Sunday, April 25, 2010

At What Bmi Weight Does Period Stop

The agency that does the dirty work for Clarín

Clarín Group hired international advertising agency ESS, which specializes in political marketing, to raise an army payment congested phone lines of radio-so enter only calls from their telemarketers, and to insult internet commentators to write on against or in favor of Grupo Clarin media law K and Football for all. That agency is also responsible for scripting the speeches to those who defend the prosecution of the law of Audiovisual Communication Services to keep in full force.

The first batch of recruits, about 30 employees in black, was in October 2009, when he addressed the media law in Congress and the debate became public. Bloggers rented by the Clarin Group terms like law should install k, gag rule, dictatorship and corruption.
Even today, in order to follow up the election campaign of 2011, the task force hired by the media that book their remote battles in the luxurious offices of Peru 800, San Telmo neighborhood, a beautiful French-style mansion built in 1912. That it works there, owned by Carlos Souto. The

creative Souto requested and wrote the script for the televised message and Philip Noble Marcela Herrera on channels of Grupo Clarin, speaking against the law establishing the National Genetic Data Bank as the only person authorized to study support for persons who have been appropriate during the last military dictatorship.
Clients. Souto list is not wasted. He was publisher of the Alliance who led Fernando De La Rua, tried unsuccessfully to go back to Charles Menem in 2003 and now is proud to have worked with Julio Cobos and being the real brains of the "Alika, Alikate" to catapult anti-politics as leader of the Colombian Francisco De Narváez. The plant anti

k. Consists of two areas: the blog and the call center. The bloggers involved print media online through the drafting of comments by appealing to false identities. From a search engine tracking ID numbers and then use the names of those persons to fill the forms on pages where written messages sent by creative. Also in charge of making the scrolling control: they have many comments for and how many comments against is on the law of Audiovisual Communication Services, investigate who the users who comment on the antipodes of the fall line ends, etc.. Also send mails to the boxes of these commentators, build trust and establish a relationship. Among the pages that include web graffittean La Nación On Line Policy, Review of Argentina, One Minute and Profile.

All these activities are intended to contravene any false identity and journalistic ethics and codes of ethics of the commercial. They resemble stitching underground which are then used by the big brands. With aggravating who sew for a meager salary, do not require them to lie or do criminal work. Looks
South unimpeachable sources agreed to reconstruct the activities of the ESS. The climate of secrecy is reinforced by an oral request for confidentiality. One issue that has legal statutes and are valid only insofar as they are signed for full compliance by company employees. In this case it is just a simulation to scare young people working in black and are not legally advised. In addition, it is accompanied with a political indoctrination: "This is a war" and "the Government does the same as us but in reverse," he said. Modus

operandi. Call center employees are dedicated to block lines of the main radio listeners in that curiously does not include the Clarín Group: National, Del Plata, American, Continental, The Red, The Ten, Metro, Rock And Pop and Belgrano.
turn, are responsible for transcribing what is said in these radios to monitor what is happening. Do statistics, reports on what is the tendency of each conductor, what political line developed by each program, which are closer to the Government, which are further away, etc. Always from the perspective of political and economic interests of Grupo Clarin.

The call center sector have a server last generation that allows the radios to block the switch so that messages arrive only scripted by the contractor of Grupo Clarin, and simultaneously delineates the strategy of attacking the media law k. The heads of the plant supplied chips and phone cards to change the phone number so that it is impossible to verify that all calls come from the same place.
For its part, the cases bloggers are available to proprietary software that tracks Clarin adverse comments on the Internet. They can detect and download online anti K. The agency's computers and wireless modems Souto have a rotating IP's for Nor is it possible to trace the routes of the PC that made the messages.

The coordinator of the groups is the son of U.S. Attorney Treasurer Mission Juan Carlos, Juan Andres Treasurer, nephew of Carlos Souto. The law firm that the Prosecutor opened through his wife in Buenos Aires had its first decline two months ago: John Andrew quit his job with his mother to devote full time to the crusade anti K. In fact, even changed the neighborhood to move into the same block of the agency's That.

"Do not talk or with the family about it." That is one of the explicit orders of Juan Andrés Treasurer at the time to contact the inmates of the plant anti K. Privacy first. None becomes part of this dirty campaign responding to a job search naturalized. They are all "Friends," "family," known. " People going to put the body and will keep the secret to everything. But every great plan has its bumps.

One of the initial promises are contracts is the "certainty" of a better job of looking after several months of informal internship and despicable. Juan Andres is about showing photos of his uncle by Elisa Carrio, Francisco De Narvaez, Julio Cobos, Carlos Menem and the other contacts that uses the agency financially. That is breathed into the power.

This is how these young college students with financial need and false promises of job placement in more real jobs and less embarrassing, wages are above average. Wages from the money of Grupo Clarin between 2,000 pesos and 4,000 for beginners for whom fit comfortably with the dynamics of spray ethics learned in the UBA.

online counterfeiting of identity. When making a comment on some of the internet pages of newspapers, law abiding citizens exercising their right to free speech must complete a form which requests name, ID, telephone and address and other data rigor. Well, those working in this plant designed to mislead the media, false identities to carry out the task of showing outraged by "the government arrogance" when in reality they are only messengers of creative advertising paid by the mainstream media. Style

Souto. The agency uses a variety of topics to install a series of words and concepts: aggressive insults that boasts all K, speeches destabilizing terms built for specific topics and adjectives inevitable -

"PROGREcinismo", "guerrillas" , "Bolshevik," the KK ", etc .-. Then you read things like "It's tightening of the left vernacular, you can not with his genius and, as in the '70s, shows his nasty Fascism of the Left" (dixit of a comment posted on chronic When the square he starts talking, published by South Perspectives on the number above.)

On the other hand, recruits receive a warning: never talk of "monopoly." Never mention Clarín. Now. It is inevitable that a guy who writes hundreds of messages per day did not repeat his speech. When you test, you do a copy paste one of these messages corrosively anti K, paste it into the Google search box and, oh pataphysical, contained the same message repeatedly in different notes from different web pages. Task

no vacation. In January and February this year the agency's rented That summer houses on the coast and moved its offices. The contractors charge for a few days working on the beach as well as during a month in Buenos Aires. The chiefs gave them chips, telephone cards and computers with wireless modems any new summer interventions were detected.

The task was to listen uninterrupted two radios that were not of Grupo Clarin per person and take notes as they did in the offices of San Telmo. These notes should be burned systematically to leave no traces of their work. Chain

monopoly. Last Thursday, when requested of Marcela and Felipe was already published in leading newspapers, La That was a visit at their offices. Clarin was an executive who was to certify that the task force became fully operational on the very day of publication of the advertisement. They needed the websites were flooded with messages which meant "the tenderness of a mother to her two adopted children." Instead of taking the harsh reality: Ernestina Herrera Noble is suspected of forging the real identity of Felipe and Marcela.

On Friday at noon, Carlos Souto gave the order to stop the activities of the agency. Review the digital portal had launched a survey on its website, asking if Marcela and Noble Felipe Herrera were held hostage by Clarín or were manipulated by the government. The percentage majority voted for the "Clarín hostages." Souto hit the fuss and ordered all employees to leave the task and click to win this supposed Clarin online survey. Final detail: this story from a digital game of young people who know their rights and obligations have a relative terrifying in the recent past. It is a replica of the factories of disinformation agents and former agents Armed security forces in the early years of democracy sown fear and a climate of destabilization of certain groups in power.

El Argentino: The communications agency that does the dirty work clarion


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