Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Antifungal Cream Scalp

K Carlos Souto, the Wizard of Clarín ... Stereotype of intellectual opposition

Who is Carlos Souto ..?

Carlos Souto is neither more nor less than the manager rubs and political publicist Clarín, has been described as the creator and mentor of Video of Felipe and Marcela Noble.

First, we need to know that this character "political marketers' jumps on stage, besides being responsible for the campaigns of several paintings say ... "difficult" which successfully refloated achievement, not an easy task in the window to political candidates, De La Rua ... De Narváez Carlos Saul Menem ... ... and Cleto Cobos ...
With all of them achieving great success, imagine that good "vendefrutas" we're talking ...

Today it responsible for some work ... A clarion call our friends to start Here is the header of the note triggering a scandal that until now not have the importance it should.

communications agency that does the dirty work for Clarín
25/04/2010 / clandestine operations of the task force formed by the advertiser Carlos Souto.

By Lucas Carrasco Jimena Arnolfi

Clarín Group hired international advertising agency ESS, which specializes in political marketing, to raise an army payment congested phone lines radios , so only enter its telemarketers called, and to insult internet commentators who write against or in favor of Grupo Clarin media law K and the Football for All. That agency is also responsible for scripting the speeches to those who defend the prosecution of the law of Audiovisual Communication Services to keep in full force.
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Well ... if you read the note, and to remember how to convince this million man ... that De La Rua was "Speedy Gonzales" and Don Carlos Saul was "blond and blue eyes" we to reveal the strategies you've used each of these monsters ...
data can be viewed on their official website of the agency "The That" if they thought that these agencies with a middle name ... "Mystic" did not exist, you shod fierce ...!

's this: Cases.

So we sold it to De La Rua ...

In 1998 the Head of Government, Dr. Fernando De la Rua with Carlos Souto and running the political campaign organization, win the internal elections of the Alliance and candidatea for president in '99. Thus, the major contenders in the presidential elections are Argentine Peronism , represented by Eduardo Duhalde, and the Alliance, represented by Fernando De la Rua . To deal with the presidential team and besides extending Carlos Souto, Dick Morris and Luis Stuhlman-that were already part-join since February '99, the legendary David Ratto and the legendary Miguel Sal So basically conforms dream team of strategists and advertising would De la Rua to power. Objectives

Getting De la Rua wins the election and become President of the Nation. Strategy

The rival is Duhalde, who was Vice President of Menem.La enmity between the two is tough and permanent, then to society, they appear as parts of the same cosa.Además, Duhalde does not have a positive public image , and during the campaign, Menem plays a role quite intense, active and allows us to pursue a strategy of pure opposition. Candidate to oppose our way of Menem and Duhalde style, speak of the two as if they were the same. All Menem decade would be the counterpart of which would work directly and simply from political advertising. Finally on this imaginary installed, oppose a candidate honest, calm, collected for his prolific performance in the legal field as a defender of the Constitution and a champion of transparency in the accounts and affairs of state. Campaign

So we sold it to Saul ... Carlitos

At the end of 2001 as in Argentina the socio-political and economic information in its history. It disrupts the democratic order and the government loses all power. The President resigns and leaves the country in a situation of total institutional weakness. Eduardo Duhalde, who lost the presidential elections of '99, takes over and performs a transition government to call new elections in May 2003. Following the absolute disgrace suffered by political class for the serious crisis prevailing Duhalde decided to give full support to new and unknown candidate to the electorate, Nestor Kirchner. And also competes Menem, who decides again candidates for President of the Republic. The goal is almost impossible: to reconcile with society Menem. Carlos Souto accepts the challenge, and is part of a diverse group of professionals that will change during the campaign objectives

Leading our candidate the first round of elections by a margin that allows us to make a good second ballot, and to allow Menem to retain a significant share of power in Congress and society.

base our strategy dramatically change the discourse, humanizing Menem and present their future third president as historic, which will waive any interest and rule by the posthumous recognition of society. The first trade show a degree of memorability much higher than their opponents. However, two weeks before the election, and due to internal differences in the Menem administration, the best commercials longer issued, the messages are changed and lost much ground. Yet Menem won the first round. However, he knows he has made mistakes in communication that have undermined key points, and gives all power to the computer that is part Souto to handle advertising for the ballot. The situation has worsened enough, and decided to change the strategy now to retain the voters themselves, who are also threatening to a draw. So the message to the maximum emocionalizamos and highlight the courage to stay Menem in elections even under the most adverse conditions

So Colo sold us "Alika Pliers" De Narvaez ...

In June 2009, taking place in Argentina's elections, and the most important campaign takes place in the Province of Buenos Aires, being the key district. The ruling party ran for Nestor Kirchner and Daniel Scioli, repeating a winning formula parliamentary level of the presidential elections of 2003. On the other hand, the dissident Peronist, Pro Union, opposes kirchnerismo behind the figure of Francisco de Narváez, who already has the support of Mauricio Macri, and adds to the Peronist Felipe Solá. Carlos Souto again teams up derivative of the successful campaign in 2007 to handle the candidate's political advertising Objectives

Install Narvaez as the reference of the opposition to govern the province in 2011. Kirchner and Scioli defeat in the most important territory. Strategy

Submit the candidate as an ordinary man, with plans to solve the problems of the province, who speaks frankly and convicción.Pese a dirty campaign rival, does not enter the fight, contrasting a proactive stance angry with the attitude of Kirchner. Faced with the possibility of fraud by the official apparatus, there is also recruiting volunteers targeted advertising to control the results. Finally, to polarize the election with Kirchner, the utility of the vote to de Narvaez, the need to unite to make themselves heard. Campaign

So we sell to Clarin ...

As you have seen, with De La Rua uses a vetting strategy, using the infamous decade and the entire burden of the corruption in his campaign, betting on the weakening of the figure of Menem Menem himself, and also installed a picture De La Rua "diligent, decisive and transparent" something which soon proved to be absolutely false ...
But after two years of disastrous and corrupt government of De La Rua ... A Carlos Souto now it revive the "demon" that he helped to demolish the same ...! And in its strategy decides to "humanize" to use this advertising really sad .... But for some strange "reason" or rather, something that only Souto known and which for us is reserved, does much of the electorate re-electing the "rat-ring and almost won ...
Souto, and the diploma in the hands of the great "Lazarus" (Biblical character who was able to resurrect) apparently had the power to convince anyone that saw what was really black and white ... so, who returns to encourage other politician, De Narvaez, a total stranger, which List by chance savanna spent two years in Congress looking to the side without understanding that clung there ... But wanted to state ...! So Souto performed his magic again and ... there you have to de Narváez, sitting back looking at the congress do not understand anything ...

Asta here the path of a Marquetinero of those ... that with De Narvaez, achieving the "feat" of put in the first place ... Is that why
an expert in marketing, such as Clarín people and their teams, who apparently "can not" revive the worn image, use the services of "That" by Carlos Souto for the bitter task ...?
Apparently the work is hard, and are recruiting young men of "elite", is just to wait ... If Carlos Souto able to sell a "little fish" but ...


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