratories ... than what people would be without the drugs that these companies make ... Things of that order.

And so we write this post: to clarify our position a little respect.

We live in a capitalist society with an economy market. That is a reality that, regardless of whether we like it or not, is there today and not expected to change any time soon. In this reality, drug companies are private companies for profit and its operation is legitimate. It would be much better, believe that outside the state (all of us, lest we forget) who carried out this work, but we fear it will not be so short term.

As legitimate businesses that are, therefore, make investments, develop products and seek (and get) their benefits. Of course, we have no objection. As once responded to a comment, the industry is not in itself neither good nor bad: it is a business . And we agree that such companies are entitled to seek their benefit. And so have all the years of having to compensate patent (amply) investments made.

Pharmaceutical companies invest and risk their money developing their drugs and, if effective and safe, we all benefit from them. No objection. But it is clear that pharmaceutical companies are not NGOs sacrificed to donate their products we will exchange. Pay (with money of all) very well these drugs, hence the impressive results and benefits accounts of these companies. Should we be grateful to drug companies for their drugs? We believe that pay well these products and more appreciation than those billions of euros out of place.

So and summing up, are we against the pharmaceutical industry? Of course not.

But we are against some things (not everything was going to be a good roll):

- We are against that 12% of the budget of these industries is intended for research and 30% to marketing.

- We are opposed to some men in the pay of the industry are in the public health services during working hours clogging (but, of course, we are not against having anyone to view it do in your private time and in other places).

- We are against the administration approves drugs that add nothing to predatory pricing, and then recommend to prescribers that the controls.

- We are against the scientific and professional societies registration set prices to their activities, in practice, leaving only the option to be paid by a laboratory or do not go (believe us the option do not go is not so bad: we are in 2011 and the amount of information available on the Internet and the speed that is available that fully justifies Charlita lost 45-minute, total, was the only thing we would enter Week conference in Honolulu ...).

- We are against the industry hide studies that call into question the efficacy of their products, so that prescribers do not have all the evidence available (as stated here and here .)

- We are against the industry handle does teach studies with questionable methodologies.

- We are against much of the authorities that we speak of drugs, whether in articles, books, papers or clinical guidelines have conflicts interest longer than our income (and only exaggerating a bit ...).

- We are against the industry research focuses on molecules similar to existing ones, they add nothing new in therapy but are cheaper to develop ... but very expensive to prescribe (as we here and here.)

- We are against the pharmaceutical industry, in its influence on psychiatry, has been stuck in all that our discipline is not spread recipes, or psychoanalysis, or philosophy, or history, almost no clinical ...

- We are against the industry, not having enough of the significant benefits in the years of patent term, try to prolong by lies about the efficacy or safety of generic drugs .

- We are against us complain that we have lowered the wages for the economic crisis, while we continue to squander on expensive drugs that have not demonstrated greater efficacy and better tolerated than other cheaper .

Finally, we believe that now it has become clear (although before that it was not).

And so you can see we have no bad feeling with the industry, we echo the laudable attempt to promote psychiatric research (for our opinion such an interesting subject, click here ), which makes one of the biggest companies in the sector , with some scholarships to those professionals interested in research. To leave a link to these scholarships here.

And it turns out, what chance have life, also on the blog Farmacriticxs find some fabulous entries on how it conducted a field research company specific. We believe that reading is very, very educational ...


After reading these posts about what happened in Nigeria, we have removed the desire to end a joke . And to think that we accept, thankfully long ago, going to conferences or seminars funded with money from these people ...


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