Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ceramic Walltile Trowel Size

What we claim

If there is a place in the world where you can always be Argentine, is on its surface.

Wherever you are, to evoke it is transplanted, take root.

occurs to me that has a secret life of its own, and moreover, the gift of memory: before her watchful eye, the facts became the story that we cover.

Parturient of history in its victory was celebrated within blonde on albion and the cry for freedom was 1810. Deeds witnessed sepoys popular hits.

Place where the mass was rescuing people who knew and wanted to honor him where a balcony became the center of the universe and who cheered their leader learned that there were together, not crowded.

met surrendered, cowardly bombing, hatred unleashed, the arrogant usurpation of popular power. How often, how much infamy.

suffered the darkest of nights, the murderers, bloodthirsty young, is of those who fought for a more just, either from the South Atlantic sacrificed in the name of the perpetuation in power of perversos.Conoció the day after the long night, Happy Easter, covenants despicable. The poor get poorer to the absolute limits, the rich richer even obscene.

In the new millennium, the return of old deaths reasons: the extreme inequality that explodes. The helicopter rises, the blinds down industries, the temples of money are encircled.

Mother-Plaza, she also knew, from the absence, create mothers and grandmothers. And in the same event, raising children and grandchildren. That all of us: people.

Children and grandchildren of so much suffering, so much procrastination, so many dreams cut short by death, wrongful life, cut short by lack of opportunities and plenty of needs.

But we are giving birth. Moreno and Castelli. Alem, Yrigoyen. Peron and Evita. Scalabrini Ortiz and Jauretche. Ernesto Che Guevara. And many others who were making a trail that followed. We met with Artigas, Bolivar, Tupac Amaru. We met San Martín, Belgrano, Juana Azurduy. With native peoples with the disinherited. We return to what it should never have abandoned: our being Latin American.

For them, for all, today we are fighting for justice comes, though late, but arrives. And reaching out to murderers in uniform and civilians who called. Each of them knew how to kill her.

So the struggle today is because no kid is hungry, that their parents have decent work, full access to health, education, culture, equality of opportunity .

Do not be fooled by the arrogant and sectarian dominant discourse, unique and enlightened. The task is now popular field of unity in difference, the tension fruitful ideas, not the devitalized consensus, vulgar domes agreement proposed as a paradigm of democracy.

The Argentine Square, our place, as claimed. We claim: equality, inclusion, dignity.

Who wants to hear, let him hear.


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