Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cruising Places In Indianapolis


In explaining the causes or reasons why people are negligent behavior patterns (or not) tend to use some explanatory models that we summarize below and have been developed in the field of drugs and readjusted to other problems:

* Model ethical and civil.

people are considered adults free and responsible choices. Citizens are viewed as competent and able to decide what is best for them or not without external tutelage (or state, or professional). This model recognizes the individual as responsible and competent to decide for himself. Since this model is questioned determinism (social, genetic, natural ...) that reduces the subject of study subject.

* Models ethical and legal.

Models based on the Rule of Law In the case of drugs, the Act governs the use or not, forms and protocols. Building on assessments of moral and / or pseudoscientific prohibiting and penalizing the use of illegal drugs and consumers are defined as criminals responsible for their "addiction." The repression of supply and demand (sellers and consumers), the criminalization, punishment and social stigma of consumers are some of its main features. Police repression and imprisonment are the most common responses. This model is usually grounded in morality and in psychiatric and criminological theories dominant. Magnify and exalt the harm and the legal consequences provided for the cultivation, trade, use or possession. As for the problems with food, with the game, with the image or the Internet have not transcended the law of medical discourse, although there have been statements to compulsorily treat people defined as "anorexic."

* health or social models of health.

- Medical-psychiatric and / or pharmacological.

Defining consumption, "anorexia," the "bulimia" or "gambling" as a "physical illness and / or mental justify both the ban as" treatment "and even the obligation thereof. The subject is defined as a victim of a disease: drugs, gambling, new technologies ... as damaging agents. Are based on drugs or, in the view that the substance does to the drug user, or arguing that consumption is the effect of previous symptoms. These models have little scientific basis and epistemological, but its moral is socially and politically are widely considered an effective model of social control. The medicalization of problems social and personal services has become a common social practice. The model of health care have also generally supported, often with arguments of a biological or genetic. Its purpose is to heal and to isolate the subjects of social movement and prevent contagion (physical and moral) that another infection. The strategy used to magnify and exalt the harmful consequences of negligent use as intrinsic properties of drugs, sex, gambling or Internet. Their enforcement model is highly developed. This model considers the substance, thing or action the centerpiece of his speech to be residual devaluing the socio-cultural and at the same subject: the subject is considered as sick and irresponsible.

- Psychosocial.

H ay theories, minority, who consider the subject as active agent and liable to the consumer, contextualizing the problem between the subject and its social environment. Accept personal responsibility and civil ethics and ability to become as an agent, able to choose from. And there are theories (deterministic, behavioral), the majority, who opt for psychologizing and pathologizing the problem limited to a single disorder (or family) ignoring factors the social, historical, economic and cultural are crucial. There are psychological theories that reduce personal behavior patterns and social events, behaviors objectively verifiable and neutral, are theories that blur the subject. It is usually considered the subject as a person with problems of maturation, adaptation or development. Psychosocial stress models for health education. The information, training, therapy and self help groups focus the strategies of these models. In general, these theories avoid the analysis of socio-economic and political focus "in analyzed according to the principles that govern all conduct" .

- Bio-psycho-social.

These models define the problem as the result of biological, psychological and social. There is some institutional bias to defend these positions deterministic theories. One of the drawbacks of these theories is to determine the importance of each factor: biological, psychological, and social and personal relations responsibilities.

- Biological-genetic.

These models are based on biological or genetic determinism by defining the subject as object, meaning that the personal will and the choice of the subject have no relation to their patterns of behavior. "With food, sex and other natural stimulants, the brain rewards us with a modest release of dopamine, to learn that it is worth persisting in such behavior, says Dr Marcus Munafo, an experimental psychologist at Bristol. With nicotine or obtain alcohol far more powerful shock. " These models seek the causes reactions chemical, in the role of neurotransmitters, molecules, proteins or genes in pathogens.

* socio-cultural models.

There are theories that emphasize drug use in the type of social structure, its institutions, its laws and customs, are in favor of adult consumers consider as the principal agent in the act of consumption a society in conflict or where the structure is not equal to the sum of its parts, but much more. Also, there are theories that consider the subject (consumer, player, etc.). as a automarginals. And there are theories that consider the subject as a social victim as a patient, as an outcast, as a misfit, as a deviant or as an anomic, denying the possibility of personal responsibility in a society where everyone is in the proper place in a structure that is the result of the sum of its parts. Consumer responsibility is attributed to the social structure to the detriment of the people.

officially dominant models are a combination of the ethical-legal and socio shown to be effective in their repressive policing and social control. In practice these models and theories can be given to the preponderance of any of them over others, or we can find the combination of several of them.

Canal addiction. Model ethical and legal. [Online]. Http:// < >. [Accessed: March 2006].

Escohotado, A. (1989). History of drug (Vol. 3) . Madrid. Ed Alliance

Canal addiction. "ethical-legal model." [Online]. Http:// >. [Accessed: March 2006].

ACIPAIS. (1994). Course Master / Expert in drug addiction and AIDS. Malaga. Edit. ACIPAIS.

Canal addiction. "psychosocial approach." [Online]. Http:// < >. [Accessed: March 2006].


the day. [Online]. Http:// < >. [Published: September 15, 2005]. [Query: February 19, 2006].

the day. [Online]. Http:// < >. [Published: September 15, 2005]. [Query: February 19, 2006].

Canal addiction. "Socio-cultural model." [Online]. Http:// < >. [Accessed: March 2006].


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Inurl:i -catcher Console - Web Monitor

Many men, like children, want one thing but not its consequences "
Ortega y Gasset.

Just as there are people who use drugs and have no trouble for it, some people do not make good use and get into problems related to such misuse . The use made of one thing indicates the type of responsibility that the subject is at stake or not. In general, the person who claims to have a drug problem, it says it has a value problem (the life, dignity, self-esteem), habits, or personal responsibility for their own elections. There are millions of people who use drugs and have no problem with that. Others Instead, when you misuse can have serious health problems, relationship or otherwise. Many drug users have problems when they recognize it, define it often mirror social discourse, ie, are considered "addicts" "addicts", "dependent", "sick," "victims" and "irresponsible" which is what institutions and professionals are typically demand. As noted, Savater: "In a society in which any waiver of the freedom of individual choice is his cousin and where no attention is paid only to those who become your problem a problem of public order, getting a drug addict is a temptation and a reasonable risk strategy but not without rewards. " [1]

People who have a problem with consumption but not shirk their responsibilities do not usually have great difficulties to resolve it. In essence, the drug issue is a matter of choice and personal freedom, if prohibiting the use also prohibition to be free. The problem occurs when the choice is made without basic knowledge in the most adverse conditions (underground, inadequate doses, impurities, harmful forms of administration, stress, ...), police chase that is, with the ban. [2]

In our experience we have seen people Consumer biographies of ten, fifteen or twenty years that continued to consume drogas mientras intentaban dejar de consumir en algún centro. Hemos visto personas que dejaban de consumir de un día para otro en el primer, segundo o tercer intento. Otras tardan meses en dejar su hábito de consumo, otras tardan años, cada caso es único. Hemos comprobado que hay personas que no quieren dejar las drogas ni hacer un uso razonable y, también, hemos visto personas que consumen drogas y que no tienen ningún problema porque el uso que hacen no es negligente. Y, cómo no, personas que desean morirse consumiendo drogas. Pero conviene no olvidar que sólo un porcentaje muy bajo de las personas que usan una droga acaban teniendo serios problemas con ella a lo largo del tiempo. [3] Most adults, as they are responsible for their own lives, they know to the extent necessary for their welfare is not damaged. The saying that "there are none so blind as those who will not see" the same happens when a person takes a drug that does not leave, shall be compelled by force or coercion, but that is not to educate or cure .

A socio-educational assessment drug on the conflict presented as fundamental ways in which person and environment interact, the symbolic place that deals drugs on the one hand, and places both (person and environment) took the other. In our practice and our analysis we have not seen problems with "addiction" or "dependency", but laws and unjust, cruel and criminal, on the one hand, and relations and elections, on the other. Mental illness (substance abuse, addiction or dependence) is produced by legal institutions and medical-psychiatric and are marked by a punitive and social control. When the subject is free can be responsible, when you have self-respect, self esteem, when it is able to analyze and understand their way of relating to things or take responsibility for his acts, drugs (gambling, food, sex, image) is no longer the embodiment of "necessary" and loses its magical attraction. Even the careless consumption generally refers to a position of the subject, the subject is a response to their environment, a conflict (language, identity, relationships, ...). Drug gives pleasure, escape, disinhibition, provides some "solution" to the subject. "And any resolution of that disagreement by illusory consciousness of reality with the ideal should resonate even in the depths of the imaginary knot narcissistic suicidal aggression. Furthermore, the illusion of appearances in which the organic conditions of intoxication, for example, can play its part, requires the consent of the elusive freedom ... ". [4]

When the negligent use of a drug leads to problems with family, health, labor or justice is often invoked the spirit of the disease, as the evil to be exorcised. Unreasonable or negligent consumption of drugs can not be cured because it is not a disease itself. Institutional cures in our area generally consist of either abstinence in force or in force a change in drugs, illegal legal. Heroin, cocaine and cannabis are switched to methadone, benzodiazepines or other. These widespread practices affecting the health, dignity and rights of citizens are cheated by the political institutions and professionals.

Drug use is a personal conflict, a contradiction, when a person decides to take responsibility negligent, if the person violates his own dignity and welfare, when it reflects an obvious lack of self esteem : when a person loses self-respect. In any case, the drug is not the problem, it's just a sign. The meaning is given by the professional and institutional discourse. But overcoming the problematic use of drugs, too, is a question of will: love is power, to a large extent, but if you want is impossible.

From an educational perspective the drug problem is a conflict of relations between institutions and individuals. Ethical conflict, civil and legal, personal dignity, self esteem, habits, the value that is given or not to life, rights, freedoms, choices and responsibilities. The consumption rate indicates how the individual relates to himself, with the rules and with their environment, profit and loss. Conflict that has to do with how the institutions involved, create, reduce or expand the conflict, the rights and freedoms.

social education from the "drug problem" in an individual perspective refers to one of values, habits, relationships and choices, not "units" refers to the ability of citizens for autonomy and personal independence. The person who has his life as a self-value and has hardly jeopardize your personal or social welfare with a negligent use of the drug. People who take their responsibilities hardly threaten their dignity, their health or their own life with a drug misuse.

[1] Savater, Fernando, "The clinical condition" ; magazine "Keys of practical reason", No. 1, 1989.

[2] op.

[3] notched, Antonio; History of drugs (3). Ed Alliance 1989.

[4] Jacques Lacan, quoted by Vera Ocampo, E. "Drugs, psychoanalysis and addiction" Edit. Paidos, Buenos Aires; Argentina.1988.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Do Packets Of Mayonnaise Expire


"It may be worth mentioning the three major periods of history: When man believed that happiness depended on God, he killed for religious reasons. When man believed that happiness depended form of government, killed for political reasons. After long years, more like nightmares, we arrive at the current period of history. The man awoke and discovered what in fact had always known: that happiness depended health and then began to kill for therapeutic reasons ... Today is that medicine has replaced religion and politics. "

Adolfo Bioy-Casares

analyze and understand the uses and customs of how drugs are used in different cultures and historical moments is not possible using the conceptual schemes (Moral, legal or "scientific") that currently govern our cultural environment. The medical anthropology, ethnology, ethnobotany, historiography, archeology and linguistics have demonstrated the need to extrapolate the conceptual frameworks, analytical or explanatory to understand the motivations, beliefs, customs or values \u200b\u200bthat each culture or community produces around its most entrenched drug or hated. The historical use of drugs is inseparable from its relations with the need, knowledge, customs, values, myths, religious, economic, legal or ideological each time and place. Drugs and their different applications are an inseparable part of the many cultures that make Human Culture. Human Culture can not be understood without the role played by the drug over the millennia in a wide variety of areas, times and places. Drugs have been, are and will remain a constituent part of the Culture. Hide the cultural knowledge, drugs or other, is a manipulation that generates myths, further infantilization and uncontrollable and destructive effects.

drug use and drugs for personal or social welfare has been an ancient practice. In the myths, rituals or sacred texts of varied cultures drugs are an essential element (the soma, the wine, the "myrrh", cannabis, cocaine or snuff). Over time, drug use has been tolerated or punished, more or less, depending on the substance, the time and place. Thus we come to this situation so ably pointed out the Perich: drug is smoked a joint in La Rioja or drink a Rioja in Arabia.

With the institutionalization of medicine and psychiatry from the eighteenth century and the rise of social control mechanisms of state to this day (nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, orphanages, workshops, correctional therapeutic communities, day care centers, centers dispenser) the rights of citizens have been regulated up to the current situation where they are considered unable to to be safeguarded for its own sake. The drug is considered a social problem, both for therapeutic states, as a "science" institutionalized coercive, cruel and paternalistic. The and certain multinational states have used and use drugs as a form of social control and as a way to get significant revenue. Drug-financed states, guerrilla wars, coups, tax havens, banks, multinationals and individuals.

From our perspective the drug conflict is the effect of various factors such as Empire Act that criminalizes views civil liberties and personal, moral and coercive paternalism, a model of clinical status, "science" in the service of political and economic power along with the choices and personal responsibilities, temptations, learning ability and self-control. The drug creates a conflict between Act and the habits and civil rights, including the model of health and personal responsibility, including ethical and moral rights and democratic freedoms.

prohibitionist legal framework is perhaps the most important factor has been dead and sick relative drug use, has filled the prisons of consumers with long sentences and disease has spread, institutionalized corruption and mafia profits soared. Recall that the drug trade and has been punished by amputation, with life sentences, with long sentences or the death penalty in many states. The myth and magnification of the intrinsically pure evil of drugs, besides not having a scientific or epistemological foundation minimally acceptable, has terrible perverse effects on the welfare of individuals and society. Is it not ethical and aggression against citizens and civil society with the false attribution of evil to a substance? The very prohibition and repression "can not be considered a criminal act by its effects? The ban is well-known perverse effects for some time. Do not forget the tragic consequences of the famous "Prohibition prohibiting the use of alcohol in the U.S., and ultimately had to be repealed to avoid mass poisonings by adulteration, ethyl with irreversible comas, killings and the rise a few gangs that have since had a power comparable to that of the states themselves.

Despite official statements that raise insist that drugs are bad that kill , creating dependency (enslaved people), which is one and and mental ISEASE is immoral to allow their use, moral arguments and scientists not convince the public and many professionals, but curiously states UN , WHO , public institutions, NGOs, the narco or sects turn moralists insist, above all, to ban drug-save-cure punish the infidels and guardianship. Morality dominant imposed obligation to the citizens, deciding for them and punishing them if they do not obey.

The drug is a social problem, in part because he has given to address the issue without prejudice or morality and in part, because it favors certain political, economic and military states, institutions and international organizations. Prohibitionist criteria and coercive powers assumed by the dominant (and acolytes), for certain sectors of science and institutions such as WHO no epistemological basis or scientific and ethical authority: the ban was imposed from an asymmetrical relationship and abuse of political power and professional. Punitive regulation of the global drug produces many more problems than it aims to solve and is due to criteria other than science and epistemology of our time and place. The ban has been imposed and exported globally by "The Empire" , depending on their political, economic or military, under the model of evangelical philanthropy salvation, or worse still, under his "Peace" The Peace Made in USA .

The arbitrary and discursive contradictions regarding the consequences of drug use, international and national laws or health policy applied to drugs and their consumers will raise questions such as, for example, because substances that are considered true panacea for humanity (cannabis, heroin or LSD-25) has passed represent evil of our time. How substances are freely sold in pharmacies, no problems whatsoever with consumers, they become very dangerous and detrimental to the public. The pseudo-scientific arguments have not convinced the public but the bans have been imposed. The case of LSD-25 is quite paradigmatic, because once discovered and tested on thousands of people, and a wide variety of diseases, scientists, intellectuals and institutions around the world, proposed as an ideal in the treatment of different disorders behavior or as a better means of introspection or as a means of entertainment experiences. But the identification that was created between the LSD-25 (or marijuana) with certain social movements and political (Black Power, hippies, counterculture movements against the Vietnam War, pacifists, environmentalists, strikers or demonstrators, " May 68" ) in the decades of the sixties and seventies, he had identified the political powers use of certain drugs with civil and political dissent. All of this swayed the credibility of the political and moral structures of much of the western world and the states began a real military war, political, criminal, judicial, moral and health against certain drugs and their customers, offering in exchange a multitude of drugs much more dangerous recipe for the welfare of citizens. Antonio Escohotado, collect testimonies that help us understand the arguments and attitudes (scientific, moral, legal and political) of the time, brought into play on this theme:

"The relative slowness with which incorporate the new term" dependence "to the legal texts and regulations is due in large part to the character" formal "of them. When the current attitude toward addiction has evolved from punitive treatment, the phenomenon will recognized everywhere as a matter of psycho-socio-pathology, and this is reflected in the legislative language. " [1]

"Coupled with the drug will eroticism, pornography and violence, often Pharisaic disguised pacifism of some hairy, before antisocial, nihilists, and carriers of the virus that can ruin our civilization (...) It is easy to see the nefarious influence of the drug-communism. A few days ago Interpol-London reported to have arrested three drug traffickers English complicated promaoístas activities, and whose objectives include the promotion of drugs consumption. Who can forget such strike action or unbridled student rebellion or pacifism that exploit systematically, almost simultaneously, in the world? Do we not all have a common origin? But China, while poison does the Western world thanks to the lame complacency of our comfortable and selfish world, taking steps to eradicate the pest from its soil. In a single day in Guangzhou, 275 addicts were shot. With such a speedy cure the Chinese insurance are of no a relapse. " [2]

The drugs as social problem occurs when certain substances are used as a means of destruction by invading armies as a business, for example, the opium used by the British in China or alcohol used by the European invaders against indigenous populations in Latin . O when used intensively to combat famine. Or when used in urban and industrial to neutralize the political and social participation. Also, when certain substances are attributed to evil qualities as did the Inquisition or like many current institutions. More recently, the drug problem is strengthened when the legal prohibition produces itself and is undertaken by different institutions and professionals. When drugs and their uses are not illegal, overdoses adulteration, if any, are anecdotal and crime in relation to drugs, non-existent. Drug trafficking and all drug-related crime are institutionally created: product ban, crime by law. And the prohibition continues to expand. Prohibitionist and paternalistic consensus is directly proportional to the fear of freedom and personal responsibility. Scary consensus where the stigmatized just taking a pre-configured institutionally. For this reason, we find individuals who define themselves as addicts, addicted or sick, in the same manner as in the Middle Ages many people were delivered to the Inquisition incriminate possession or witchcraft. [3]

When comparing drug policies between different states, for example, Spain and Holland, excel data to challenge certain intransigent positions and negligent . For example, in Spain, rates of HIV infection among injecting drug + intravenous rates have reached 65%, compared with a rate of 10% in the Netherlands. Likewise, we can say on the rates of liver infection. Transmission of hepatitis among drug intravenously was well known health and the media, however, did not take the necessary measures. Obviously, maintaining the coercive and punitive legal positions or device caused infections and deaths. Refuse to provide syringes and condoms to consumers or in prisons causes infections and deaths: is not a social crime? Question the use of condoms, education about safe sex or safe consumption among consumers causes confusion, misinformation and neglect. Similarly, political or professional rejection dispensing syringes, methadone, cocaine or heroin contributes to the spread of disease, increased mortality rates, the indignity, the criminalization and stigmatization. The dominant model establishes the protection of citizens by treating them as children: they are not full citizens. With the help of science people are reduced to objects. Dominant moralizing imposes its dogmas at the expense of the health and lives of millions of people. What can we say of those entities that refuse to provide information on the use of condoms or sex education or condemning the death spread to millions of people?

do not believe that decriminalizing drug trade and that some people avoid misuse, negligent use. But surely disappear if perverse and deadly effects the ban has produced (punishment, criminalization, detention, secrecy, disinformation, infections, disease transmission, deaths by "overdose", forgery and criminal mafias and more). Decriminalization avoided, largely negligent use and maintain minimum levels of social conflict.

While our dominant social morality speaks slogans as "drugs kill", "drugs are bad", "hooked on drugs" or "drug abuse is a disease," the truth is that the dominant professional discourse defends these arguments from a position of power, authority based on ethical, not epistemological authority.

[1] 1. H. Halbach's (1968). Chief of Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology WHO. Cited by Antonio Escohotado, drug history, III. Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1989.

[2] Reboredo Mato JM (1969). Brigade Chief Central Narcotics . Quoted by Antonio Escohotado, drug history, III. Alianza Editorial; Madrid, 1989.

[3] Alvarez-Uria, Fernando, "and crazy Miserables" Edit Tusquets., Barcelona, 1983.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Brent Everett Christening


Pretender find a determining cause why people use or not or misused drugs or too much to ask. Hardly find a single reason that condition individual choices or why some people choose to take their responsibilities and others decide to abandon it. Often combine different factors that make an impact or other response in relation to consumption and set of relationships that the person provides to itself and its environment. Are many and various factors that may influence significantly negligent use of drugs.

Here we highlight some of these factors presented from two perspectives (personal and social), analytical purposes only, they are two categories of reality:

a) From a personal perspective.

• Values. The life and personal dignity. The value that each person gives to his own life and dignity are important factors in relation to negligent use or no drug. When a person thinks and acts in the belief that "life is shit" the same can eat, drive, work or play casually. If a person appreciates his life, hardly the jeopardized. When a person values \u200b\u200bhis life and recognizes his own dignity is unlikely that your use of drugs, a weapon, food or a vehicle is negligent. The principles and values \u200b\u200bthat are determining a person acquires on negligent or consumption of drugs and other types of social conflict. Self-esteem, self-esteem and acceptance of what is or is not everyone, are often important factors in the presence or absence of various conflicts of behavior and personal responsibility. A person with dignity, recognition and self-esteem and hardly endangers their health or their lives. People who use drugs in a negligent manner, attacking their own welfare, show your personal understatement, his own discomfort. It is pertinent to note that the dignity and self worth are personal and social constructions, at once and inseparably.

• Pleasure. Search wellness, pleasure or happiness. It is considered one of the legitimate objectives of human beings. There are people who focus their search for happiness or pleasure exclusively on the use of drugs socialized exclusion of other forms of pleasure. The pleasure of drug us into the world of hedonism, a world of temptations and choices, profit and loss. The world of pleasures and displeasures confronts us with our capacities for self-control and self-learning.

• evasion. The use of drugs for personal escape and socially is a fact, a social reality. All people have their ways evasion or less standard, every culture accepted regulated and prohibited forms of evasion. There are people that instead of taking responsibility for their lives, their conflicts or their actions opt for trying to escape through drugs:

- Del discomfort.

- In their own responsibilities.
- In a reality of conflict (family, social ...).
- In the sense of failure.
- From the feeling of helplessness.
- from feelings of guilt.
- From boredom, apathy and indolence.
- From insecurity and shyness.
- De ...

• Disinhibition: "Being another" do or say the wrong thing to do or not would not use drugs. Do not feel suppressed, "no cut", "having more small talk." Using drugs to get inhibitions is also a feature of our present culture. There are drugs which are credited with the capacity to facilitate social communication and personal relationships.

• Identification, imitation. Consumption can be a form of identification with the group: it encourages a sense of belonging and may constitute a particular kind of identity. Children and young people have a tendency to imitate and try to identify with their immediate environment (family, friends)

• Curiosity, morbid, transgression. The lure of the forbidden. The desire to experience new sensations. Freud gave us the idea that what makes you want banned. The pleasure of the forbidden, the risk.

b) From a social perspective.

• Prohibition. The ban is probably the most important factor in neglect. Criminalization and pathologizing of consumers leads them into hiding and using drugs without any warranty or quality control. The effects of a ban are catastrophic (spread of infection, production of crime, prison, death, shame, stigma, exclusion).

• The ontological view of biological and social responses to the relationships people establish with ideas, things or actions.

• Disinformation. The lack of authoritative information, plural, objective and truthful becomes a substance safe in a dangerous substance. The less information available to consumers most at risk when using them. The right to pluralistic information, based, truthful and responsible is a prerequisite for doing a bad use of drugs. Misinformation, biased or distorted information are key factors in the negligent use of drugs.

• Poor social education. Systems and non-formal education have "failed" in the education of values. Ethics, citizenship or are living in off-peak times, although they can be fashionable. We often forget that any claim of freedom and responsibility go through a commitment and recognition of personal ethics and community: rights, freedoms and responsibilities.

• The environment and lifestyle. Both the environment and lifestyle factors are considered much more decisive (in the quality of life or death rates) that the biology and the role which may have public and private systems of healing.

• Economic factors. The drug trade (legal and illegal) handsome profit moves creating a range of cultural interests that facilitate its perpetuation.

• Synthesis. The synthesis of pharmaceutical active ingredients in a large number of psychoactive substances that enhances the effects and facilitates their transport and distribution.

• social neglect. A social attitude negligent dissemination of uses, giving rise to a justification, advertising, fashion and consumption interested apologies negligent ("sex, drugs y. ..," "Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse", "Barra Free, "" You take one and we'll give you another, "" Do not worry, be happy. ") Campaigns for" prevention "with no results or even become counterproductive.

• The media and institutional identification among young people and drugs, young and irresponsible, young and fun and young and "high-risk social behavior" creates a social impression that tends to become reality: Pygmalion effect.

• Social conflicts. Power struggles. Value conflicts, ideological, economic, habits ...


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Does Penis Tucking Damage The Penis


drugs and their uses.

The drugs have been used and are used with different personal and social purposes. On the sources of knowledge that we provide historians, anthropologists, mythological, ethnologists, sociologists, archaeologists and linguists, to name a few, we can argue that the use of each drug is inseparable from culture. Although certain groups and states insist on how bad and dangerous drugs are, the reality is quite another. Drugs have been, are and probably will be a valuable asset in the private and public, in time and space. The links between drugs as belonging to multiple cultures, myths and religions are a constant and historical evidence. The arts, music, painting, literature, sculpture, science and psychoanalysis are not oblivious to the social and personal uses of varied drugs and their effects. The overlap of drugs in the most subtle and varied crevices of Culture is a reality, they are made, are customs that can not be ignored or denied.

drugs have been used and are used, depending on the time and place:

• To alter consciousness.

• As a means to achieve wellness. As a way to get pleasure, avoidance or disinhibition, relaxation, arousal, sleep.

• As a way to facilitate artistic and intellectual expression.

• To facilitate the activities magical, mystical or religious (alteration of consciousness, to communicate with gods or spirits, as a divine symbol ...)

• As food.

• As a way to combat famine.

• As drug: healing remedy or deadly poison as the dose used.

• As a commodity and a currency: business.

• To facilitate contact and social relations.

• To alleviate hunger and fatigue.

• To facilitate sex.

• As the form of social control.

• As a political weapon and war.

All these applications show the complexity of the phenomenon and the inability to explain such complexity from simplistic discourses and exclusionary, biased and stakeholders such as the ethical-legal, the medical-psychiatric science or facts. From social education or drug addiction are not objects of work, education belong to other disciplines. As we said from the relevant social work education on personal and social responsibility in the negligent use or drug diligent. Work on the ethics of a decent life, life as a value, esteem, empowerment and personal autonomy.

Speaking of the use of a drug we have to underline a basic difference in this issue: the good use (or use reasonable diligence) and misuse (or negligent use.)

use or unreasonable.

What is meant by a reasonable use? A good use, use it diligently. The use that can make an adult with truthful information when its responsibilities. We understand that any adult is capable of ethical and civilly to decide what is best for her, what he should or not without professional tutelage and interference state.

A reasonable use is to use an informed, knowledgeable. Is a use that is not apparent harm to those who consume but a benefit. Fair use is not seeking the adverse effects of misuse or neglect. A person consume wine does not mean or want to get drunk or that it is "alcoholic."

Misuse or careless use.

What do we mean by neglect?: Misuse. That use of that emerges a real threat to consumer welfare. We understand that negligent use has harmful effects for the consumer but are not desired or wanted it. It is worth noting the difference between a negligent use and suicidal use (in this case if the aim is to end life.)

In everyday language are often used the terms "responsible use" and "irresponsible use" but are not appropriate to treat it with some rigor. When an adult decides to use a drug can do good or bad, reasonably or negligently, but in both cases, there is personal responsibility. You can only raise the case of irresponsibility in the field of minors and legally incapacitated persons. It is also common to use the term "abuse" by which is meant a non-professional use, ie for professionals (doctors, pharmacists ...) the "fair use" is what they do.

"Drug abuse" is another expression currently widely used by professionals and the media. The idea of \u200b\u200babuse is, obviously, metaphoric and lax abuse because in principle refers to relationships between people or animals, but not about things.


Monday, October 16, 2006

Is Nose Bleeds Std Symptoms


From the educational point of view on how to use a substance, how a subject relates to food, your body or to the Internet has to do with ethics (life as a value or as tragedy , dignity, esteem), with the habits and customs, social and personal responsibilities. The involvement and participation responsibility and personal choice (ethics and civil) is not always unique but essential condition for the prevention and resolution of specific conflicts.

historically has distinguished the term drug dependence of habituation or habituation. Habituation is characterized by a desire not "binge" of the drug and if it causes any damage is individual and not for the community. [1] Most of what is now classified as disease, behavior problems or maladjustment are essentially questions of values, habits and personal and social responsibility. [2] society, professionals and institutions are reluctant to admit that what they disapprove of and define as a problem (sin, crime, disease, immorality), for the person at issue is a solution (to be considered morally good or bad). The theoretical increase in "behavioral disturbances" or "social maladjustment" is a reflection of a political conflict of social control that is approached from the discourses and social practices and socio-educational treatment. [3]

habituation When we tend to forget that man is a creature of habit and tend to make many different kinds of habits and accustomed When we speak of habituation habituation can refer to physical, emotional, intellectual, psychological, sensory, mythic or ritual, personal or social. Thus, we can observe relationships between habituation or habituation:

Person and sex.

Person and sport.

Person and television

Person and sleep.

individuals and couples.

Person and work.

Person risk.

person and music.

person and talk.

Person and play.

person and meal.

Person and power.

Person and shopping.

Person and ...

Who or what determines the relationship established between person and gender, person and work, person or person food and drugs? Does the person or work? Does the person or the food? Does the person or sex? Does the person or drugs? Deterministic theories tend to attribute to substances, activities or things that are disabling properties to the subjects. To us it seems clear that he has the capacity to determine the relationships established are people. It is people who use good or bad things or doing things right or wrong, not vice versa. It is people who have abilities and rights to decide, to choose, to make mistakes or learn.


There is some consensus to raise three factors involved in habituation: [4]

1. subject characteristics.

§ Age.

§ Knowledge of the substance, action or idea.

§ cultural level.

§ socio-economic level.

§ maturity, values, self esteem, personal balance ...

§ Grounds of application: medical, self-knowledge, playful, elusive, peer pressure, insecurity, low self-esteem, fashion ...

§ Frequency practice in question (daily, weekly, sporadic, etc.).

§ down Rituals (procurement, preparation or consumption, fasting, vomiting, practiced physical ...).

§ subjective effects ("placebo"), powers and personal mythology.

2. socio-cultural environment.

§ Legality or illegality, rejection or acceptance of substance, action or idea: the greater the repression, stigmatization and discrimination more problems for the general welfare of the people.

§ Lifestyle and environmental quality.

§ social values \u200b\u200bon drugs, diets, "bodies 10 ", beauty, games, avoidance, lack of inhibition. Place every practice in every age, culture and social group.

§ Securities and habits of social group membership on the substance, action or idea in question. Standard types of social practices (advertising, advocacy, acceptance, rejection). Social and stigma mark on each of the habits (drugs, actions or ideas).

§ social mythology about drugs, body image, play, amusement or pleasure. Beliefs and attributes that characterize each event, as time and place.

3. Ideas, actions, substances.

§ actions, rituals and objective and subjective effects.

§ ideas about body image, beauty, fun, life ... ("Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse "sex, drugs and ...," Do not worry, be happy "," drink till you drop ").

§ much more relevant is the ethical capacity and personal responsibility (good or misuse) the drug or psychoactive properties.

§ Pharmacological Properties: Effects objectives and subjective on the body and mind.

§ drugs. Capable of producing well, remove the "pain", evade, disinhibiting, altered consciousness (drug, exercise, food).

§ dose. Amount of substance used (unit).

§ Toxicity and "margin of safety." Consumption path (oral, injected ...).

The drug, food or the Internet does not have properties able to "enslave" anyone. What matters are the relationships that individuals and institutions establish themselves, with things, with their own ideas and their environment. The effects depend on the use (good or bad) that make each type of thing or have ideas about themselves, their own identity, their self-esteem or dignity. Put another way, people are almost always responsible for what they do get it right or wrong. Dominant models often elude the sociocultural emphasis on the properties of substances and reducing the conflict to the scope of the subject. symbolic and cultural issues or ideas we have of things (drugs, image, Red) have effects much more determinative than things themselves.

[1] Escohotado, A. (1989). Drug History (Vol. 3) . Madrid. Ed Alliance

[2] "Habit. (From Lat. "Habitus", der.'s "Habere" Haber.) "
(" Acquire, Take, Take, Take, Take, Start, Remove "). "Peculiarity of the behavior of a person or animal that is to repeat the same action or do a certain thing in exactly the same way, or willingness to do so. Generally called "habit" to the customs more unconscious, as opposed to "custom" is not common to this designation qualifications and moral evaluations: (...). "Habituation" (fem.) Action and effect of habituate or accustom. Particularly to a drug, therefore, ceases to be effective. "

Source: Maria Moliner, Dictionary of use of English. Edit. Gredos, Madrid, 1991.

[3] Szasz, T. (1992). The second sin. Barcelona. . Edic Martínez Roca.

[4] Escohotado, A. (1989). History of drug (Vol. 3). Ed Alliance
