Friday, April 30, 2010

Letter Of Request Quotation - Sample

My work in Litho / Graphics 2010, Berlin

litigrafías In this series developed the idea of \u200b\u200babsence through subtractive intervention in the picture.

Turn Off Catch Phrase Electronic

::: Litho / Graphics 2010 in Berlin:::

Center Edition in collaboration with the Directorate General of Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentina Embassy in Germany presents the lithographic work of 22 important Argentine artists in Litho / Graphics Berlin 2010 in the Gallery of the Embassy of Argentina in Berlin .

From April 29 to September 10, 2010, and Lapizieg, Germany in the Literaturhaus.

Opening September 15 - Closing in October 2010.



JORGE Meijide

Carlos Carmona



Guillermo Roux

ANA Ermano



Mariana Guerrero


Charité ROAD







feather mosaic SILVIA RENATE




Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ceramic Walltile Trowel Size

What we claim

If there is a place in the world where you can always be Argentine, is on its surface.

Wherever you are, to evoke it is transplanted, take root.

occurs to me that has a secret life of its own, and moreover, the gift of memory: before her watchful eye, the facts became the story that we cover.

Parturient of history in its victory was celebrated within blonde on albion and the cry for freedom was 1810. Deeds witnessed sepoys popular hits.

Place where the mass was rescuing people who knew and wanted to honor him where a balcony became the center of the universe and who cheered their leader learned that there were together, not crowded.

met surrendered, cowardly bombing, hatred unleashed, the arrogant usurpation of popular power. How often, how much infamy.

suffered the darkest of nights, the murderers, bloodthirsty young, is of those who fought for a more just, either from the South Atlantic sacrificed in the name of the perpetuation in power of perversos.Conoció the day after the long night, Happy Easter, covenants despicable. The poor get poorer to the absolute limits, the rich richer even obscene.

In the new millennium, the return of old deaths reasons: the extreme inequality that explodes. The helicopter rises, the blinds down industries, the temples of money are encircled.

Mother-Plaza, she also knew, from the absence, create mothers and grandmothers. And in the same event, raising children and grandchildren. That all of us: people.

Children and grandchildren of so much suffering, so much procrastination, so many dreams cut short by death, wrongful life, cut short by lack of opportunities and plenty of needs.

But we are giving birth. Moreno and Castelli. Alem, Yrigoyen. Peron and Evita. Scalabrini Ortiz and Jauretche. Ernesto Che Guevara. And many others who were making a trail that followed. We met with Artigas, Bolivar, Tupac Amaru. We met San Martín, Belgrano, Juana Azurduy. With native peoples with the disinherited. We return to what it should never have abandoned: our being Latin American.

For them, for all, today we are fighting for justice comes, though late, but arrives. And reaching out to murderers in uniform and civilians who called. Each of them knew how to kill her.

So the struggle today is because no kid is hungry, that their parents have decent work, full access to health, education, culture, equality of opportunity .

Do not be fooled by the arrogant and sectarian dominant discourse, unique and enlightened. The task is now popular field of unity in difference, the tension fruitful ideas, not the devitalized consensus, vulgar domes agreement proposed as a paradigm of democracy.

The Argentine Square, our place, as claimed. We claim: equality, inclusion, dignity.

Who wants to hear, let him hear.

Stomach Bug Short Duration

Ex Plaza blogger tells his truth

We take this excellent blog post Mancuso :

We had exclusive access to a document.

statements a major player in these times of tension we suffer. Talk

K blogger who bullied the scribes slaughtered and employees of multimedia and monopoly.

tells us the details of the operations against independent journalists and the installation of fear in society ...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oldest Professional Rugby Player

Book Fair 2010::: Shows Association National Museum of Engraving Friends::

recorders 20 Argentines were invited to participate in this exhibition to mark the bicentenary.
My work, "Absence III." Lithography, embossing and collage.

Breastnfeeding Old Man

200 years / 200 books / 200 artists. Artist Book Show at the Fifth Trabucco, Vicente López. April 10 to May 9, 2010

Antifungal Cream Scalp

K Carlos Souto, the Wizard of Clarín ... Stereotype of intellectual opposition

Who is Carlos Souto ..?

Carlos Souto is neither more nor less than the manager rubs and political publicist Clarín, has been described as the creator and mentor of Video of Felipe and Marcela Noble.

First, we need to know that this character "political marketers' jumps on stage, besides being responsible for the campaigns of several paintings say ... "difficult" which successfully refloated achievement, not an easy task in the window to political candidates, De La Rua ... De Narváez Carlos Saul Menem ... ... and Cleto Cobos ...
With all of them achieving great success, imagine that good "vendefrutas" we're talking ...

Today it responsible for some work ... A clarion call our friends to start Here is the header of the note triggering a scandal that until now not have the importance it should.

communications agency that does the dirty work for Clarín
25/04/2010 / clandestine operations of the task force formed by the advertiser Carlos Souto.

By Lucas Carrasco Jimena Arnolfi

Clarín Group hired international advertising agency ESS, which specializes in political marketing, to raise an army payment congested phone lines radios , so only enter its telemarketers called, and to insult internet commentators who write against or in favor of Grupo Clarin media law K and the Football for All. That agency is also responsible for scripting the speeches to those who defend the prosecution of the law of Audiovisual Communication Services to keep in full force.
Continue reading:

Well ... if you read the note, and to remember how to convince this million man ... that De La Rua was "Speedy Gonzales" and Don Carlos Saul was "blond and blue eyes" we to reveal the strategies you've used each of these monsters ...
data can be viewed on their official website of the agency "The That" if they thought that these agencies with a middle name ... "Mystic" did not exist, you shod fierce ...!

's this: Cases.

So we sold it to De La Rua ...

In 1998 the Head of Government, Dr. Fernando De la Rua with Carlos Souto and running the political campaign organization, win the internal elections of the Alliance and candidatea for president in '99. Thus, the major contenders in the presidential elections are Argentine Peronism , represented by Eduardo Duhalde, and the Alliance, represented by Fernando De la Rua . To deal with the presidential team and besides extending Carlos Souto, Dick Morris and Luis Stuhlman-that were already part-join since February '99, the legendary David Ratto and the legendary Miguel Sal So basically conforms dream team of strategists and advertising would De la Rua to power. Objectives

Getting De la Rua wins the election and become President of the Nation. Strategy

The rival is Duhalde, who was Vice President of Menem.La enmity between the two is tough and permanent, then to society, they appear as parts of the same cosa.Además, Duhalde does not have a positive public image , and during the campaign, Menem plays a role quite intense, active and allows us to pursue a strategy of pure opposition. Candidate to oppose our way of Menem and Duhalde style, speak of the two as if they were the same. All Menem decade would be the counterpart of which would work directly and simply from political advertising. Finally on this imaginary installed, oppose a candidate honest, calm, collected for his prolific performance in the legal field as a defender of the Constitution and a champion of transparency in the accounts and affairs of state. Campaign

So we sold it to Saul ... Carlitos

At the end of 2001 as in Argentina the socio-political and economic information in its history. It disrupts the democratic order and the government loses all power. The President resigns and leaves the country in a situation of total institutional weakness. Eduardo Duhalde, who lost the presidential elections of '99, takes over and performs a transition government to call new elections in May 2003. Following the absolute disgrace suffered by political class for the serious crisis prevailing Duhalde decided to give full support to new and unknown candidate to the electorate, Nestor Kirchner. And also competes Menem, who decides again candidates for President of the Republic. The goal is almost impossible: to reconcile with society Menem. Carlos Souto accepts the challenge, and is part of a diverse group of professionals that will change during the campaign objectives

Leading our candidate the first round of elections by a margin that allows us to make a good second ballot, and to allow Menem to retain a significant share of power in Congress and society.

base our strategy dramatically change the discourse, humanizing Menem and present their future third president as historic, which will waive any interest and rule by the posthumous recognition of society. The first trade show a degree of memorability much higher than their opponents. However, two weeks before the election, and due to internal differences in the Menem administration, the best commercials longer issued, the messages are changed and lost much ground. Yet Menem won the first round. However, he knows he has made mistakes in communication that have undermined key points, and gives all power to the computer that is part Souto to handle advertising for the ballot. The situation has worsened enough, and decided to change the strategy now to retain the voters themselves, who are also threatening to a draw. So the message to the maximum emocionalizamos and highlight the courage to stay Menem in elections even under the most adverse conditions

So Colo sold us "Alika Pliers" De Narvaez ...

In June 2009, taking place in Argentina's elections, and the most important campaign takes place in the Province of Buenos Aires, being the key district. The ruling party ran for Nestor Kirchner and Daniel Scioli, repeating a winning formula parliamentary level of the presidential elections of 2003. On the other hand, the dissident Peronist, Pro Union, opposes kirchnerismo behind the figure of Francisco de Narváez, who already has the support of Mauricio Macri, and adds to the Peronist Felipe Solá. Carlos Souto again teams up derivative of the successful campaign in 2007 to handle the candidate's political advertising Objectives

Install Narvaez as the reference of the opposition to govern the province in 2011. Kirchner and Scioli defeat in the most important territory. Strategy

Submit the candidate as an ordinary man, with plans to solve the problems of the province, who speaks frankly and convicción.Pese a dirty campaign rival, does not enter the fight, contrasting a proactive stance angry with the attitude of Kirchner. Faced with the possibility of fraud by the official apparatus, there is also recruiting volunteers targeted advertising to control the results. Finally, to polarize the election with Kirchner, the utility of the vote to de Narvaez, the need to unite to make themselves heard. Campaign

So we sell to Clarin ...

As you have seen, with De La Rua uses a vetting strategy, using the infamous decade and the entire burden of the corruption in his campaign, betting on the weakening of the figure of Menem Menem himself, and also installed a picture De La Rua "diligent, decisive and transparent" something which soon proved to be absolutely false ...
But after two years of disastrous and corrupt government of De La Rua ... A Carlos Souto now it revive the "demon" that he helped to demolish the same ...! And in its strategy decides to "humanize" to use this advertising really sad .... But for some strange "reason" or rather, something that only Souto known and which for us is reserved, does much of the electorate re-electing the "rat-ring and almost won ...
Souto, and the diploma in the hands of the great "Lazarus" (Biblical character who was able to resurrect) apparently had the power to convince anyone that saw what was really black and white ... so, who returns to encourage other politician, De Narvaez, a total stranger, which List by chance savanna spent two years in Congress looking to the side without understanding that clung there ... But wanted to state ...! So Souto performed his magic again and ... there you have to de Narváez, sitting back looking at the congress do not understand anything ...

Asta here the path of a Marquetinero of those ... that with De Narvaez, achieving the "feat" of put in the first place ... Is that why
an expert in marketing, such as Clarín people and their teams, who apparently "can not" revive the worn image, use the services of "That" by Carlos Souto for the bitter task ...?
Apparently the work is hard, and are recruiting young men of "elite", is just to wait ... If Carlos Souto able to sell a "little fish" but ...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Cryocauterization Cons

This video is circulating in the blogosphere like hotcakes. And it's Club Policy. With you ... Aristotle Sarasa, enjoy it.

Sleeping Pills Available In Ireland

was presented the draft Financial Institutions Act New

Fin Del blog "savage capitalism? great!

"Let the system do it through regulation that will never do it willingly"

As anticipated on Thursday Página/12 block New Members Meeting presented a bill to replace the current law Financial Institutions. The initiative includes turning banking on "a public service." Entire project

Carlos Heller, one of the promoters and drafters of the project, said it aims to generate "broad consensus" that allow its passage in the House in the short or medium term. (Hopefully all FPV with Nestor at the head aporobar put their energies into this project and also the people of PSUR, SI, Hare South, the PS that a few times even seems to support socialist too)

The initiative aims to replace Financial Institutions Act in force since 1977 and was promoted by the then Minister of Economy of the military dictatorship Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz.

The project, which was also signed by Martin Sabbatella, Jorge Rivas, Ariel Basteiro and Vilma Ibarra (New Meeting) and Nelida Belous (Project Progressive), approaches to the financial system "from the needs of users and not the financial institutions, "said Heller. Block Party-Forging Consensus through Silvia Vázquez, also supported the initiative.

In a press conference in the Hall of Lost Steps of the lower house, the deputy said that the proposal is designed to meet the credit needs of micro enterprises and SMEs, forcing banks to allocate 40 percent of its portfolio by sector.

The text distinguishes the domestic and foreign entities, which will be those with more than 30 percent of foreign capital. For these bodies, the project incorporates "more restrictive criteria for action in the domestic financial system" and establish a concept of reciprocity with the countries of origin. "

Unlike the existing Financial Institutions Act, which has a liberal base, draft Heller has "an exhaustive list of operations for commercial banks with universal banking approach" thus leaving the concept of support " any operation that is not expressly prohibited "from current law.

Regarding interest rates, the proposal sets maximum interest rates for loans to micro and small businesses are not above "at a rate of 5 per cent on a weighted average rate for that segment financial system" and also puts the cap for those charged on personal loans of less than 100 thousand dollars.

Moreover, the bill creates the Office of Financial Service Users in the field of the Central Bank whose mission is to defend and protect the financial interests of consumers against acts of financial institutions. The text also instructs the Central Bank to implement a "Code of Conduct for Financial Institutions."
The bill that we offer consideration is based on 2 axes:

• The definition of financial activity is a public service
• Law is conceived from the needs of users and non-financial institutions

Financial activity as a public service

financial activity is a public service oriented to satisfy the transactional needs, savings and credit of all the inhabitants of the nation and contribute to its development and social economito. (Art. 1) Bill

designed from the needs of users

• Orientation of credit to micro, small and medium enterprises and regulation of lending rates
• Establishment of "Essential Services" directed toward lower-income sectors of the population with a maximum level of commissions (in some cases fees)
• Creation of User Ombudsman Financial Services in the Central Bank Scope
• Establishment of a Customer Care Department of Financial Services for each financial institution
• Definition of a Code of Conduct for entities

Objectives of the Act:

• Promoting universal access
financial services • Provide payment methods and transactional efficiency to facilitate economic activity and the needs of users
• Strengthen national savings through financial products that meet the needs of users
• Protect the savings placed in financial institutions, in particular for small and medium savers.
• Promote the general production financing, especially micro, small and medium enterprises
• Promote the provision for housing needs and consumption of individuals and family groups
• Encourage an equitable regional distribution of financial activity • Preserving stability

financial system regulations New conditions for the usual

A class weights, these legal and other regulations and requirements to establish differential for this project, the Central Bank should take into account:
• Source of capital from banks
• economic and social characteristics of the sectors and regions attended

Differentiation and foreign entities

• It incorporates a precise definition to distinguish national private equity and foreign capital. Briefly, one that has more than 30% foreign capital, or that his decision prevails in shareholders' meetings shall be considered foreign
• For financial institutions with foreign capital and representations of foreign financial institutions incorporated more stringent criteria for activity in the domestic financial system. Some of these criteria were present in previous legislation to the Law 21,526
• It gives the Executive Branch the power of authorization to operate new foreign-owned entities as well as increases in equity of financial institutions and new foreign investments in the financial system. In addition, it restores the basis of reciprocity with the countries of origin

New requirements for authorization branches

• The policy provides that the authorization of subsidiaries should be guided by the goal of expanding the geographical coverage of the financial system so as to facilitate access by users to their services and avoid excessive concentration of branches in different places, particularly in densely populated urban centers


• It requires local authorities of foreign capital to inform the public on cases in which the majority shareholder group as a whole does not support the operations in Argentina

financial institutions operations

• Establish a specific list of operations for commercial banks with the principle of "universal banking", abandoning the previous approach of supporting any operation that is not expressly prohibited
• It provides more stringent provisions on the operation of businesses not by financial institutions. It eliminates the possibility that financial institutions owning shares of other financial institutions

• Matching of foreign currency transactions. Foreign currency deposits should be applied mostly in operations in which the debtor has income in foreign currency
• Fees Maximum interest for loans to micro and small enterprises: the fees may not exceed a ratio of 5% to a weighted average of the financial system for that segment.
• maximum interest rate for personal loans less than $ 100,000 (idem anterior)

Democratization of Financial Services

• It instructs the Central Bank to establish a list of "essential" that the entities should provide targeted towards the sectors lower incomes, so that will set specific operational guidelines and a maximum level of commissions
• Financial institutions should spend, directly or indirectly, not less than 38% of total private sector financing to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and 2% to micro
• It requires financial institutions to conduct an annual "Report on Contributions to the Democratization of Services", as in other countries

User Protection Financial Services

• Creates the Office of Financial Service Users in the field of the Central Bank whose mission is to defend and protecting the financial interests of users against the acts or omissions of financial institutions. The functions of the Ombudsman constituted as a second instance of claims brought by users, analysis and studies on the needs, interests and levels of user satisfaction
• Entities are required to treat and resolve complaints submit their users, so that the effect must have a User Support Department of Financial Services
• Central Bank is entrusted to implement a Code of Conduct for financial institutions

• The Central Bank should monitor the level of concentration of different surgical and corrective measures are affected competitive conditions
• No private financial institution may have a role in the overall financial system than 8% in both total deposits from the private sector, and the total of loans to the private sector

Guarantee Deposit

• The project proposes a system with a government guarantee, guaranteed by the State, which is mandatory for all financial institutions, with a limit of up to $ 100,000 per depositor or its equivalent in foreign currency and irrespective of the rate paid by deposits. The idea is to reinstate the Central Bank within the Deposit Guarantee System that was partially privatized by Law 24,485. Transferred to the Federal Government's assets "Guarantee Fund of Deposits" to administer the Central Bank. The aim is to generate a more productive from the standpoint of the depositor.


Labia Stretching Bathing Suit

lbro My page for the group 2 / hundreds. Artists' books in the bicentenaio

(199 +1) = (). Visual poem.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

At What Bmi Weight Does Period Stop

The agency that does the dirty work for Clarín

Clarín Group hired international advertising agency ESS, which specializes in political marketing, to raise an army payment congested phone lines of radio-so enter only calls from their telemarketers, and to insult internet commentators to write on against or in favor of Grupo Clarin media law K and Football for all. That agency is also responsible for scripting the speeches to those who defend the prosecution of the law of Audiovisual Communication Services to keep in full force.

The first batch of recruits, about 30 employees in black, was in October 2009, when he addressed the media law in Congress and the debate became public. Bloggers rented by the Clarin Group terms like law should install k, gag rule, dictatorship and corruption.
Even today, in order to follow up the election campaign of 2011, the task force hired by the media that book their remote battles in the luxurious offices of Peru 800, San Telmo neighborhood, a beautiful French-style mansion built in 1912. That it works there, owned by Carlos Souto. The

creative Souto requested and wrote the script for the televised message and Philip Noble Marcela Herrera on channels of Grupo Clarin, speaking against the law establishing the National Genetic Data Bank as the only person authorized to study support for persons who have been appropriate during the last military dictatorship.
Clients. Souto list is not wasted. He was publisher of the Alliance who led Fernando De La Rua, tried unsuccessfully to go back to Charles Menem in 2003 and now is proud to have worked with Julio Cobos and being the real brains of the "Alika, Alikate" to catapult anti-politics as leader of the Colombian Francisco De Narváez. The plant anti

k. Consists of two areas: the blog and the call center. The bloggers involved print media online through the drafting of comments by appealing to false identities. From a search engine tracking ID numbers and then use the names of those persons to fill the forms on pages where written messages sent by creative. Also in charge of making the scrolling control: they have many comments for and how many comments against is on the law of Audiovisual Communication Services, investigate who the users who comment on the antipodes of the fall line ends, etc.. Also send mails to the boxes of these commentators, build trust and establish a relationship. Among the pages that include web graffittean La Nación On Line Policy, Review of Argentina, One Minute and Profile.

All these activities are intended to contravene any false identity and journalistic ethics and codes of ethics of the commercial. They resemble stitching underground which are then used by the big brands. With aggravating who sew for a meager salary, do not require them to lie or do criminal work. Looks
South unimpeachable sources agreed to reconstruct the activities of the ESS. The climate of secrecy is reinforced by an oral request for confidentiality. One issue that has legal statutes and are valid only insofar as they are signed for full compliance by company employees. In this case it is just a simulation to scare young people working in black and are not legally advised. In addition, it is accompanied with a political indoctrination: "This is a war" and "the Government does the same as us but in reverse," he said. Modus

operandi. Call center employees are dedicated to block lines of the main radio listeners in that curiously does not include the Clarín Group: National, Del Plata, American, Continental, The Red, The Ten, Metro, Rock And Pop and Belgrano.
turn, are responsible for transcribing what is said in these radios to monitor what is happening. Do statistics, reports on what is the tendency of each conductor, what political line developed by each program, which are closer to the Government, which are further away, etc. Always from the perspective of political and economic interests of Grupo Clarin.

The call center sector have a server last generation that allows the radios to block the switch so that messages arrive only scripted by the contractor of Grupo Clarin, and simultaneously delineates the strategy of attacking the media law k. The heads of the plant supplied chips and phone cards to change the phone number so that it is impossible to verify that all calls come from the same place.
For its part, the cases bloggers are available to proprietary software that tracks Clarin adverse comments on the Internet. They can detect and download online anti K. The agency's computers and wireless modems Souto have a rotating IP's for Nor is it possible to trace the routes of the PC that made the messages.

The coordinator of the groups is the son of U.S. Attorney Treasurer Mission Juan Carlos, Juan Andres Treasurer, nephew of Carlos Souto. The law firm that the Prosecutor opened through his wife in Buenos Aires had its first decline two months ago: John Andrew quit his job with his mother to devote full time to the crusade anti K. In fact, even changed the neighborhood to move into the same block of the agency's That.

"Do not talk or with the family about it." That is one of the explicit orders of Juan Andrés Treasurer at the time to contact the inmates of the plant anti K. Privacy first. None becomes part of this dirty campaign responding to a job search naturalized. They are all "Friends," "family," known. " People going to put the body and will keep the secret to everything. But every great plan has its bumps.

One of the initial promises are contracts is the "certainty" of a better job of looking after several months of informal internship and despicable. Juan Andres is about showing photos of his uncle by Elisa Carrio, Francisco De Narvaez, Julio Cobos, Carlos Menem and the other contacts that uses the agency financially. That is breathed into the power.

This is how these young college students with financial need and false promises of job placement in more real jobs and less embarrassing, wages are above average. Wages from the money of Grupo Clarin between 2,000 pesos and 4,000 for beginners for whom fit comfortably with the dynamics of spray ethics learned in the UBA.

online counterfeiting of identity. When making a comment on some of the internet pages of newspapers, law abiding citizens exercising their right to free speech must complete a form which requests name, ID, telephone and address and other data rigor. Well, those working in this plant designed to mislead the media, false identities to carry out the task of showing outraged by "the government arrogance" when in reality they are only messengers of creative advertising paid by the mainstream media. Style

Souto. The agency uses a variety of topics to install a series of words and concepts: aggressive insults that boasts all K, speeches destabilizing terms built for specific topics and adjectives inevitable -

"PROGREcinismo", "guerrillas" , "Bolshevik," the KK ", etc .-. Then you read things like "It's tightening of the left vernacular, you can not with his genius and, as in the '70s, shows his nasty Fascism of the Left" (dixit of a comment posted on chronic When the square he starts talking, published by South Perspectives on the number above.)

On the other hand, recruits receive a warning: never talk of "monopoly." Never mention Clarín. Now. It is inevitable that a guy who writes hundreds of messages per day did not repeat his speech. When you test, you do a copy paste one of these messages corrosively anti K, paste it into the Google search box and, oh pataphysical, contained the same message repeatedly in different notes from different web pages. Task

no vacation. In January and February this year the agency's rented That summer houses on the coast and moved its offices. The contractors charge for a few days working on the beach as well as during a month in Buenos Aires. The chiefs gave them chips, telephone cards and computers with wireless modems any new summer interventions were detected.

The task was to listen uninterrupted two radios that were not of Grupo Clarin per person and take notes as they did in the offices of San Telmo. These notes should be burned systematically to leave no traces of their work. Chain

monopoly. Last Thursday, when requested of Marcela and Felipe was already published in leading newspapers, La That was a visit at their offices. Clarin was an executive who was to certify that the task force became fully operational on the very day of publication of the advertisement. They needed the websites were flooded with messages which meant "the tenderness of a mother to her two adopted children." Instead of taking the harsh reality: Ernestina Herrera Noble is suspected of forging the real identity of Felipe and Marcela.

On Friday at noon, Carlos Souto gave the order to stop the activities of the agency. Review the digital portal had launched a survey on its website, asking if Marcela and Noble Felipe Herrera were held hostage by Clarín or were manipulated by the government. The percentage majority voted for the "Clarín hostages." Souto hit the fuss and ordered all employees to leave the task and click to win this supposed Clarin online survey. Final detail: this story from a digital game of young people who know their rights and obligations have a relative terrifying in the recent past. It is a replica of the factories of disinformation agents and former agents Armed security forces in the early years of democracy sown fear and a climate of destabilization of certain groups in power.

El Argentino: The communications agency that does the dirty work clarion

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fair N Lovely Archie Whitening

TN, Linda strategy was victimized ... ...

Poor journalists TN ...

In this country, not let you mislead quiet ...!

When roads are few outlets appear drastic solutions, one of which is to reverse the burden of proof ... that is ... of assaulting victimize ...

It is well-known the beginning of the confrontation between the government and bugle group, this took place from Cristina's nomination back in 2007, where Magneto, (as Nestor Kirchner said himself), the shareholder group, tried to put its candidate for president using the "Dedocracia" as a method.

seen the power of disinformation familiar environment and the danger of a sword of Damocles media on a democratic government, which decided to pay the political costs of facing it.
Many believe that it is a mistake ... maybe see if they had given some orders and the beginning of the government of Nestor Kirchner in wherein the media support was crucial to get out of a dramatic crisis in political and economic terms, we would not be faced, but probably more subject, both government and the entire Argentine people, the imposition of a monopolistic monster eager to dominate the entire market information, both in print and television and radio.
For some reason things took an unexpected turn and decided not agree more with the monopoly and from there ... the gods were transformed into demons.

Most likely it was because the incident of 2007, the government decided to end the "governability pact" that was happening came almost since the dictatorship, all governments without exception had to give up opposite to them, but got some oasis of tranquility, only managed a gigantic monopoly kept asking and demanding more and more tools of pressure. A first action
develo determined to end the hegemony of the media, was the publication in draft campaign of Cristina Kirchner ... "Changing the media bill" ...
The message was blunt, from there it it was an unexpected opportunity was coming true, "sought to dismember the monster" the rest is known, was completed peace in Argentina, everything went negative ...

all realized ...

This is the attack, misinformation, misrepresentation, concealment I even lie, that any ordinary citizen with a little logic can see, in addition to inferred the reasons why these attacks are born, is a very simple truth is nothing complex ...

Therefore, when these same people are on the scene told reporters disinformation exercise, being biased, "Militant" for an opposition, putting together a reality that is not true ... I think it's funny to some and other enervating of rage ...

Al bulk of the population probably amused to see how forced to attempt a logical issues quite evident, as was the case of "universal child Assignment" where, instead of reporting on the scope of coverage, number of winners, the unheard of so far worldwide., etc ... from TN, Channel 13 and Clarín, spread out "along the lines that were" ... and problematic, they say, that would be recorded ...

recently also Another example is the Plan "connect with equality" where you plan to deliver 3 Million Netbooks ... I remember the TN screen several MECES ago deified our Uruguayan brothers to implement a similar but smaller scale, as opposed to non-functioning of our government in this area ... but when the government can implement the same extent and with a computer "superior to Uruguay and to a much larger scale ... just few lines that were devoted to the subject, and the screen or a miserable report named only as ... one more ...

Within that thick of viewers, there is a large portion that has lived through several very soggy democratic governments in politics, and an important sector of young people know the history and varied fauna politicking ... They, these sectors that can be counted by hundreds of thousands certainly seem to observe the maneuvers of multimedia as a real danger, something that should be protected and perhaps fight.

is no coincidence that organized three marches from a virtual community, Facebook, ordinary citizens and the first encounter are brought together 15,000 people in ... 50,000 people second meeting (Memorial Day) with some organizations, and the third meeting some 10,000 people (the Obelisk) ... Given the partisan calculus old saying that "for every attendee, there are 20 who could not" ... There are definitely many people willing to say NO ..! to the media.

This Clarín ordinary people victimized in the common people from the attack and persecution ...

TN complaint

They waved
posters with the journalists with their mouths covered with a ticket ...

These moms attack plus TN, independent journalism, with their dirty mouths ... also toyed happily with their young and feasting to say no.! Nor were homeless or people brought from a village to force Chori Wine and bread ... I was middle class ...! And by their own means arrived.

multimedia course they are desperate, it's scary, since when many people began to think ...! (To wonder ...) And willing to go out if needed ...

A multimedia them Once Upon a Time, Call it futurology ...? have come to fucking lose credibility and worse ... that in a clumsy attempt to continue misinforming, do nothing but inflame and multiply accessions against ...


Friday, April 23, 2010

Mimosa Bridal Shower Theme

National Film Releases

you wanted to watch films
(but do not let Grupo Clarín)

The Traitor: Cleto infiltrates the government to do theirs. Conspiracies, treason, an explosive film brought to the screen by UCR productions.

Pino Mission: from director to actor, entertainment pianta Pino brings this comedy with a spy ring knocks, ineffective counsel and unfortunate statements. A hilarious comedy.

Inglorious Bastards: Tired of not winning or coconuts, four Argentines and a Colombian wage a crusade against those niggers who are voting for the Peronist. This film has tremendous visual effects provided by TN, action and dirty tricks ...

The 12 the gallows : His boss pissed They told us it was raining, the twelve employees of the month in 2009. An Indian said - "Violence is a lie" - and someone had lit the lamp. Now on trial, the Dirty Dozen will try to defend the charges on them fall.

Kung-Fu Panda : After the resounding success of "Inglorious Bastards," Eduardo Duhalde has entered the children's film with a cute movie for the whole family. Duhalde plays Kung-Fu Panda, the great policy miliquero Argentina. Pineapples, kicks and batons at all police stations soon ... eh ... cinemas across the country.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

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Dr. Grondona and evolution of Slavoj Zizek

As each Sunday, Dr. Grondona returns to brighten our dark existence from his column in the newspaper La Nacion. This time, the ray of light upon the controversy surrounding the new anti-k gorillas, according to a statement from the writer Guillermo Martínez in an interview.

Martínez argues that there is a new era k gorillas, which rejects everything without parsing from the government, based on an irrational hatred. Dr. G does not hesitate to point out that Martinez at first supported the kirchnerismo, but then went away, and now advocates the necessity of a more rational to judge the government. We agree that not considered a candidate for an award for his acute social observation, but, so far, sound common sense. Let's construction based on this our columnist. He begins his analysis Kirchner putting in a single series along with Rosas and Perón. Here one might assume that is a compliment, but in reality, soon to show the play: the number of those who arouse feelings of hatred, the number of "hateful", who with his usual delicacy he calls "strong men "and his account of how they fared, in history, those who opposed them. Argues that while antiRo achieved, beyond defeat the tyrant think and to reflect "other country", the anti-Peronist of the 50 failed, as the ousted tyrant returned years later with all the glory. (Will be read as a self-criticism in his personal style? If so, is careful to not appear as involved, but rather as a reporter off). Now, what determined the victory of one and the others fail? It was, in his words too much hate, but the absence of imagination (well, comparing with Alberdi Alsogaray ...)

When Martinez exemplifies this irrational hatred of death wishes against the Nestor carotid operation K Grondona makes a reversal of the burden, wondering if "rational" Cobos characterize as a croupier in the Senate. For now, the K stands as the source of hatred. It is also interesting to see how this discourse that unfolds is fully synchronous, making every moment totally devoid of historical background, of determining what a particular conformation are as points of crystallization, where the story stops.

We said that the K stood, their attitudes, as generators of hatred, therefore, will end up postulating that, to overcome, not just a "gentle kirchnerismo not, this is merely something different, (I quote ) "but to devise a joint national project encompassing as the San Nicolas or The Moncloa Pact. "impossible not to see here the desire duhaldista (and of course, grondoniano) of Amnesty remedial historic reconciliations, etc. It is what sustains the hope happens next year.

Now, is coming to item that interests you, which is building a conceptual line which links "rational" to "normal" as opposed to another, in which "the abnormal" is related to "irrational." His reasoning is as follows : to assess the government rationally, ie without the prism of hatred, Nestor Kirchner should be a candidate as any other, normal-quote-"in that none has reneged on representative and democratic spirit of our Constitution. "Abnormality be verified by original sin, given that Cristina has a political marriage indissoluble (Bergoglio reminded me ...) if K Nestor won the 2011 elections, would be a third consecutive term of government, ergo, illegal. subtracted only one step further: if kircherismo distinctive (in addition to its scant respect to certain forms, such as the treatment protocol to the peculiar little acting vice president of the opposition) is his style concentration of power, who assures our beleaguered columnist (and country hater) not looking for a perpetuation in power? I quote his conclusion: "This fear, is the irrational hatred is only condemning Martinez, or is, rather, an entirely rational expression?".

hard work it takes to justify hatred, of course, always causes the other. This is a hatred that justifies any destabilizing maneuver, as his delight with Biolcatti obscene (and many other "heroes")

hard work to delegitimize the government raised the popular vote.

hard work to remain Mariano Grondona, just who is and who is, Mariano Grondona. Almost all said


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Gorilla - Resistance is surrender

This is an interesting text Zizek on political activity for you like this science, has no waste and is really short. Slavoj Žižek

(n. Ljubljana, 21 March 1949) is a philosopher and psychoanalyst, born in Slovenia. His work includes the thought of Jacques Lacan to Marxism, and it highlights a tendency to illustrate the theory and popular culture.

Resistance is Surrender

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

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Pino Solanas

The video you will see or experience ... I mean by followers of pine itself to end up putting ... Solanas in the profile that it chose to build a media that has the style of strip Carrio Lilita complaints left and right, without providing further proof that his sayings.
This time perhaps the result of bad advice, their own incompetence ... or who knows why he chose an enemy to many of "His own followers" if as you read ...!
Recently there has been a gathering of bloggers National Current & Popular, which are clearly distinguishable from bloggers FPV militants, but they have also attended, as have related to South Project Bloggers ... and other social movements.
One of them, one of the attendees has been known and visited sooo "Diego F." very good blog owner "Wicked World", who openly shares its political affinity with the South Project and also staunch defender of the idiosyncrasies of Pino sunny.
Well, this blogger attended meeting Aníbal Fernández as he say ... star ...! But for the interpretation of Pino Solanas ... is trying to "assemble a band of young bloggers for defaming invent and opposition leaders" of the labor
Aníbal Fernández ... Of course ... this man who has become Gaga is deeply misinformed ... did not realize that several of his followers attended the "Assembling the Banda of slanderers."
This has earned Pino Solanas a storm of "defections" disappointments and insults of all kinds in the political world Bloggeril ... (Perhaps from a few soldiers who were) included in the purest of the bloggers ... Diego.F ... (read the comments)

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Attacks Bloggers The construction of the new state

Alvaro Garcia Linera, academically trained as a mathematician and as a self-taught in sociology and political science is currently the vice president of Bolivia and one of the leading intellectuals of the century.
In the context of a lecture to graduate from the University of Sciences Social UBA as holder of an honorary brand, UBA gave this speech at the Assembly Hall of law.
His speech tells us about the new rhythm that mark people to Latin America, the strategies are and what is happening in Bolvia.
A profound transformation of the plant state develops theoretically and in practice the Chairman of a State which merged with the Constitutional reform of 2009.
It highlights the political formula + DEMOCRACY + SOCIAL MOBILIZATION, as the engine of progress overcoming the contradictions liberals (depoliticization Dialogue) and Marxists (economism, classism, stages) that carry these terms and pooling alternating as social relations become more acute.

The construction of the new State ; netbooks

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Netbooks Cristina, the full story

exomate The distribution by the government, under the plan equal connect announced by the president was presented to us all for the Group misleading clarion voice. They discussed the poor performance of the equipment provided by the state, its short life, etc. In an article in this blog lies stripped of monopoly, thanks to the contribution of site. While the local big lie is destroyed by the work of computers and countless bloggers and news portals, there a lie, the mother of this, forged by an even greater monopoly Clarín Group.

Nicholas Negroponte's preaching

In 1967, Seymour Papert had imagined that the computer room for children, something unthinkable at the time. Papert created Logos, a programming language designed for children. In the following year, Alan Kay is a description of the Dynabook, a laptop is extremely simple and accessible.
These two small facts, more typical of a book for geeks that for a kid of the cava was crystallized in 1982, when a program sponsored by the French government, Seymour Papert and Nicholas Negroponte, founder of Media Labs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, made a distribution of micro computers Apple II in Dakar, Senegal.Fue only at this time when the theories were confirmed Papert, Senegalese children learn to interact naturally with computers, although had never used one. So impressed was Negroponte who founded the OLPC , an NGO that offers the mass distribution of laptops worldwide. To that end, OLPC created the XO, a computer, similar to commercial netbooks in conjunction with Sugar, a minimalist Linux distro and adapt existing software to it, also create specific educational software. The price of this equipment is set at U $ D 100 (yes, one hundred dollars).

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While the OLPC is a nonprofit organization, mega companies around the world learn of their initiative. What if the computer market was popularized a computer that only costs U $ D 100? Surely a big problem for more than one of them. Has not Microsoft's main agent in global computer retrograde? Did not Microsoft the big comprador-smelter interesting and innovative projects?. If the kids from all over the world were able to learn using a different operating system to Windows, and learn the operating system the process, the policy of distributing Windows preinstalled on PCs around the world would lose part of their phagocytic capacity of intellect. That's why Microsoft came to its main partner, with whom he always had carnal relations. Intel, the big chip maker has been developing the Classmate, a laptop-oriented educational use since heard from the OLPC project.

The big corporate whoring

In 2007, Intel joined the OLPC board of the promises of progress and research, destroying the alliance with AMD, the other major manufacturer of microprocessors. On the way Intel was able to develop tax-free technology in conjunction with developers the OLPC. Pretending to commit to the project, Intel raised the price of U $ D ClassMate 22 to U $ D 200. In 2008 Intel left the board of the NGO having done little or nothing to the project.

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After the fiasco of Intel, OLPC launched the Get One, Give One (Buy one, Gift one) or G1G1, as it was known. It shipped 150,000 computers produced in Shanghai by Quanta Computer. OLPC started to recover and even started developing the XO-2, with double touch screen.


From the moment that the OLPC was recovered were generated corporate wars. The first and foremost among the OLPC and Intel, and the second between the companies paid a fee to follow the guidelines of Intel's Classmate. Is that Intel has always supported the competition, even within the company. A multinational company with the word war in your mind. The battlefield of this war was (and is), the world's governments, where each organization offers its product as the best possible officials as many states as possible. Obviously the fight is unequal, all that the OLPC has is its reputation and its representatives are themselves the most assiduous Negroponte lobbyist. Intel, for its part has partnerships with Microsoft and other software makers, millions to invest and decorating officials trained hundreds of lobbyists and corporate war more than four dirty tricks up his sleeve.

The war in these plains

In 2005 Daniel Filmus was in charge of negotiations with the OLPC. Nicholas Negroponte met with Nestor Kirchner who was interested in the project. In 2006 there was a second meeting and Adrian Paenza appointed as chairman of a committee of specialists. Just two weeks had passed the first meeting when Intel, true to its competition policy, the government introduced the Classmate. When in 2007, Intel joined the board of the OLPC, Paenza left the commission, expressing sorrow over the attacks that the NGO had soportar.Se ignores that which was the method of lobbyists at Intel, but he finally made Exomate352 of EXO. The best and toughest ClassMate version submitted to the tender. The state paid $ 1,000 for each team, although a company representative was quick to clarify that the costs of operating system (Windows XP) and other Microsoft programs account for only $ 12 total price. A modification to the original configuration of the ClassMate, he added a dual boot system that lets you use your computer with Windows XP and Rxart, a local distribution of Linux.



Vs EXO speaking hardware, ExoMate seems to have an overwhelming advantage. see:
  • RAM: The XO has 512Mb 256Mb DDR2 DIMM against the class

  • Disco: The XO has no hard drive has a 2GB flash memory, 30Gb hard against the ClassMate

  • Microprocessor: 433MHz of XO (enhanced with MMX2 instruction set and 3DNow!) against the ClassMate
  • 900MHz

But that's not all, the OLPC-XO has a little something that causes itching to Intel. It has two antennas Wi-Fi high-power, which makes each team in a powerful signal repeater. Do you translate into Castilian? The XO grabs wireless signal to other netbooks and notebooks are not able to capture and (believe me this "and" is important) then relays to a certain distance. This implies that if students use one of these school teams do not need a Wi-Fi to its facilities because a single router is sufficient for the XO of the students create a self-managed network without the pibitos have to use their tiny hands to set absolutely nothing.
But hard is not everything. The software, programs that use the equipment are crucial for the proper performance of the student. and behind all logical structure is a paradigm ago.
ClassMate The model is productive throughout the game software, training and how they propose to process the information intended to generate, produce, not necessarily the most creative way to facilitate the drafting of such work, but does not contribute to the creativity of students.
OLPC-XO, on the other hand, uses the constructivist model, which involves paying attention to students' mental processes rather than basing the whole educational process in the issuance of teaching content.
Two paradigms for two different types of education.

In this land the best we have is the people

I choose the last of the twenty true Peronist to synthesize the analysis of the decision taken by the government. Explication: The Argentine education is not fuck. When choosing between a version of the Classmate and the OLPC-XO, do not matter or should take second place the merits of the two organizations. The only thing that should matter is which option is best for the kids. Here is a disadvantage XO is designed for kids 6 to 12 years, which limits it a bit. But beyond this problem, which could be overcome, the plan under which the laptops are distributed is called "Connect with equality" is not part of that equality for students to have a netbook that will serve them after finishing school ? Is not part of that equality which the kids out of digital exclusion which we are subjected as a country? Intel and Microsoft are corrupt, backward, corporate real criminals, but the best option in my opinion was the one who chose this government, with reforms to the original configuration of the Classmate. The choice is difficult and discussions are accepted. But that word, equality, we must honor if one intends to use, and that's what I think was my chair. Until next time.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

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Towards a new democracy: notes for discussion

The political transformations of our country and leave America posed a scenario that presents a chance for progressive forces to the extent that the project able to identify with radicalization and deepening of democracy in the sense to extend the struggle for democracy and liberty and equality to a broader range of social relations.

"The political of our country and leave America posed a scenario in which there is an opportunity for the progressive forces to the extent that the project able to identify with radicalization and deepening of democracy "

The agenda and the programmatic left and center should incorporate and re-evaluate some crucial issues for democratic development. One of them is the overcoming of Caesarism (understood as a political practice that is organized vertically around a leader who, since the state's power, seen in democratic institutions to overcome obstacles) promoting a new political culture to remove the influence of design delegates, in the words of Guillermo O'Donnell, is in our societies. To this end, public policies must draw a sharp reconstruction of citizenship in the present to encourage the emergence of a new public sphere in which relations of power, the structure of the state, justice and civil society organizations, the democratization .

A democracy whose agenda is not only emphasizes the rules, but also in social equality, economic and political life of all people, a truly substantive and participatory democracy must include as key tools access to public information, accountability and transparency of budgets, democratization of the media, and, especially, greater inclusion and participation.

From the State should aim to develop policies to structural repair slopes, trying to recognize and protect cultural differences within the universality of human rights only way to achieve a more egalitarian society indeed. Since society must take shape democratic consensus to allow social integration and balanced development.

Public policies should draw a strong reconstruction of citizenship in the present to encourage the emergence of a new public sphere in which relations of power, the structure of the state, justice and civil society organizations, the democratization

A new era requires that state-society relations are strengthened on these common values, to the reconstruction of full citizenship. In this sense it has become a priority to promote practices that seek innovative alternatives in these relationships. Participation in public affairs is the dynamic that can push the deepening and extension of democratic agreement and citizenship status, a way to generate commitment and ownership. That feeling of belonging is based on what is shared in the experience of social activity as a result of the participation of citizens and citizens, recognizing the weight of tradition and innovation activities on innovation.
Hence the importance
participation for the construction of citizenship as a central theme of the social agenda. To achieve the necessary consensus for a state policy to advance in the articulation of human rights and social justice in the full exercise of democracy and be able to build a majority contribution to the deepening of the process exchange.

Posing a road construction that is political but also social and cultural development, promoting a strategy of commitments that will affect the institutional functioning. A society should encourage its members to seek by all means the greatest happiness possible. And it must guarantee to everyone across the state, the minimum of justice.

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understand the promotion of full citizenship as a policy of consolidation of democracy in the sense of deepening the public with regard their civil and political aspects but also social and economic. In societies crossed by the drama of poverty and unemployment trasgeneracional, reconstitution of citizenship means, then, while regaining the material and symbolic resources. Therefore

reconstruction policies of full citizenship are not only social plans or policies of income or food security. Policies must be symbolic reconstitution Community Network to add back the excluded of the system in a social network that allows them to talk to the other recognized, established its identity from the meeting and into the future as part of a collective.
"In societies crossed by the drama of poverty and unemployment trasgeneracional, reconstitution of citizenship means, then, while regaining the material and symbolic resources"

reconstruction of full citizenship involves building of a new public sphere where individuals become full citizens capable of exercising their rights and obligations. Where moral responsibility no longer on hold and where power relations, the structure of the state, justice and civil society organizations should be democratized.

work for the development of full citizenship is to work for the expansion of freedom to choose and act. It means enhancing the authority and power of the people living on resources and the decisions that affect their lives.

In this sense it has become a priority to promote practices that seek to promote innovative alternatives in relations between government and society. Participation in public affairs is the dynamic that can push the deepening and extension of democratic agreement and citizenship status, a way to generate commitment and ownership. That feeling of belonging is based on what is shared in the experience of task social as a result of the participation of citizens and citizens. We must find bridges, meeting points. You have to do to pose a kind of living space, dialogue, facilitating the process, acknowledging the weight of tradition and innovation activities on innovation. Do not be afraid to seek unconventional solutions to conventional problems.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

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Citizenship Promotion Plan Analysis "Connect with equality" Phenomena communication

all know and as the government took Netbooks spread among students and teachers of secondary schools, if some clueless not familiar with the information they leave a simple summary.
The government launched a program to get three million high school students around the country access between now and 2012 to his own laptop, as anticipated Página/12. It plans to install wireless Internet in schools. It will invest 750 million dollars.

That said I want to specify that the idea of \u200b\u200bthis publication is to focus on another aspect of this news and analyze the behavior of the various sectors opposed to the government at this announcement.
The first thing we discuss is that this plan was achieved with the funds with the Agency ANSES whether by which the opposition and other multimedia criticized the government for going to "box" of the organization, the "box" allowed 2 measures almost revolutionary social Assigning such as universal child and this new plan. Both measures show us the importance to the status of children and youth and their efforts to include them into society. In order AFJP before the savings of Argentines, was intended to finance investment and foreign enterprises today is in the service of social development and education.
is also important to analyze the role of Clarin in an effort encounterer term opponent and giving pity since not find a weakness to the official plan published an article trying to criticize from the technological point of view netbooks distributed by the government. Luckily the guys Redusers (A recognized community technology) showed us the reality and let off-side once more to multimedia.
This move against the government from Clarin was almost ridiculous but given the importance that the monopoly had given the same scheme carried out in Uruguay, both interested in the plan with its news channel went to that country to make a note in a state school on this wonderful plan. Why did the same in Argentina? is a question that need not respond.
For analysis on the opposition leadership must recognize the right to say that even slightly. A rare thing in opposition and the current often find negative things around no one sees.
Another important fact is that Argentina's Chamber Office Machines, Commercial and Allied Workers (camoca) camera that brings together different national actors in the technology industry issued a statement supporting the official as saying that the plan would not only have an important implication on social inclusion and reducing the technology gap but also involves a great opportunity for the technology industry nationwide.