Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Create Your Own Wrestling Belt Online Game

Netbooks Cristina, the full story

exomate The distribution by the government, under the plan equal connect announced by the president was presented to us all for the Group misleading clarion voice. They discussed the poor performance of the equipment provided by the state, its short life, etc. In an article in this blog lies stripped of monopoly, thanks to the contribution of RedUsers.com site. While the local big lie is destroyed by the work of computers and countless bloggers and news portals, there a lie, the mother of this, forged by an even greater monopoly Clarín Group.

Nicholas Negroponte's preaching

In 1967, Seymour Papert had imagined that the computer room for children, something unthinkable at the time. Papert created Logos, a programming language designed for children. In the following year, Alan Kay is a description of the Dynabook, a laptop is extremely simple and accessible.
These two small facts, more typical of a book for geeks that for a kid of the cava was crystallized in 1982, when a program sponsored by the French government, Seymour Papert and Nicholas Negroponte, founder of Media Labs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, made a distribution of micro computers Apple II in Dakar, Senegal.Fue only at this time when the theories were confirmed Papert, Senegalese children learn to interact naturally with computers, although had never used one. So impressed was Negroponte who founded the OLPC , an NGO that offers the mass distribution of laptops worldwide. To that end, OLPC created the XO, a computer, similar to commercial netbooks in conjunction with Sugar, a minimalist Linux distro and adapt existing software to it, also create specific educational software. The price of this equipment is set at U $ D 100 (yes, one hundred dollars).

The business of charity

While the OLPC is a nonprofit organization, mega companies around the world learn of their initiative. What if the computer market was popularized a computer that only costs U $ D 100? Surely a big problem for more than one of them. Has not Microsoft's main agent in global computer retrograde? Did not Microsoft the big comprador-smelter interesting and innovative projects?. If the kids from all over the world were able to learn using a different operating system to Windows, and learn the operating system the process, the policy of distributing Windows preinstalled on PCs around the world would lose part of their phagocytic capacity of intellect. That's why Microsoft came to its main partner, with whom he always had carnal relations. Intel, the big chip maker has been developing the Classmate, a laptop-oriented educational use since heard from the OLPC project.

The big corporate whoring

In 2007, Intel joined the OLPC board of the promises of progress and research, destroying the alliance with AMD, the other major manufacturer of microprocessors. On the way Intel was able to develop tax-free technology in conjunction with developers the OLPC. Pretending to commit to the project, Intel raised the price of U $ D ClassMate 22 to U $ D 200. In 2008 Intel left the board of the NGO having done little or nothing to the project.

sleep Resurrection

After the fiasco of Intel, OLPC launched the Get One, Give One (Buy one, Gift one) or G1G1, as it was known. It shipped 150,000 computers produced in Shanghai by Quanta Computer. OLPC started to recover and even started developing the XO-2, with double touch screen.


From the moment that the OLPC was recovered were generated corporate wars. The first and foremost among the OLPC and Intel, and the second between the companies paid a fee to follow the guidelines of Intel's Classmate. Is that Intel has always supported the competition, even within the company. A multinational company with the word war in your mind. The battlefield of this war was (and is), the world's governments, where each organization offers its product as the best possible officials as many states as possible. Obviously the fight is unequal, all that the OLPC has is its reputation and its representatives are themselves the most assiduous Negroponte lobbyist. Intel, for its part has partnerships with Microsoft and other software makers, millions to invest and decorating officials trained hundreds of lobbyists and corporate war more than four dirty tricks up his sleeve.

The war in these plains

In 2005 Daniel Filmus was in charge of negotiations with the OLPC. Nicholas Negroponte met with Nestor Kirchner who was interested in the project. In 2006 there was a second meeting and Adrian Paenza appointed as chairman of a committee of specialists. Just two weeks had passed the first meeting when Intel, true to its competition policy, the government introduced the Classmate. When in 2007, Intel joined the board of the OLPC, Paenza left the commission, expressing sorrow over the attacks that the NGO had soportar.Se ignores that which was the method of lobbyists at Intel, but he finally made Exomate352 of EXO. The best and toughest ClassMate version submitted to the tender. The state paid $ 1,000 for each team, although a company representative was quick to clarify that the costs of operating system (Windows XP) and other Microsoft programs account for only $ 12 total price. A modification to the original configuration of the ClassMate, he added a dual boot system that lets you use your computer with Windows XP and Rxart, a local distribution of Linux.



Vs EXO speaking hardware, ExoMate seems to have an overwhelming advantage. see:
  • RAM: The XO has 512Mb 256Mb DDR2 DIMM against the class

  • Disco: The XO has no hard drive has a 2GB flash memory, 30Gb hard against the ClassMate

  • Microprocessor: 433MHz of XO (enhanced with MMX2 instruction set and 3DNow!) against the ClassMate
  • 900MHz

But that's not all, the OLPC-XO has a little something that causes itching to Intel. It has two antennas Wi-Fi high-power, which makes each team in a powerful signal repeater. Do you translate into Castilian? The XO grabs wireless signal to other netbooks and notebooks are not able to capture and (believe me this "and" is important) then relays to a certain distance. This implies that if students use one of these school teams do not need a Wi-Fi to its facilities because a single router is sufficient for the XO of the students create a self-managed network without the pibitos have to use their tiny hands to set absolutely nothing.
But hard is not everything. The software, programs that use the equipment are crucial for the proper performance of the student. and behind all logical structure is a paradigm ago.
ClassMate The model is productive throughout the game software, training and how they propose to process the information intended to generate, produce, not necessarily the most creative way to facilitate the drafting of such work, but does not contribute to the creativity of students.
OLPC-XO, on the other hand, uses the constructivist model, which involves paying attention to students' mental processes rather than basing the whole educational process in the issuance of teaching content.
Two paradigms for two different types of education.

In this land the best we have is the people

I choose the last of the twenty true Peronist to synthesize the analysis of the decision taken by the government. Explication: The Argentine education is not fuck. When choosing between a version of the Classmate and the OLPC-XO, do not matter or should take second place the merits of the two organizations. The only thing that should matter is which option is best for the kids. Here is a disadvantage XO is designed for kids 6 to 12 years, which limits it a bit. But beyond this problem, which could be overcome, the plan under which the laptops are distributed is called "Connect with equality" is not part of that equality for students to have a netbook that will serve them after finishing school ? Is not part of that equality which the kids out of digital exclusion which we are subjected as a country? Intel and Microsoft are corrupt, backward, corporate real criminals, but the best option in my opinion was the one who chose this government, with reforms to the original configuration of the Classmate. The choice is difficult and discussions are accepted. But that word, equality, we must honor if one intends to use, and that's what I think was my chair. Until next time.



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