Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can You Apply Tyle Over A Textured Wall?

Lithográfica Assembly 2009 at the Maritime Museum of Ushuaia in cell auto_install

Rosana Martin and working in the hanging of the curtain of my cell

Anna Erman and Natalia Giacchetta

part of the installation of Andrea Fontenla

Does Ripstik Have Glow In The Dark Wheels


View of the entrance to the cell ....


Right Side

León, son of Natalia Giacchetta, plays with the photocopies that are part of the installation .

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Siam Shade Shoxx Scans

At the entrance to the Maritime Museum ..... snow!

The hostel Analy Sendon, Elena Dotta, Betiana Yungano and Andrea Fontenla.

Navigating the Beagle penguin .... ....

Giacchetta Natalia, Andrea Fontenla and Betiana Yungano at the opening .....

With Elena Dotta

Saturday, October 31, 2009

What Is The S Button In My 2005 Cadillac Cts

Ushuaia Next shows Alter shows in Usuhaia

I'll do an installation in a cell, continuing desarroollo the image of the wrist I used to rag "The low overhead (the inarticulate poetry)."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Installing Front License Plate Holder 2010 Civic


few days ago a six became the center of U.S. attention and even some news from Mexico, because they thought he was alone in a balloon. The scenes of helium balloon drifting were broadcast live until it slowly descended to earth. Once on the ground and then verified that the child was not on the globe "coincidentally" moments after the boy was found safe at home, hidden in a cardboard box in the attic of the garage. Http://

In one interview after the family made the boy said he felt sick and vomited . This, after being asked what was meant when he said that previously "we did this for a show." Http://

The body of the child vomits, and thus avoid having to answer the question of the interviewer. Who we are dedicated to psychological counseling know that the body usually express what is not expressed in words. The body speaks when words do not. The existence of enuresis, encopresis, symptoms, anorexia and bulimia are among a wide variety of cases, example.

psychological counseling in nausea, laughter, crying, vomiting usually occur as reactions in the body that show a difficulty to cope with a situation that is unveiled. A situation like symptoms should bespeak for the person to take a place in this regard.

This overlap between the body and the language was addressed, among others, by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan who formulated the theory of the two bodies, indicating the existence of a body and a body symbolic body. The effect of language the subject incorporates significant, implying a loss of nature, a humanization of the subject. The body therefore body undergoes a transformation product of significant action, and becomes instinctual body. Moreover, there is always a real rest of the body, which bypasses the action of the signifier, by the action of the word.

Ignorance of this overlap, between word and body, causes it to consider matching a child to throw up a question that can guide the fate of his family, and also generates a zero understanding for school children attending preschool primary or the teachers. Even lot the children called "learning disabilities" that is often referred to with astonishing ease to children who do not fit the requirements of the teacher and / or school often end up accepting, along with the family, this diagnosis is usually after unfortunately accompany having a learning disability. Valga

the previous paragraph to remind many children with whom was a student of psychology degree integrate the first course for capacity development in gifted children UdeG and institutions who realized that learning to teach.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Athletic Nervosa Statistics

Urbis / Lo overhead low, Maurice and Gabriela Saad Esterovich

"You can build cities where the low may be made by a will Borges, who also is so empty that covers everything and everyone, which contains the dream of every one and top of never can ver.El everything and nothing, we are doomed and that we see, at the end and there will only be the dialectic to articulate the world that has each.
Juan Carlos Romero, September 2009,

Gabriela Photoperfomance Esterovich
Photo digital.Fotógrafo: Daniel Chirico.

digital printing on glass nylon.

"tablets with absence seizures", or "niche."
Intervention. Digital Printing
own visual poetry.

View "Icaria" (Mauritius Saad) and "niche" (Gabriela Esterovich).

Friday, September 11, 2009

How Do You Get Shadow Pikachu In Pokemon Platinum

::::" Works under the above objects Mauricio "::::

Overview of the room.
"The object ".

" The pond. "Mural
Digital Photography. Photographer: Daniel Chirico.
Performance:" Poetics of the inarticulate. "

" soft tissue ".
digital printing lithographic intervention.

"Object" and "soft tissue" ... incredible things happen in the interplay of light and images ....

Ap Biology Laboratory 4 Carolina Student Guide

Saad / Alter

Gesher (Bridge)
Das Tiefe (The depth)

Mirrows (Sports)

Alanus Insulis


Friday, August 28, 2009

License Plate Installation Instructions


Former NASA astronaut Lisa Nowak will be judged on 7 December 2009 in a U.S. court for allegedly assaulting an Air Force captain and his rival in a love triangle between astronauts . Nowak, 44, is accused of attempted kidnapping, assault with a weapon and attempted car theft. Lisa

have attacked with a stinging spray to Captain Colleen Shipman in the parking lot of Orlando International Airport in February 2007, where former astronaut drove more than 1,800 hours without stopping even to go to the bathroom with the intention to stay ahead of a flight from Houston (Texas), he was riding his love rival.

would have found Nowak love relationships between Shipman and her former lover, Colonel William Oefelien, commander of the ship Discovery, in a jealous rage tried to kidnap her rival. Following the scandal, and Nowak Oefelien lost their jobs at NASA. According to his lawyer Donald Lykkebeck, Lisa suffered from depression and other mental disorders at the time of the alleged attack on Shipman.

A few days before the event is presented in the media diagnoses of the symptoms presented by the astronaut, being basically referred to as the presence of borderline personality disorder ( ). However, this disorder has a range from neurotic to psychotic states, and as far as Wikipedia tells us, history does not present such evidence to make clinical thinking, and even on the contrary the record reflected an exemplary stability Nowak:

Lisa was a graduate of the CW Woodward High School in Rockville, Maryland, in 1981, degree in aerospace engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1985, Master in Aeronautical Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School in the U.S. in 1992. Since August 1996, worked at NASA and had been qualified as a mission specialist in areas of mission control, communications and primary communicator with human spaceflight. participated in the flight STS-121 , released on July 4, 2006 bound for the International Space Station, completing 12 days, 18 hours and 36 minutes of orbital flight.

Psychoanalysis teaches us that not all crazy acts are performed by a psychotic structure, we mentioned the existence of so-called passage to the act.

Sigmund Freud said that neurosis is a result of our presence in the culture, so we must give up the trends primitive instinctual tendencies. But the waiver is not definitive, in the so-called state of madness often appear to drive returns, out of rational behavior and that is usually present in so-called crimes of passion.

"Madness can occur at any subjectivity and its manifestations is similar to both the psychosis that can be confusing. But madness is a state, a moment, while psychosis is a clinical structure ... Any person may commit an act so crazy event desenmarca the symbolic order, the exchange is governed by the law that characterizes human relationships. At that time the subject's desire can not operate its naturalness, its immediacy, is outside the system substitutions characteristic of human order; lose count, can not rationally direct their actions, the intent of their actions.

should be remembered that Jacques Lacan noted that the madman is the only free man and that would be the only one living outside the discursive chains and to enter the discourse is to lose freedom. In this sense the crazy act is an act symbolic derivative of a mismatch.

There are subjects more likely to fall into that state, are those in which the neurosis is structured very unsuccessful - neurosis called "edge" - is characterized by difficulty in making substitutions behavior that leads to compelling, compulsive. Among the latter is the subject of passion.

This mismatch of the symbolic order creates a return to the drives, where passionate individual looking to merge with its object, and thus regain the place it was denied.

is why in some cases, it could be that of the NASA astronaut, the fact of being faced with a situation where it is expelled from the place where he was placed by the couple, there would be a return to the drive, a possible reenactment of the oedipal experiences extermination of competition on the love object. Recall that Freud tells us that the repressed instinct never ceases to aspire to your satisfaction, which is the repetition of a primary experience of satisfaction.

Another element that gives us clues to understand what might have happened to the astronaut is found when Freud points to elements that comprise the sense of self, this is known as identity. Freud referred to that part of the sense of self is primary, the residue of infantile narcissism, another part stems from the omnipotence corroborated by experience (the fulfillment of the ego ideal), and third, the satisfaction of object libido.

Thus, the feeling of the astronaut himself could have been damaged in the three aspects mentioned by Freud. Remember that aggression is a more primitive than love, and is used initially to defend myself, to defend its structure. That is the ticket to the ceremony presented by the astronaut might have been a result of damage to the elements that gave identity to the astronaut, damage to the existence, real or imagined, of a love rival.

Freud pointed to the existence of the judgmental role posed as follows: what I like, I drink, and I do not like, spit. In the passage to act as spit is the subject, in the passage to the act subject falls outside of what holds it structurally. In this sense, is a victim subject to expulsion, that is, the elimination of its range of subject.

is, the existence of love rival could have generated this passage to the act, as well as being a danger to the satisfaction of object libido is a danger to omnipotence which is corroborated by experience (the fulfillment of the ego ideal) situation arising from the love rival is also within the same occupational structure, while the rival Colleen Shipman, was an engineer for the Air Force . This could indicate that the reaction in a crime of passion also influences the place in which to place rival who is love.

Another element that leads us to suspect the existence of a passage to act in the case referred to is the place where it happened. That is, a person with such powers intellectuals safely deduce easily the great risk of being caught in an airport before committing the crime. "Remember that the lawyers say the criminal passion comes spontaneously to the authority."

spontaneous delivery to the law, which is a possible search unconscious part of the criminal punishment of passionate notes psychoanalysis.

[1] Medina, Marta Susana. "The unprovoked crime of passion and excess" in Guilt, responsibility and punishment in the legal discourse and psychoanalytic research director Ambertin Marta Gerez, Faculty of Psychology Tucuman, Argentina, 1999, pp. 77-78.
[2] Idem., P. 78.
[3] Freud, Sigmund. "Introduction of narcissism", Collected Works, Volume XIV, p. 97.
[4] Harari, Roberto. "What happens in the analytic act?" Ed Place, Argentina, 2000, p. 193.
[5] Medina, Marta Susana. "The unprovoked crime of passion and excess, p. 81.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Womens North Face Breast Cancer Denali

In U.S. legal psychology has made great progress in recent decades as . The involvement of psychologists has increased considerably in the various legal processes. Professionals in this field evaluate the mental, psychological affectations, psychological conditions and other affected parties. A case in this country has had particular relevance in recent years is that generated by the former NASA astronaut Lisa Nowak.

The law serves only to overt behavior, the act presented, so that the legal dispute may be assisted in psychology to be identified the causes that gave rise to certain measures. Legal psychology is the bridge between psychology and law, and it is a science designed to assist the administration of justice on mental health issues, personality, and normal or pathological behavior. The expert psychological or psychological expertise is an in-depth study of human behavior in the environment of the Law and the Law. Within

Psychology there are several guidelines. Psychoanalysis has long been called depth psychology to go in search of what lies internally of the subject, and discovered the importance of unconscious processes in human behavior. A good psychological expertise in any act must detect their psychological cause, in addition to presenting the evidence given by the proper psychometric evaluation of psychological tests.

Some cases where a report is especially relevant psychological expert:
· Proceedings criminal law
· Separation and divorce: psychological abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, mistreatment children.
· assessment of psychological consequences on the victims.
· Assessment of causes of insanity.
· Exploration of the personality and the circumstances in which there was an act.
· assessment of mental status of the father and mother over custody. Incompatibility of character.
· Surveys on deprivation or exclusion of parental rights. Expert psychological
· civil trial
· Expert psychological labor trial: psychological consequences in a work accident, sexual harassment, abuse, etc.

expert assessment, which can be requested by either the courts as any party, use as a means of interview, medical history, psychometric tests and especially the theoretical foundation that the expert has to investigate, understand and link the different outcomes that result from this process, both the psychological realm as in the Legal.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Could You Put A Bi-pod On A Gamo Big Cat?


One of the social problems in recent years has been increased violence. Street violence, violence within families.
The media give us quite frequently hear cases that cause horror to society. Cases that call into question the social contract: situations of incest, patricide to swell the statistics of victims of domestic violence call.
governments and educational institutions tend to devote large resources to address the effects of this violence and, sometimes, in prevention efforts. Psychiatry and psychology have so far had a rather modest contribution to the understanding of psychological phenomena that occur in these situations. The subjectivity of criminal, family involved, the victim, the psychological processes that are involved in the punishment have been elements are generally covered with explanations as basic as the existence of a low tolerance for frustration. Phrase we have heard time and again to explain the psychology of the criminal.

prison systems, the creation of laws, the activity of the criminal state to have rejected virtually the psychological perspective of their procedures. This effort aims, from psychoanalysis, from the law, provide information to enable an understanding of the phenomenon of transgressive act, criminal act, intended to bring out the importance of taking into account the psychoanalytic considerations for the social rehabilitation system called, aims to delve into the psychological implications of establishment of the Act, its violation, and punishment. Does the law can be helped by psychoanalytic findings that have emerged in the space of the clinic? Does the law has a clinical role? The papers presented will try to make a contribution to that response.

The reason for this space is the overflow that I think has the problem of violence today, self-interest in making a psychoanalytic reading about this serious social problem, particularly given the small contribution of psychology and psychiatry in the understanding of these issues, as well as the lack of research that I found respect.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tvcenter Pro Sound Problem*



Note to boaters:

One of the fundamental characteristics blogs is that the different entries are displayed in reverse order of the date of publication, ie the input that we first see is the last we have published. However, if anyone is interested in the content of this blog would be useful to read it in the order they appear in this index. While this blog is a digital space, the content is analog. If you read in the order listed in the index on the meaning and significance of the above have a logic and coherence of the otherwise lost.

The content of these posts (Block I) arises from reflections drawn from a particular practice in some centers to drug use (Block II). Block II it I will publish in the near future.
