Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tooth Extraction Gum Healing

Cristina: "The meeting with Obama was very good"

Cristina: "The meeting with Obama was very good"

04/13/2010 / The President met with the president of the United States alone, under the final of Nuclear Safety Summit. "It's confirmation of the relationship between the two countries, beyond that at some point we have differences, "said the head of state.

Cristina met with Obama in Washington.

President Cristina Fernandez said today that the meeting with its pair of Barack Obama, "was very good and positive." "We are building a global role in Argentina," he said, after holding a meeting with the president in Washington.

"I think it is a confirmation relations between the two countries, beyond that at some points we had differences, "said the President about the meeting with Obama.

" Latin America is a region free of nuclear weapons, "said the head of state.

Regarding the debate over the Nuclear Safety Summit, the president said:" I think the fear that may have nuclear manipulation by some sectors of the global terrorism does not seem crazy ", speaking to the press.

Meanwhile, representatives from 46 countries attended the working dinner at the Convention Center the U.S. capital, and one by one they were greeted by Obama and every head of state posed for photographers.

The shared President the table with their counterparts in Mexico and Armenia.

For his part, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, served as host in the same "Washington Center" for key members of all delegations accompanying the president.

attended as part of the delegation of Argentina, former President Nestor Kirchner.


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