Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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Deputies: the divided opposition by rejecting the DNU

Deputies: the divided opposition and rejection of the DNU

13/04/2010 / In the parliamentary debate Argentine Debt Relief Fund raised differences of interpretation between the main blocks of the opposition in the Lower House, in relation to the scope to be the rejection of the decree which has reserves to pay external debt.

The Chamber of Deputies.

In the parliamentary debate of the Fund DNU Argentine debt reduction interpretation differences emerged between the major blocs of opposition deputies in relation to the extent that the decree will be rejected in the House.

While all blocs agreed DNU refuse to Civic Coalition, the Federal Peronism and the PRO does not need to be issued by the Senate, because "the issue is already settled with the decision of Deputies."

Meanwhile, regarding the UCR evaluated that the yes or yes DNU must pass through the upper house to be formally rejected.

The difference of interpretation is in Law 26,122, which currently governs the decrees of necessity and urgency, and states that to be ratified the DNU must have the endorsement of one of the two Houses and that both bodies should be issued. According

troops Carrio, Federico Pinedo and Felipe Solá, that law is "unconstitutional" and therefore is not necessary that the two Houses shall issue the decree.

However, Deputy Ricardo Gil Lavedra constitutional lawyer said that despite the UCR also held invalid 26,122 Law "is the law today and must be met." You must pass the Senate, "stressed the head of radical bloc of deputies, Oscar Aguad.

differences also emerged about whether the government must return the funds already used to pay debt.

For the group that leads Carrió do need to be returned, while the UCR believes that this is not correct, "because there are grandfathering" of bondholders.

"It is not exclusive of Justice on the constitutionality control," said the deputy of the CC, Horacio Piemonte, in the campus.

Coalition's position, the dissident and macrismo PJ leaves the door open for judicial intervention.

Meanwhile, radicals claimed that "the legislators lack standing in this case to go to court."

by the officer, the deputy Jorge Landau remarked: "Make him say to this body what the body does not say is the way of the prosecution."

"the abouchement not correspond to this body, according to Law 26,122," Landau said, referring to that have not yet formed the Bicameral Commission of Legislative Procedure, the body that must give its opinion on the DNU.


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