Friday, April 16, 2010

Will Tramadol Help With Toothache


The situation is always surprising us and shows us things are difficult to predict, sometimes they come from the surprise you can give us the turn with a political ad or armed with so and so, sometimes not. For the first "gives newspapers and television cover a good time" would León, today we want to talk about the other ... How many times have you said: "No one resists five caps Clarin, today the paradigm is broken one way or another. Cristina's government has exceeded that from the discussion of the 125 that has gone bad or that, could give the media power struggle and popular. This is not under the president, rather than through trial and error has given this situation, which thank goodness did not end in a coup. The public reaction and media hegemonic are not those who gave the pattern that dominates the media monopoly is not what people think, that there is a limit. Perhaps what is most immediately concluded that (the non-approval) is not the best scenario, but it opened a discussion of immediate consequences, was not on June 28, is more long term.

These phenomena, which are part of a larger one could be called "politicization" are those that help us unravel the mysteries and understand a little more of our reality. The other day I saw ordinary people, like any of us seriously wondering what to do to get to 2011 and not win the right media. It is not about Cristina and Nestor generating a strategy, it is ordinary people who want to be part of a strategy and not subordinate to any leadership. These people were in the Bloggers Meeting National and Popular held this Saturday in Park Patricios.

Without going any further, a phenomenon not unlike, what we saw on March 24 in the square and Friday at the obelisk with the people of "678 facebook" . Many people reacted to the topic of the field, and this effect is very difficult to synthesize, in fact the government does not know how to synthesize it. I had to make people and reproduced it in Open Letter, in the marches and communication phenomena.

always ugly word "react" because it sounds like a reactionary, and everything else "here is the resistance," said one blogger. To further paraphrase the colleagues, the craziest, or if you like postmodern, I got to hear of this phenomenon is: "we are the communication tool of the state" . A person who feels at home at a computer writing a blog is part of the state! does not work in parallel, is part of the state, although he does not spend a handle and do not lower line. "This Laclau not I saw " Artemio Lopez pulled a funny way while showing a Vizcacha Old multimedia material. And quite rightly that it has escaped what could have foreseen the intellectuals as a social phenomenon of populism or whatever. In this post-industrial reality (if not postmodern) not only have to win the street, but the media, including Internet and social networking.

The fact fought with the media is not something "original" of this government, in fact, is a regional issue and that is clear. What is original enough communication phenomena are "horizontal" as he calls 678 to your facebook group. Anyway have to be realistic and modest in this regard. This will not solve the issue, and as you hear out there: "government communications strategy can not be 678 facebook and blogs . Of course you can not stay there, but they are important, reach an audience. But above all generate a critical mass (other than strictly institutional or party) that is the basis for a strategy to continue building a little more complex. The people rarely express this phenomenon becomes a voice to people who like to talk about, with many and varied voices, but he likes to talk and, from the Internet, generating critical mass. At the meeting noted the importance Saturday and visibility, because they were there and Anibal Fernandez Gabriel Mariotto, as if to note that there is a group of "geeks" who meet to discuss what they do on the web only, there is interest in this State.

Anyway not be put aside what remains marginal and raise a number of challenges. The first is the number of visitors, which is always limited to those with Internet and that group, those who read blogs, which operate at sometimes as a somewhat closed community. The second challenge is the dispersion, who wants to read a blog: How do you do? "Which begins" The problem of horizontal communication is that it is a strategy of no strategy and in that sense it falls short many times. As a final challenge is the demagogic character and the type of audience that is reached and should arrive. It is a step to overcome the rebellious nature towards hegemonic media that has blogger movement. Rarely can efficiently generate their own agenda or at least respond in a proactive and not just saying "the fat such thing as the fat one." This is important if the movement is to form coherent political subject and not just bound to defend the government , can raise their differences and their requirements or recommendations and reach a wider audience.

Of all However, events like Saturday's are positive steps to start seeing these challenges and will have a discussion of the role of the movement. Perhaps in the future this is not better organized, it is not something you can predict the unpredictable movement, no one will go away and danced as cause and effect ...

caused by Facundo Roma Club Policy Source


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