Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ifile Cheats On Gpsphone

Attacks Bloggers The construction of the new state

Alvaro Garcia Linera, academically trained as a mathematician and as a self-taught in sociology and political science is currently the vice president of Bolivia and one of the leading intellectuals of the century.
In the context of a lecture to graduate from the University of Sciences Social UBA as holder of an honorary brand, UBA gave this speech at the Assembly Hall of law.
His speech tells us about the new rhythm that mark people to Latin America, the strategies are and what is happening in Bolvia.
A profound transformation of the plant state develops theoretically and in practice the Chairman of a State which merged with the Constitutional reform of 2009.
It highlights the political formula + DEMOCRACY + SOCIAL MOBILIZATION, as the engine of progress overcoming the contradictions liberals (depoliticization Dialogue) and Marxists (economism, classism, stages) that carry these terms and pooling alternating as social relations become more acute.

The construction of the new State ; netbooks


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